We welcome YaHVaH’s Word into our kitchen, supper table and our bodies. We will not keep Him out of our kitchen because we love YaHVaH and keep His Word.

What was the first sin? Gen/Ber 3:6 "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food...gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat (H398)." The first sin was "eating something that was forbidden". We will put aside the alibi "This was only symbolic". Whether the fruit was physical or symbolic, they still did "eat". Looking-up “To eat”:

Strong's Concordance #H398 'akal (aw-kal') "A prim. root; to eat (literally or figuratively):- X at all, burn up, consume, devour...feed (with), food..."

Clean Unclean: the first sin, eating something, Genesis 2:16. Ber/Gen 7:2, the clean animals were stored on the ark by seven's. Teachers seem careless when they teach all animals, the clean and unclean, went into the ark by two's. Some are hard headed; some of us are not. Come out of our old traditions into Truth of YHVH Word.

Another basic foundation to lay about food is found in Gen/Ber 7:2 "Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens...those that are not clean by two, the male and his female." If one of the unclean pigs on the ark were killed, there would be no way the remaining unclean animal could produce other of its kind. Only one unclean pair of each kind was loaded into the Ark.

What would have happened if such an animal were eaten?

There would not be a male and female to reproduce.

We know by reading the rest of Scriptures having to do with this same subject that Noah would not have eaten pork, ham, bacon or sausage. YaHVaH’s Word is the same yesterday, today and forever. Now, that shows the simple consistency without contradiction.

On the other hand, if Noah ate one of the clean animals, there would still be six other pair that could reproduce after its kind.

The clean and unclean animals are listed in the human “owners’-manual" called The Scriptures, commonly called The Bible, in Leviticus/Vy 11 and Deut/Debarim 14. It is an abomination. This teaching has been covered by other teachers;please see the linksbelow.

“Torah: It is for our greater good!"

Prophesy concerning the clean and unclean is found in IsaiYah 65, 66 and the Revelation. Pigs were unclean in the Old Covenant. They are unclean in the New Covenant (or Renewed Covenant) and they are unclean now. IsaiYah 65 shows they are unclean in the future. "YaHVaH is the same yesterday, today and forever." In many Scriptures, The Revelation and in Torah we are told not to add or take away from His Word, the Scriptures.

Mark 5:13 When YaHOSHA Messiah sent about 2,000 herd of swine over the cliff. IsaiYah 66 where the broth of abominable, unclean thing is in their vessels. Rev. 18:2 “..and a cage of every UNCLEAN and hateful bird”.

Luke 10:8 and Peter’s vision in Acts 10 - Did YaHOSHAMessiah change the nature of unclean animals allowing ingesting of unclean animals? No.

Did Paul really mean “We must not offend our neighbor, but it is okay to offend YaHVaH, and eat literally ANYTHING that is set before us?” Good try! But no! YaHVaH has no contradiction in His Word.

What about those animal offerings connected to the Shabbat and Feast days in Torah?ZecharYah 14 and Ezekiyl show that PRAISE offerings, not sin offerings will continue in the future. YaHOSHA Messiah did away with the SIN offerings, Hebrews 9:9-11.


Mark 5:1-17; Matthew 8:28-34 Two-Thousand herd of swine destroyed. Did Messiah waste food?

Matthew 15:37 They picked-up left-overs of clean food.


Matthew 15:18 “But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. :20 These are the things which defile a man: But to eat with unwashen hands defileth NOT a man.”

YaHOSHA Messiah said here that it does not matter if you eat unclean animals? Nonsense! That certainly would have been an exception! It is not. YaHOSHA clearly said that to eat with unwashed hands does not defile you. It is NOT an abomination.

Eating swine IS AN ABOMINATION as we read in IsaiYah 65 and 66, and in the Torah.

It is a small thing to ignore YaHVaH’s food law to us Westerners. We ingest the swine, the mouse and any abominable animal and call ourselves by His Name. People, we are disgusting to YHVH the Creator. It is high time to repent. Love our Master and show Him our total commitment and love.

We get a false impression if we just get saved, start at the end of the Book and think, “That’s it; that is all I need to know!”

Consult your "Owner's Manual" Lev/Vy 11 on how to keep your spiritual engine clean.

Deut/Deb 14 demonstrates more “manufacturer’s instructions”. First, as Emissary/Apostle Paul did, learn what the Torah says, then learn the Brit Kadasha (NT or Newer Writings). Start at the beginning of the Scriptures, not at the end for the basis for understanding.

