Overview: English 9R is designed to develop the reading, writing, listening, and critical thinking skills of each student. Each student will be responsible for completing selected reading, homework, writing assignments and a research paper. The following is an outline detailing your responsibilities as a student. You will be responsible for understanding and abiding by the information on this page.

Materials: It is very important that you are prepared for class EVERY DAY! The following materials are required. Students that bring their materials to class everyday will receive all of their class preparation points!

·  Binder with loose-leaf, sections, pencils, and pens.

·  All of your worksheets must be kept in order in your binder.

·  The assigned reading materials including handouts and texts. If it was assigned the night before, it must be in class the following day.

Classroom Rules and Requirements:

·  Lateness will NOT be tolerated! Students must be on time, seated and ready to work BEFORE the bell rings.

·  Students are required to abide by all of the school wide rules.

·  Students much come prepared each day with the necessary materials for class. You will NOT be permitted to leave the room to get materials.

·  If students are absent on an exam day, they must see Mrs. Barrera to arrange a makeup exam.

·  You MUST treat your teacher and classmates with respect! Attitude will not be tolerated


·  You must complete all assignments on time. Assignments include:

§  Reading Assignments. All outside class reading assignments are discussed and reviewed the following day in class.

§  Homework. Homework will be assigned 4-5 times a week and, unless otherwise instructed, due the following day.

·  You must keep your binder in order. All handouts are to be kept in the binder, in their assigned section, and in good condition.

·  Binders and Homework assignments may be checked periodically and given a grade! This is an easy and worthwhile way to gain points!

·  You are expected to participate in class discussions. The more participation the better.

·  The works of literature to be covered this year include but are not limited to:

The Color of Water – James McBride
Julius Caesar– William Shakespeare
To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee
Night – Elie Wiesel


When you are absent, you are required to call a classmate or email Mrs. Hacker to find out the work that you missed. You are responsible for that work despite your absence. Handouts can be emailed or will be available to you when you return to class.

Grading: Student grades will be determined by the following grading policy.

Tests and Essays 40% of final grade

Quiz Grades 30% of final grade

Homework 20% of final grade

Class Participation 10% of final grade

Extra Help and Review Classes:

·  Extra help is available every day BEFORE school. I am available by appointment after school.

·  Operation Success is available for all of the major subjects both before and after school.

Homework # 1

Have your parent or guardian sign below and bring it back to class tomorrow!

This sheet must be kept in the front of the English section of your binder so you can refer back to it when necessary.

I have read and understand the requirements for English 9:

Student’s Name:

Student’s Signature:

Parent or Guardian’s Signature:

Best Parent/Guardian to Contact:

Name: ______

Cellphone: ______Work Number: ______

Best time to call: ______AM / PM Preference: Home Phone Cell phone

Would you prefer to receive an email over a phone call? ____ YES ____ NO

Email: ______