The Fizz

The Weekly Newsletter of Champaign Rotary

february 25, 2013 / Volume 94, Number 32
Upcoming Programs
March 4, 2013 Matthew Barnes, President of Greater Champaign County AMBUCS
March 11, 2013 Michael Brown, Presence Medical Center – “The Latest in HealthCare from the Perspective of a Hospital”
March 18, 2013 DaleMorrissey,Developmental Services Center
March 25, 2013 Group Study Exchange(GSE) from Italy
Need to Make Up a Meeting?
Follow this link or go the Champaign Rotary ClubRunner Website:
CU Rotary Meetings
Recorded Champaign Rotary Make-ups are Posted on the Champaign Rotary ClubRunner Website:
Meeting Make-ups / Program for February 25, 2013
Dr. Stephen A. Boppart, U of I Professor-“Optical Biopsy of Cancer “
Dr.Stephen A. Boppartcompleted his Ph.D. in Medical and Electrical Engineering from MIT, and his M.D. from Harvard Medical School. He has over 200 invited and contributed publications and over 30 patents related to optical biomedical imaging technology. He has mentored over 80 undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate interdisciplinary researchers. He was recognized by MIT’s Technology Review Magazine as one of the Top 100 Young Innovators in the World for his development of medical technology, received the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Early Career Award, and recently, the Paul F. Forman Engineering Excellence Award from the Optical Society of America for dedication and advancement in undergraduate research education. He was Founding Director of the Mills Breast Cancer Institute at Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana, Illinois, and has worked to establish partnership ties between the University of Illinois and local medical institutions. He is a Fellow of IEEE, the Optical Society of America (OSA), and SPIE. Currently he holds a Bliss Professorship of Engineering and is Director of a campus-wide Illinois Imaging Initiative to integrate imaging science, technology, and applications across multiple modalities and fields
Congratulations, Rotarian of the Month: Bill Malone
New Fizz Appearance/Format: The Fizz in undergoing a transition from being created as a Word document to being created by our ClubRunner Site. The advantage is more content. The disadvantage is all of the Fizz editors have to learn how to create the Fizz. Some weeks you may see this new format and other weeks you may see the old format. Please bear with us while we undergo this transition over the next few months.
Read Across America: Sat., March 2, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Volunteer readers are needed. See MikeDeLorenzo for details.
February Cup Recipient:Rape Advocacy, Counseling & Education Services.
The Rotary 108th Anniversary Celebrationwas held Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at the Round Barn Centre, Champaign. The following members of our Club were recognized for 40 or more years of membership:
Jim Acheson, Ron Bates, Tod Dawson, Bernard Dunn, Victor Feldman, Steve Hamburg, MorrieHecker, Frank Keck, Bill Kuhne, Dave Lawrence, Don Moyer, Terry O’Neill, Robert Parkhill, Jim Ploeger, John Reed, Kyle Robeson, Joe Smith, Bill Stallman, Lott Thomas, Peter Tomaras, Richard Tryon
February 25, 2013 / March 4, 2013
Greeters / Bill Williams / TBA
Tim Manard / TBA
Introducer / Sam Banks / TBA
Invocator / Rick Snyder / TBA
Cashiers / Jim Acheson/Stan Herrin / Jim Acheson / Jay Downey