Frequently Asked Questions regarding TEA’s annexation of LMISD to TCISD
Students & Facilities
I live in La Marque. Will my child have to go to school in Texas City?
Students who are currently attending a school in LMISD will continue to attend a school in the current LMISD next year.
What’s going to happen to the La Marque Cougars?
La Marque High School students will remain Cougars at LMHS.
Will La Marque students be mixed with Texas City students?
Some La Marque students have already been attending school with Texas City students for years through the Limited Open Enrollment program. Students who are currently attending a school in LMISD will continue to attend a school in the current LMISD next year.
I live in LMISD but my children have always gone to school in TCISD through LOE. Will they be able to stay in TCISD?
We will be implementing a provision for students already attending school in TCISD through the Limited Open Enrollment Program to remain in the current TCISD schools should they wish to continue.
The main question I have is on overcrowding. It seems many LMISD students currently attend TCISD. Would those students be sent to their current neighborhood school which would In turn help decrease the overcrowding?
We don’t think it’s best to remove children from schools where they have already developed friendships and a sense of belonging. For this same reason, we are going to grandfather current LMISD students who attend TCISD schools under our Limited Open Enrollment program. We do not think it would be in the best interest of these children to move them from their current schools.
What happens to neighborhood schools after the 2016-17 school year?
The goal is to have students attend schools in their neighborhoods or as close to where they live as possible. As enrollment changes, facility usage will have to be evaluated. At this time, it is too early to draw conclusions or make predictions about campus assignments past the 2016-2017 school year.
Why can’t the students in LMISD just come to the schools in TCISD since they are newer?
Texas City ISD schools have all been newly constructed or renovated based upon enrollment predictions for TCISD. TCISD has been landlocked for years with little room for new housing developments. TCISD was not anticipating large growth. The schools in TCISD cannot handle the influx of 2,000+ students currently enrolled in LMISD. Therefore, it is necessary to use LMISD facilities. In addition, we want students to be able to attend schools in the area where they live. Research shows that communities thrive or die based on their schools. We want the La Marque community to thrive and don’t want to close schools in that city.
Will you send TCISD students to LMISD to balance out the numbers?
One of our beliefs in TCISD is that we always do what is best for children. We don’t think it’s best to remove children from schools where they have already developed friendships and a sense of belonging. For this same reason, we are going to grandfather current LMISD students who attend TCISD schools under our Limited Open Enrollment program. We do not think it would be in the best interest of these children to move them from their current schools.
Student Athletics
Will La Marque and Texas City combine to make one varsity team?
Students who are currently attending a school in LMISD will continue to attend a school in a current LMISD school. La Marque High School students will compete in sports as the Cougars. Texas City High School students will compete in sports as the Stingarees.
Will the colors and mascots stay the same?
Yes, the Cougars and Stingarees will maintain their identities.
Teachers & Staff
I currently work in LMISD. Will I still have a job?
We have learned that TEA will be voiding all employment contracts and releasing all non-contract employees effective at the close of business on June 30, 2016.
Will those who work in LMISD have to reapply?
Yes. We hope to have most La Marque positions posted by February 1, 2016 in order to give current employees and outside applicants a chance to apply early for the 2016-17 school year. We will begin hiring as early as March 1, 2016.
Will teachers that have high-performing students in TCISD go to La Marque schools to work on improving test scores there?
Any teacher currently in TCISD can apply to transfer to any school in the District. We won’t make any forced transfers of current staff. Should we need additional staff at any campus, we will ask for volunteers first. If we need additional staff and we don’t get volunteers, we will transfer based on the last person hired. We always hire new teachers each year so that wouldn’t impact current teachers.
Taxes & Finances
I live in La Marque ISD. Are my taxes going to go up?
LMISD homeowners with the 65+ or disabled exemption will pay the same taxes in 2016 that were paid in 2015. There will be no change to the freeze ceiling established in 2015. Those homeowners that do pay LMISD school property taxes, will pay less in 2016 than in 2015 due to the local exemption offered by TCISD. Non homesteaded property including businesses, will experience an increase in property taxes due for 2016.
How will Texas City ISD afford to pay for La Marque ISD’s schools?
When Texas City ISD receives the annexed LMISD, the district will also receive funds generated from the LMISD tax base. In addition, TCISD will receive funds from the state not generated from local taxpayers. The state will also be providing additional funds for a five year period as financial support for the transition. The dollar amount of this additional funding has not yet been determined.
Will the school board expand to allow representatives from the former LMISD area?If so, will this require a special election?
It is important for all areas of a school district to have representation on a school board. Rezoning for school board representation will take place prior to the May 2017 Trustee elections.