Audition Packet

Audition Dates: April 13th, April 14th, & April 15th


  1. Parent/Student Agreement Page
  2. Application Form
  3. Medical Treatment Form
  4. Liability Form (EL3)
  5. 4 Teacher Reccomendation Forms
  6. Copy of Current Physical
  7. Copy of Insurance Medical Card
  8. Current Report Card and Class Scheduel-(2.0 GPA Required)
  9. Headshot


UDA Camp Prep (Mandatory if attending Camp)Two Week Summer Camp: Week 1: July 13 & July 14 (subject to change)*

Season Conditiong (Mandatory FOR ALL): July Week 2: July 25 – July 29 (subject to change)*

*Dates will be finalized by end of April once Construction timeline is received*


National Dance AllianceUniversal Dance Association:July 16 – July 19

**Both Summer Camp and Practice wCamps will be discussed at the first Parent Meeting, TBA.**

Dear Parents and Dancers,

Welcome parents and candidates trying out for our2016-20172015-2016 NHS Dance Team! We look forward to working with talented and positive students who wish to work as a team and represent our school.

With this in mind, as ambassadors of our school, dancers are EXPECTED to follow all school rules and behave appropriately, maturely and responsibly at all times. As a leader among their peers, dancers will be held to a higher standard. There are responsibilities and obligations that must be met, as a member of the Dance Team.

Academics should be a priority for all NHS Dancers. A dancer should be able to balance schoolwork and a busy dance schedule, as well as personal responsibilities. Dancers must maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher. Being a scholar-athlete is the best way to make the most out of high school.

Leadership abilities and a positive character are important qualities that each dancer must possess. The administration and faculty expect dancers to set a positive example for behavior and character not only in school but also in the community. Whether in uniform or not, an NHS dancer must exhibit the six (6) pillars of character at all times and meet all requirements as dictated by Nease Athletic Department. Inappropriate behavior will be grounds for dismissal from the team.

Parents are periodically asked to assist in volunteering for activities or events (selling items, preparing food, etc.) and are expected to be supportive. Parents are responsible for providing transportation to all camps, practices, fundraising events and other activities. Parents are required to provide appropriate fees and paperwork by the announced deadline. If for any reason a parent requests that a dancer be removed from the team, re-admittance will not be allowed and all paid items are not refundable. Parents will respect the decisions made by the Coach about all dance performances and formations. A parent’s refusal to support this policy could reflect in a negative manner on his/her dancer. If parents have any questions or concerns, please follow the appropriate chain of command: Coach – Athletic Director – Principal.

Dancers will be expected to attend ALL scheduled home games, camps, practices, and activities. During the summer and the school year practices will be mandatory regardless of day, location or time. Please take this into consideration before the auditions.If there is any doubt or problem with committing the time shown in this packet, please don’t hesitate to email your concerns.

Thank you for your interest in the NHS Dance Team Program. If you have questions that cannot wait till auditions, please feel free to email me at .


Amy Gruhn (Coach G)

NHS Dance Team Coach

Check List:

AD dancer’s application packet must include the following items. Please clearly label these materials and place them in an envelope. Label the envelope with Dance Team and Coach G at the top. All envelopes andpackets and materials must be turned in by:to either Coach G’s classroom (P46) or mailbox by
Friday, April 8, 2016 4:00pm.

Packets and materials can be given to Coach Gruhn directly in her classroom (Portable 46) or left in her mailbox. If you are currently not a student at Nease High School, all materials should be either dropped at Nease’s front office or mailed to:
Nease High School ATTN: Coach Amy Gruhn
10550 Ray Road Ponte Vedra, FL 32081.

Please provide teachers with an addressed and stamped envelope for recommendations to be mailed.

1. _____ Parent/Student Agreement Page: Must be signed and dated by parent(s) and dancer.

2. _____ Application Form

3. _____ Medical Treatment Form: Must be completed, signed and notarized.

4. _____ Liability Form (EL3): Must be signed and dated by parent(s) and dancer.

