INCA Head Start Lesson Plan
Week of: #25 03/03/2014-03/07/2014 Milburn Teacher: Lisa/Sherri
Study: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Exploring the Topic: What do we know about reducing, reusing, and recycling? What do we want to find out?
/Choice Time
Small Group
/Large Group
Round up /Zoo
Activities / Learning CenterMaterials
Monday:pg14 Calendar/Helpers
MM31, “What’s Inside the Box”
Before school walk around the school take pictures or pick up trash found. In class talk about What it is? And How do you think it got there make a list of responses / LL07, “Letters, Letters, Letters” or LL21, “Buried Treasures” / The Paper Bag Princess
BD08 / Recall the day’s events
Invite children who explored books about trash, garbage, and recycling in the Library area to share their discoveries. / Pick activity
Introduce letter Ee and Ellie elephant / Mental Health:
Pick activity
Empathy lesson#5 / Art/Writing:
collage materials e.g., paper scraps; tinfoil bits; old magazines and newspapers; cardboard pieces
Dramatic Play:
Books about trash, garbage, and recycling
Sand & Water:
Junk collection
P19, “Bounce & Catch
Tuesday: pg16 Calendar/Helpers
MM53, “Three Rowdy Children”
Pass around the junk collection. Ask for children to pick an item and describe it. How does the object look and feel? Expand vocabulary, record responses. / Explore the junk collection
LL23, “Playing with Environmental Print” or LL20, Baggie Books” / Hush! A Thai Lullaby / Recall the day’s events
Invite children who explored the junk collection in the science area to share their observations about an interesting piece of junk. / Pick activity
Write words with letter e and review / Humanities:
Pick activity
Virtual visit to the museum
Wednesday: pg18 Calendar/Helpers
MM40, “Clap a Friend’s Name
What do you know about reducing, reusing and recycling look to the growing junk collection
Record ideas / Sort the junk collection
Junk Collage or Junk Sculpture LL32, “Describing Art” / The Paper Bag Princess
BD08 / Recall the day’s events
Invite children to share the collages or sculptures they created. / Pick activity write a story about Ellie Elephant / Social Studies:
Pick activity
Thursday: pg20 Calendar/Helpers
MM31, “What’s Inside the Box”
Pass around another basket of items from junk collection. Talk about the items that would be thrown away and some that could be recycled.
Have the children think of ways they could reuse one of the items in the collection. Record ideas / Sort the junk collection
M18, “Bounce & Count” or M04, “Number Card” / Hush! A Thai Lullaby / Recall the day’s events
Invite children who organized the junk collection to talk about how they grouped the junk. / Pick activity
Read class book ”ED” / Healthy/Safety:
Pick activity
Red light green light
Friday: pg22Calendar/Helpers
MM13 “Simon Says” or MM74, “Jack in the Box”
Post “What we know about reducing, reusing and recycling.”
Have children think of things they wanted to know find out about reducing, reusing and recycling. Record responses. / M06, “Tallying” or M02 “Counting & Comparing” / The Paper Bag Princess
BD08 / Recall the day’s events
Invite children who made collages in the art area to share their work. / Pick activity
Word egg hunt / Nutrition:
Pick activity
My plate
Daily Transition:
1. matching rhyming words
2. matching words and pictures
3. MM74 Jack in the box
4. MM13 Simon Says
5.MM40 clap a friend’s name / Daily Literacy: (Words of the Week)
Recycle bin, / Monthly Cooking (Food) Activity:
applesauce / Music:
1. letter E song
2. A great big elephant
3. The E rap song
4. Little red box
5. IMIL / Color: purple
Number: 20-30
Rhyme: Little Tommy Tucker
INCA Head Start Lesson Plan
Week of: Teacher:
Study: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Exploring the Topic: What do we know about reducing, reusing, and recycling? What do we want to find out?
Individual Help: / Material Sent Home:(e.g. Zoo-phonics activity worksheets, newsletters)
Parent Suggestive Activities: (Activity & Signature)
Family Partnerships:
We would like to ask families to contribute to the junk collection by bringing in junk from home-items that typically get thrown away, e.g. paper towel rolls, old magazines, bottle tops, cartons, and broken things. Please check all items and make sure they’re safe, rinse container and remove sharp edges. / Wow! Experiences: