Home of the IFMAR 2018 1/8th I C Worlds

2018 Membership Form

Name ______

Address ______

Suburb ______Post Code ______

Email ______

Mobile ______Home Phone ______

DOB ______Occupation ______

(Minimum information required for membership to be accepted)

Please indicate what categories you will be racing:

1/8 Buggy ______1/8 Truggy______1/8 Electric______Core Truck______Other______

Membership Fees:

Adult New Member / Renewal $ 90.00

Junior (16 yo & under) $ 60.00

Family (1 Adult + 2 juniors) $170.00

(1 Adult + 1 junior) $150.00

TBC Associate (non racing) $ 50.00

Model Off Road Buggy Club is a Smoke, Alcohol and Drug Free venue.

Safety is important!

  • Use minimum speed entering the club. No RC cars are to be run in the parking area.
  • Accidents can happen, look out for children. Please use toilets provided.


All persons entering the club grounds/premises/track do so at their own risk. All competitors, pit crew & spectators are reminded that MORBC (Inc.) will not be held responsible for any loss, accident or damage to persons or property whilst on the club premises (or at an external club event). Enclosed shoes must be worn at all times by drivers and marshalls (thongs, bare feet are not allowed).

I have read and understand the above disclaimer and agree to abide by all club rules as listed over.

Signed ______Date ______

(If under 16 years)

Parent’s Signature______Name ______

Office use only:

Membership Form Received by ______

Treasurers Signature ______

Membership No. ______

Rules of Participation at Whiteman Park MORBC

  1. No swearing or bad language to be used at any time
  2. Race professionally, do not hack other drivers
  3. Maintain race line
  4. Marshalling is part of the success of racing, and is your responsibility
  5. Return cars promptly to pit lane, and not over timing loop
  6. Drinking of alcohol is not permitted during the race programme
  7. Drink and drive sensibly after race events
  8. Smoking in the race facility is not permitted
  9. Engines shall not be run in the pit area, or after the 9.30pm curfew
  10. Respect all people, juniors are learning and are the future of the sport so

your support and encouragement is essential

  1. The canteen is voluntary, your support for the volunteers is appreciated
  2. Use of Aero Club toilets is mandatory, please keep clean
  3. You are in good health to marshal are participate in the hobby

To promote the participation and enjoyment of club members, breaking these rules may attract penalties such as:

  • Loss of points
  • Be asked to leave the event
  • Banning from next race day or event

And will be at the committee’s discretion!

Signed ______Date ______