5. _____ Teacher Recommendation Forms: Must have fourT.R.F.’s (teachers turn these in).

6. _____ Physicals: All student athletes must have a current physical, you cannot audition without.

7. _____ Copy of Medical Insurance Card: Medical Insurance Coverage is MANDATORY.

8. _____ Copy of your recent Report Card, 2.0 GPA: All dancers MUST have a 2.0GPA at the time of tryouts. All dancers must maintain at least a 2.0 throughout the school year. Copies of report cards must be given to Coach G when requested.

9.______Headshot: Please provide a current 4x6 photo.

Make sure to turn in all information (in an envelope with “Dance Team - and Coach Gruhn” written on top). Envelopes must be mailed, given to to Coach G’s room (P46), or in her mailbox by Friday April 8, 2016 by 4:00pm.

IIf you have any questions,

Please email CoachGruhn at

Financial Information

These fees are ESTIMATED. Returning dancers apparel cost will likely be lower, as some apparel items from this year can be used again. Exact fees and payment schedule will be presented at the first Parent Meeting.

Dance Team Cost:

Apparel Package: $380

Extras: $9065

Banquet (Dancer + One Parent):$750

Golden Panther Booster Club “PPlay to Play”: $75

Dance Team Total:$620590

Optional Summer Camp:

Universal Dance Association, UDA Camp: $360

Dance Team Total (with UDA):$9850

If you have any questions,

Please email Coach Gruhn at

Nease High School Dance Team

Parent/Member Agreement

Member’s (Dancer) Name (Please Print): ______

I, the parent/guardian of the above named candidate, have read all information presented in this audition packet. I acknowledge the time and financial commitment involved in this sport. I understand the Coach has final say in my daughter making and remaining on the team. I will support the Coach’s decisions when making formations or awarding special parts, I understand that my daughter will not always be highlighted or in the prime formation location. I understand I may be called upon to help (within my ability and capacity to help) in some way throughout the year. I will make every effort to do my share in assisting the dance team on behalf of my dancer. I also understand and will follow the appropriate chain of command (Coach-AD-Principal) if Ia have a concern or question. I agree and accept that the Coach’s decisions are final.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

As a potential member of a NHS Dance Team, I have fully read the audition packet and know what is expected of me to remain a team member in good standing. I understand that my role as a dancer goes beyond the athleticism and time commitment of the sport and that it includes the expectation that I will be a school leader of outstanding character. I will keep myself knowledgeable and informed of all the rules and I realize that the consequences of defiant behavior could result in suspension or removal from the team. Finally, I promise to respect my Dance Team Coach, my teammates, my school and all persons associated with Nease High School at all times.

Member’s (Dancer) Signature: ______Date: ______

Please print the following information clearly.

Name: Home Phone: Cell Phone:
Current school: Grade Level: ID #:
Address: City: State: Zip Code:
Overall GPA: Date of Birth:
Parent/Legal Guardian: Call Phone:
Employer: Business Phone:
Parent Email: Dancers Email:

Medical Information:

Doctor: / Doctor’s Phone Number:
Dentist: / Dentist’s Phone Number:
Insurance Company: / Policy Number(s):

1.Are you allergic to any medication? _____ If so, please list______

2. Are you currently taking any medications? _____ If so, please list: ______

3. Are you currently being treated for any injuries? _____ If so, please list: ______

Other information:

4. Are you currently a member of any club, organization, or team requiring extra practice time? ______

If so, please list: ______

5. List any honors you have received in school: ______

6. Please attach a copy of your class schedule and most recent report card.

STUDENT’S NAME: ______GRADE ______



This application to compete in interscholastic athletics for the above high school is voluntary on my part and is made with the understanding that I have not violated any of the eligibility rules and regulations of the State Association.

