(Competencies for the registered nurse scope of practice)

Please refer to Nursing Council of New Zealand (December 2007, reprinted May 2012) “competencies for the registered nurse scope of practice” for the specific indicators for each competency. Sufficient comments must be completed under each competency to substantiate the assessment.

Name of Nurse:

Practice Area:

Peer review completed by:


Position: Date: ______

Practice Area:

A. To be completed by the staff member:


I requested that you carry out a Peer Review on me, ______to assist in my professional development, goal setting

and ongoing education.

Name:______Signed: ______Date:______

Staff member’s name and Designation


B. To be completed by the Nursing Line Manager:


I request you carry out a Peer Review of ______to assist in his/her professional development, goal setting

and ongoing education.

Name:______Signed: ______Date:______

Staff member’s name and Designation

Domain 1 Professional Responsibility
To be completed for all Nurses

Registered nurses who are working in education, policy and/or research should access forms with specific competencies related to their area of practice.

Competency Statements / Comments/Rationale
Accepts responsibility for ensuring that his/her nursing practice and conduct meet the standards of the professional, ethical and relevant legislated requirements / Met / Not Met
Demonstrates the ability to apply the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi to nursing practice. / Met / Not Met
Demonstrates accountability for directing, monitoring and evaluating nursing care that is provided by enrolled nurses and others. / Met / Not Met
Promotes an environment that enables client safety, independence, quality of life and health / Met / Not Met
Practices nursing in a manner that the client determines as being culturally safe / Met / Not Met


Area in need of improvement (if any):

Domain 2 Management of Nursing Care

*NB: Although Nurses involved in management, education, research and policy making are exempt from being assessed against the competencies in Domain two, they are required to provide evidence of how they contribute to the management of care.
Competencies forNurses involved in Education
Competency Statements / Comments/Rationale
Promotes an environment that contributes to ongoing demonstration and evaluation of competencies / Met / Not Met
Integrates evidence-based theory and best practice into education activities / Met / Not Met
Participates in professional activities to keep abreast of current trends and issues in nursing / Met / Not Met


Area in need of improvement (if any):

Domain 3 Interpersonal Relationships
*NB: Although Nurses involved in management, education, research and policy making are exempt from being assessed against the competencies in Domain three, they are required to provide evidence of how they contribute to Interpersonal Relationships.
Competencies forNurses involved in Education
Competency Statements / Comments/Rationale
Establishes and maintains effective interpersonal relationships with others, including utilising effective interviewing and counselling skills and establishing rapport and trust / Met / Not Met
Communicates effectively with members of the health care team, including using a variety of effective communication techniques, employing appropriate language to context and providing adequate time for discussion / Met / Not Met


Area in need of improvement (if any):

Domain 4 Inter-professional Health care and Quality Improvement
Competencies forNurses involved in Education
Competency Statements / Comments/Rationale
Collaborates and participates with colleagues and members of the health care team to facilitate and coordinate care / Met / Not Met
Recognises and values the roles and skills of all members of the health care team in the delivery of care / Met / Not Met
Participates in quality improvement activities to monitor and improve standards of nursing / Met / Not Met


Area in need of improvement (if any):

Peer review completed by:Signature: ______


Designation: Date:

