Name ______
Date ______Hr ___
What is Going On?
- Log into the computer, while you are waiting for the computer to get ready read the following paragraphs carefully
Since the time of Aristotle there has been a shift away from supernatural explanations of the natural world and toward explanations that hold their reasoning inside physical laws. This movement has gone by many names, the Renaissance, skepticism, the Enlightenment, germ theory and each of these sought a rational account for events that previously helda supernatural cause. Modern day scientists are the seekers of truth searching for reasons and answers.
Today we are going to explore two threatening emerging viruses that are posing a risk to people both in your community and around the world. We will approach these problems not just as students of science, but as developing scientists. Each of these viruses is currently being desperately researched by our nations and the world’s best research facilities. Before we go too in depth regarding viruses watch this short introductory video on how viruses operate.
Part I – What is a Virus
- I am sure you have heard of a computer virus, but do you know what the type of virus that makes you sick look like. Go to the following link and answer the questions that follow.
- Are viruses alive?
- Where do viruses reproduce?
- What does the virus inject into the host cell?
- What does the host cell do once infected?
Part II - Ebola (Ebola Viral Disease / EVD)
Watch the video
- Why is Ebola thought to spreading faster this time?
- How is Ebola spread?
Scroll down to “what is Ebola”
- What is Ebola?
Next visit
- Using the website (you may have to look around a bit) list the countries in Africa that have been directly impacted by the most recent Ebola outbreak.
- Draw a reasonable sketch of Africa and shade in where these countries are located
Next Visit
Click on Ebola, then click on “signs and symptoms”
- How long do patients go between infection and showing sign and symptoms?
- Why is this especially dangerous (think of modern travel)?
Go back to then click on Enterovirus D-68
Part III – Enterovirus D-68
- Explain how Enterovirus D-68 transmitted between people?
- Explain how you can prevent getting infected with D-68?
- List the symptoms of a D-68 infection?
Now the thinking - List 3 questions that have not been answered using this webquest regarding either of these viruses.