I, the undersigned parent/guardian, do hereby grant permission for my child to participate in the Varsity Dance Team at Allen D. Nease High School. In order that my child may receive the necessary medical treatment in the event he/she may sustain an injury or become ill during participation in this activity, I hereby, authorize the Dance Coach, Coordinator, Athletic Trainer or any school staff member to obtain medical treatment for my child for such injury or illness during the activity, and I, hereby, hold Allen D. Nease and its representatives harmless in the exercise of this authority. I understand that there are inherent risks of physical injury in the activity of Dance Team. I further acknowledge and understand that due to the nature of this activity, which involves inversion and rotation of the body, there is a possibility that my child may sustain physical illness or injury (minimal, serious or catastrophic), no matter the precautions used, how careful the participant and sponsors are or what landing surface is used. I further acknowledge and understand that my child is assuming the risk of such physical illness or injury by her participation, and I further release St. Johns County School District, Allen D. Nease High School, its personnel, Dance Sponsors, Dance Team Members, from any personal illness/injury claims that my child may sustain during participation in this activity.

(toTo the parents):


(toTo candidate):





STATE: ______ZIP CODE:______

Nease High School Pantherettes Dance Team

Teacher Recommendation Form

(Please place this confidential form in Ms. Gruhn’s mailbox by Friday, April 8, 2016 4:00pmDancers – Provide envelope addressed to Nease High School Attn: Coach Gruhn 10550 Ray Road PV, FL 32081)

Student’s Name: Subject Area:

Dear Fellow Instructor,

Please answer the following questionnaire as honestly as possible with the understanding that these forms will be kept strictly confidential. Upon completion, please place in the envelope provided by your dancer and return it toplace inMs. Gruhn’s mailbox or mail to Nease HS no later than Friday April 8.Please do Please do NOT return to the dancer as this will invalidate the evaluation.

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration, I want to choose the best representatives of our school and can only do so with your help. .

Please circle the corresponding number for each characteristic that best describes the above named student.

Characteristic / Rarely / Sometimes / Usually / Frequently / Always
Responsible / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Respectful / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Meets DeadlinesPunctual / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Regular Attendance / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Hard Working / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
High Morals/Character / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


Please check here ______Do if you have ANY reservations about recommending this student for the NHS Pantherettes Dance Team? Yes ______No ______
. If you do have concerns, please explain in detail on the back or contact me personally at


Teacher’s Printed NameTeacher’s Signature Date

Nease High School Pantherettes Dance Team

Teacher Recommendation Form

(Please place this confidential form in Ms. Gruhn’s mailbox by Friday, April 8, 2016 4:00pmDancers – Provide envelope addressed to Nease High School Attn: Coach Gruhn 10550 Ray Road PV, FL 32081)

Student’s Name: Subject Area:

Dear Fellow Instructor,

Please answer the following questionnaire as honestly as possible with the understanding that these forms will be kept strictly confidential. Upon completion, please place in the envelope provided by your dancer and return it toplace inMs. Gruhn’s mailbox or mail to Nease HS no later than Friday April 8.Please do Please do NOT return to the dancer as this will invalidate the evaluation.

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration, I want to choose the best representatives of our school and can only do so with your help. .

Please circle the corresponding number for each characteristic that best describes the above named student.

Characteristic / Rarely / Sometimes / Usually / Frequently / Always
Responsible / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Respectful / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Meets DeadlinesPunctual / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Regular Attendance / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Hard Working / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
High Morals/Character / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


Please check here ______Do if you have ANY reservations about recommending this student for the NHS Pantherettes Dance Team? Yes ______No ______
. If you do have concerns, please explain in detail on the back or contact me personally at


Teacher’s Printed NameTeacher’s Signature Date

Nease High School Pantherettes Dance Team

Teacher Recommendation Form

(Please place this confidential form in Ms. Gruhn’s mailbox by Friday, April 8, 2016 4:00pmDancers – Provide envelope addressed to Nease High School Attn: Coach Gruhn 10550 Ray Road PV, FL 32081)

Student’s Name: Subject Area:

Dear Fellow Instructor,

Please answer the following questionnaire as honestly as possible with the understanding that these forms will be kept strictly confidential. Upon completion, please place in the envelope provided by your dancer and return it toplace inMs. Gruhn’s mailbox or mail to Nease HS no later than Friday April 8.Please do Please do NOT return to the dancer as this will invalidate the evaluation.

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration, I want to choose the best representatives of our school and can only do so with your help. .

Please circle the corresponding number for each characteristic that best describes the above named student.

Characteristic / Rarely / Sometimes / Usually / Frequently / Always
Responsible / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Respectful / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Meets DeadlinesPunctual / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Regular Attendance / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Hard Working / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
High Morals/Character / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


Please check here ______Do if you have ANY reservations about recommending this student for the NHS Pantherettes Dance Team? Yes ______No ______
. If you do have concerns, please explain in detail on the back or contact me personally at


Teacher’s Printed NameTeacher’s Signature Date

Nease High School Pantherettes Dance Team

Teacher Recommendation Form

(Please place this confidential form in Ms. Gruhn’s mailbox by Friday, April 8, 2016 4:00pmDancers – Provide envelope addressed to Nease High School Attn: Coach Gruhn 10550 Ray Road PV, FL 32081)

Student’s Name: Subject Area:

Dear Fellow Instructor,

Please answer the following questionnaire as honestly as possible with the understanding that these forms will be kept strictly confidential. Upon completion, please place in the envelope provided by your dancer and return it toplace inMs. Gruhn’s mailbox or mail to Nease HS no later than Friday April 8.Please do Please do NOT return to the dancer as this will invalidate the evaluation.

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration, I want to choose the best representatives of our school and can only do so with your help. .

Please circle the corresponding number for each characteristic that best describes the above named student.

Characteristic / Rarely / Sometimes / Usually / Frequently / Always
Responsible / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Respectful / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Meets DeadlinesPunctual / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Regular Attendance / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Hard Working / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
High Morals/Character / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


Please check here ______Do if you have ANY reservations about recommending this student for the NHS Pantherettes Dance Team? Yes ______No ______
. If you do have concerns, please explain in detail on the back or contact me personally at


Teacher’s Printed NameTeacher’s Signature Date

Audition Information

What to wear

  • Black capris/jazz pants and a fitted black T-Shirt/Tank/Leotard (No shorts of any kind)
  • Light makeup and hair styledfor the Prep Clinic and Audition Day 1
  • Full gameday (performance) makeup and hair down for the Final Audition Day
  • Jazz Sneakers, Jazz Shoes, or Tennis Shoes for the Prep Clinic and Auditions (No Bare Feet!)
  • Stud earrings ONLY, no other jewelry should be worn (including facial piercing, necklaces, etc.)

Audition number (provided) must be visible at all times

Audition Schedule

April 13th, Wednesday(This day is optional but recommended)

Prep Clinic – 3pm-5:30pm – Nease Gym - $10 (pay at clinic)

  • Warm-up and “What to expect” informational meeting
  • Dancers will review technique to be judged during Audition Day 1.
  • Dancers will learn pom routine and kick routine.

This will be the only day to buy video with music and audition routines so dancers may practice at home
- $5 (pay at clinic).

April 14th, Thursday

Audition Day 1 – 4pm-6:30pm – Nease Gym – First Cut – 3 Judges on Panel

  • Warm-Up and introduction of judges
  • Dancers will complete a series of technical passes across the floor, including but not limited to; leaps, turns, splits, and spiriting. Judges will be scoring based on technical ability.
  • Dancers will be taught the pom routine, kick routine, and audition routine (1minute).
  • Dancers will run through routines in small groups. Routines are not expected to be perfected at this time. Judges will be scoring for how the dancer is able to pick up material, make corrections when given, and show level of mastery of basic technical skills in the routines.
  • At the end of the first audition day, the Coach will post a list of dancers who are invited back to Final Audition Day. (Dancers will be identified by their audition number).

April 15th, Friday