This is the letter I would like to send to GA members to give them a heads up as to what is going to be discussed tomorrow. Katie plans to talk about it during the SGA report, so we need to give the GA a heads up and share all of the facts first. Let me know what you think.. I am going to send the letter out tonight, to ensure that more members see the letter before tomorrow.

Hello fellow GA members,

I just wanted to give you all a heads up on what is going to be coming to GA tomorrow. Currently within SGA, there isa piece oflegislation to require that RHA hold elections to decide who becomes the President and Vice-President of RHA. You may have been a bit confused when Katie mentioned it in the SGA report last week, and we apologize for that. As RHA Execs, we have been protecting RHA's constitution and educating SGA on how and whywe hold an selection process, that had worked for our organization for over 20 years. We decided as an executive boardto keep it out of General Assembly to allow you all to focus on things that affect our residents directly, such as the DVD rental program, paper shredders, and other topics that are currently being discussed. We do not want this legislation, that didn't even start within RHA, to conflict with the things that we still want RHA to accomplish. Executive Board members have been very open and willing to talk about it. If you have any questions, feel free to email me and I will try to answer them.

Let me tell you a little about our selection process and why we haveit. Our selection process starts in the Spring semester of each year. The Vice-President for Public Relations coordinates it, as it is written into her position. Like all of the Residential Living positions, we all go to the "super info meeting" and talk about what RHA is, as well as what each position entails. From that meeting on, the applications are open to anyone on campus to apply. Along with the application, applicants need to turn in 2 letters of reference and sign-up for an interview. Applicants are then interviewed by the selection committee, which consists of General Assembly members (we pass a sign-up around GA) and executive board memberswho are not returning. They take a few days out of their schedule, review applications, give an interview, discuss, and finally decide who is correct for which position. In the past this method has worked wonderfully for RHA, and has insured that we have the people most qualified for the positions.

Attached is the statement that we Exec board made regarding the legislation. Please read it through. I will be talking more about this in the meeting tomorrow. We just wanted to let you all know, what is going on.

Thank you,

Heather Gedamke

Heather Gedamke

National and Wisconsin CommunicationsCoordinator

Residence Hall Association

715-346-2556 - Office