Please take the Lexicon and Concordance and prayerfully let the Ruach (Spirit) guide you into The Faith Once Delivered to the Chosen Ones. “Rabbis” and “experts” should be a guide, and not the last word. The issue is not “Will I die or have impaired health if I consume this?” Admittedly there is reason to be concerned. THIS is the issue: “Will this act offend YHVH?” The first sin…was eating something. See Bereshith/Genesis 3:6 and 7:2.

In Isaiah or YeshaYahu 65:4 have you noticed this verse? "Those that eat swine's flesh and broth of abominable things is in their vessels." Have you looked up the word "abominable"? Here it is: Hebrew word #6292 "Piggul" means ”abominable things".

Haggai 2:12-13, Ex 29:37; 30:29 “If one bear pure (Clean) flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be pure? And the priests answered and said, “No”! Therefore, it is not possible to take contaminated or unclean food and have it “koshered” by someone.

Romans 14 – This book and chapter concerning foods can be understood to apply to vegetarians versus meat eaters. It does not contrast clean foods versus unclean flesh.

:14 “..That there is nothing unclean (COMMON of itself, but to him that esteemeth any thing to be common, to him it is common.” In consideration of Is. 65:4 and 66:17 unclean is still an obamnation in the future kingdom. It seems sinful then to tell myself that I can eat anything I feel like eating and YaHVaH has no authority in my culinary life.

:17“For the kingdom of YaHVaH is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy, in the Ruach ha Kadosh.

This is used as an alibi to say that the dietary laws, unclean flesh being an abomination, has been done away with. They might as well take it one step further and say that a believer is to neither EAT or DRINK but spend energy on righteousness, peace and joy. They will not be around very long.

:22 “Hast thou faith? Have it to thyself before YaHVaH. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.”

Again I cannot help but use protest-ant reasoning that “As long as I do not condemn myself in doing anything, I have happiness in anything I want.

What Paul means in Romans 14:17 that we do not waste too much time in our enjoyment of food. And FEAST we will, for that is partly what we do at most of YaHVaH’s Feasts. We will spend much more on righteousness, peace and joy in YaHVaH’s Spirit.

Romans 14:22 above means we will have a clear, clean conscience when we allow YaHVaH’s Word to direct our lives. When we obey Him, we will not condemn ourselves.

Matthew 24:23 “And you have omitted the weightier matters of the Torah: Judgment, mercy and faith. These ought you to have done, and not to leave the OTHER undone.”

John 16:8-11 “When (the Comforter/Spirit) is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment.”

If we enjoy eating unclean flesh, we make ourselves abominable (Deuteronomy 14).

This is a short study of Romans 14. It could be researched well.

“Is All Animal Flesh, Good Food” an excerpt from

Note: The question marks � were typo’s by the author, it usually means apostrophe.

Most of us adults still think that anything we can stuff in our mouths is good for food.

And when you put into your stomach all kinds of foul things which the Great Architect who designed your human mechanism never intended, you foul up your body and bring on sickness, disease, aches, pains, a dulled and clogged-up mind, inefficiency and inability and you commit suicide on the installment plan by actually shortening your life!

You Are Eating POISON!

You don’t eat every plant that grows out of the ground. Some things that grow are POISON, not food.

What the Great Architect of Your Stomach Instructs

When the first written revelation of YaHVaH came to man through Moses, YaHVaH instructed man as to which kinds of animal flesh man ought or ought not to eat. You will find this list in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. This is a basic law a revelation from YaHVaH to man about which kinds of flesh will properly digest and assimilate in the human system.

False Statement: “Now the eating of wrong food is not a transgression of this spiritual law, and is not a sin in this sense. To violate the physical laws of health brings the penalty of disease, disability, pain, sickness, and sometimes the first death. It is not necessarily spiritual sin.”

Look at the Scriptures. Unclean is an ABOMINATION, yesterday, today and forever. IsaiYah 66.

No Change in Structure of Animal Flesh at Cross

The animals whose flesh properly digests and nourishes the human body were so MADE IN THE ORIGINAL CREATION. No change was ever made in the structure of men�s bodies at the time of the flood, or at the time of Messiah� death, or any other time. Neither did YaHVaH make some sudden change in the structure of animal flesh, so that what once was unfit for food will now digest properly and supply the body�s needs.


Not Ceremonial Law

The instruction in the eleventh chapter of Leviticus, then, is not some ritualistic regulation for the Mosaic period only. Why do so many people have the idea that YaHVaH is some great unfair monster who imposes foolish hardships on His people? Whatever YaHVaH instructs us is for OUR GOOD, not some nonsensical restriction for one period to be changed around some different way for other people of a different period.

What about Peter’s Vision?

