Chapter 11

Study Guide

For your test you should be familiar with all the key concepts and terminology in your test. Also, in class and/or tutorial we will go over your worksheet packet and section/chapter reviews which you should be very clear on as well.

In addition, you should probably consider the following questions:

1. How many recessive alleles for a trait must an organism inherit in order to show that trait?

2. What is the phenotype ratio of the offspring in the Punnett square shown in Figure 11-3?

RY / Ry / rY / ry
RY / RRYY / RRYy / RrYY / RrYy / Seed Shape
R = Round
r = Wrinkled
RrYy / Ry / RRYy / RRyy / RrYy / Rryy / Seed Color
Y = Yellow
y = Green
rY / RrYY / RrYy / rrYY / rrYy
ry / RrYy / Rryy / rrYy / rryy

Figure 11–3

3. Contrast the cells produced by mitosis with those produced by meiosis.

4. What is a linkage group?

5. What does a gene map show?

6. Define genetics.

7. How many sets of chromosomes are in a diploid cell?

8. Define homologous chromosomes.

9. What happens to the number of chromosomes per cell during meiosis?

10.  Why did Mendel not observe gene linkage during his experiments with pea plants?

11. Heterozygous male guinea pigs with black, rough hair (BbRr) are crossed with heterozygous female guinea pigs with black, rough hair (BbRr). The incomplete Punnett square in Figure 11-4 shows the expected results from the cross.

BR / Br / bR / br
BR / BBRR / BBRr / BbRR / BbRr / Hair Color
B = Black
b = White
BbRr / Br / BBRr / BBrr / BbRr / Bbrr / Hair Texture
R = Roughr = Smooth
bR / BbRR / BbRr / ? / bbRr
br / BbRr / Bbrr / bbRr / bbrr