But what about the sheet of unclean animals shown to the Apostle Peter in a vision? Did this vision change the entire composition of all unclean animals, or of the human apparatus, so that these unfit things suddenly become nourishing food? He confessed in verse 28, ". . YaHVaH hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean."

Peter never had a midnight snack that night!

Common sense tells us that YaHVaH did not intend for us to eat every creature. But we just aren�t willing to let our Creator tell us which meats will give us lasting health and strength, and which ones are injurious to our bodies, and will eventually bring on more sickness and disease. It is time we let YaHVaH tell us what is clean and what is unclean instead of using our faulty human reason!

Some people, however, still want to argue with YaHVaH! One text they will bring up is found in I Timothy 4:1-5. Read it carefully.

Paul Instructs Vegetarians

Paul�s letter to the saints at Rome is often quoted as supposed proof that any kind of flesh food is good to eat. But is this what Paul really taught?

Turn to the beginning of the 14th chapter of Romans. Notice what the apostle is writing: "Him that is WEAK in the faith receive ye" � don�t dispute with him and sit in judgment on him because of his weak understanding of the faith. Paul continues, "For one believeth that he may eat all things, another who is weak, eateth herbs [vegetables only]," Romans 14:1-2.

Of whom is Paul writing? Of those who were VEGETARIANS, as well as those who believed in eating both flesh foods and vegetables.

Paul was confronted with the same problem that we encounter today in carrying the gospel to the world. You would be surprised at the number of people who do not eat MEAT or even any animal products � milk, butter, cheese, eggs. Some have meatless days or days on which they will eat fish only. These are all people who, because they are WEAK in the faith, abstain from those clean meats which YaHVaH originally SANCTIFIED or set apart in His Word for man�s physical nourishment.

The question confronting Paul was not that The Believers at Rome contended that all unclean animals had now been cleansed by YaHVaH the common false assumption of today� but the real issue, according to verse two, was over the vegetarian belief held by some that NO MEATS whatsoever should be eaten!

Paul was straightening out the brethren on this matter, telling them that none of those clean meats which had been created by YaHVaH to be received with thanksgiving should be refused. He pointed out to them, however, that it would be wrong for the vegetarians to eat meat if they had doubts about it, thereby defiling their weak consciences. For he wrote, ". . . happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin" (Romans 14:22-23).

We must follow what YaHVaH has revealed to us to be right ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF YAHVAH. This does not mean that our consciences always tell us what is right � not at all. We have to continually study to learn what is right and wrong. But YaHVaH thinks more highly of a vegetarian who might sincerely and conscientiously deny himself the clean meats, because he does not know the full truth, than He does a person who would do the right thing according to the letter, but who really believes in his heart that he is doing wrong.

So "to him" the vegetarian "that esteemeth anything to be common, to him" the vegetarian "it is common." That is, it seems so to him. But it is not common in fact, nor to us, for we know that ALL clean meats are good for food.

That is why Paul wrote: "I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Messiah, that there is nothing common of itself" (Romans 14:14).

Notice that in this verse Paul used, according to the margin of the King James Version, the Greek word for "common," not the Greek word for "unclean." Why?

"Common" Does Not Mean "Unclean"

Many have carelessly assumed that Paul is writing about unclean meats in this 14th chapter of Romans. He is not! He is writing about the difference between vegetarians who regard that clean meats are common, and those who know that clean meats are of themselves not common.

In the Greek there are two different words used which are often carelessly translated "unclean" or "common." Notice that in Acts 10:14 BOTH OF THESE WORDS are used. The Bible does not repeat itself foolishly. Therefore these two words mean entirely different things.

The Greek word for "unclean" is akarthatos. It means unclean and impure BY NATURE. The Greek word for "common" is koinos, which means polluted THROUGH EXTERNAL MISUSE. (See any of the Lexicons.)

Paul used the Greek word for "common" throughout Romans 14:14. He did not use the Greek word for "unclean." In other words, Paul knew that no clean foods which YaHVaH has sanctified are by nature polluted, but vegetarians who were WEAK in the faith WEAK in understanding YaHVaHs Word thought meats should not be eaten. To such a vegetarian "to him," not to others that meat seemed to be polluted. HIS CONSCIENCE defiled the meat for him; he would become upset if he were to eat meat. But that does not make the meat polluted in fact or for everybody else.

Notice Paul’s conclusion: "For meat destroy not the work of YaHVaH. All things indeed are pure," that is, all things that YaHVaH sanctified and gave us to eat are clean "but it is evil for that man who eateth with offense. It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth . . ." (verses 20 and 21).