Regular Meeting

June 9, 2014


(Minutes of Council)

Slocan, British Columbia

June 9th, 2014

The Regular Meeting #2014/19 of the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the Village of Slocan, elected for the years 2011-2014, was held in Council Chambers 503 Slocan Street, Slocan, B.C., on Monday, June 9th, 2014.

PRESENT: Elected Officials

Mayor Madeleine Perriere

Councillor Jean Patterson

Councillor Hillary Elliott Councillor Patricia McGreal

Councillor Jessica Lunn

Appointed Personnel

Michelle Gordon, A/Corporate & Financial Officer

Call to Order

Mayor Madeleine Perriere called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

Adopt Agenda Moved by Councillor Patterson, seconded by Councillor McGreal,

And Resolved:

That the agenda be adopted as amended. 2014/221

Adoption of

Minutes Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Patterson,

And Resolved:

That the minutes of:

- Regular Meeting #14-2014 of May 12th, 2014

- Special Meeting #15-2014 of May 14th, 2014

be adopted.


Audience: Val Mayes of the North Kootenay Sport and Recreation Council attended the meeting with a presentation regarding a new sport and recreation initiative covering areas including Slocan, Nakusp, New Denver, Silverton, Kaslo, Burton and Fauquier. The purpose of this Council is to improve funding, coordinate services and act as a voice for sport and physical activity. Val invited the public to attend an input session to be held at the Knox Hall in New Denver on June 17th.


Breakwater Update The Village received notification in 2013 from Risk Management Services that the ramp leading down to the breakwater dock is rotting, weakening the structural integrity. The ramp needs to be removed and replaced. The project will involve removing the existing rip rap, lock blocks and elevated ramp and replacing it with a floating breakwater. An application for a Community Development Grant through CBT was submitted in February 2014, for the purpose of funding this project. The application is still in the process of being reviewed.

Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Lunn,

And Resolved:

That the report on the breakwater replacement project be received.


Cob Oven At the March 10th meeting a resolution was passed that Council

Workshop apply, in partnership with WEGCSS, for a Healthy Communities Capacity Building Grant to further support the Community Garden Project. The application was submitted on March 13, 2014 and was recently accepted to receive funding. The application requests funding for two events in the Community; one in June and one in September. The June workshop, building a cob oven, will be held on June 11th and 12th at 9:30 a.m. beside the Skate Park.

Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Lunn,

And Resolved:

That the report on the WEGCSS cob oven workshop be received and that the workshop dates be included in the Village Newsletter.



Boat Dock A May 28th request was received from Keith Cumming asking the Village to attach a hand rail or something similar to the boat dock, allowing ease of access and safety for seniors.

Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Lunn,

And Resolved:

That a letter be sent Keith Cumming thanking him for making Council aware of the boat dock issues and that staff will to look into options.


Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor McGreal,

And Resolved:

That staff look into access and safety options for boat dock and bring the information forward to Council at the next meeting.


Sam Steele Days A May 29th request was received from the City of Cranbrook requesting Council attendance at the annual Sam Steele Days Festival and Parade.

Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor McGreal,

And Resolved:

That staff prepare a letter from the Mayor thanking the City of Cranbrook for their invitation to the annual Sam Steele Days Festival but unfortunately Council will not be able to attend this year.


SV Governance The Mayor reported that the next Slocan Valley Governance Forum is to

Forum be held in Slocan.

Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor McGreal,

And Resolved:

That the Mayor’s report on the Slocan Valley Governance Forum be received for information.


Mobile Vendor A request was received from Kim Clark for a Village mobile vending licence

Request to operate a food cart during the summer months in Slocan. Proof of insurance, Interior Health Inspection Certificate, and a Food Safe Certificate was provided with the application.

Moved by Councillor Lunn, seconded by Councillor Elliott,

And Resolved:

That a seasonal mobile vendor business licence be granted to Kim Clarke, to operate a food cart at the beach, with a variance for the months of June to September 2014, except when the area is being used for a non-profit or private event.


Information Items:

Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Patterson,

And Resolved:

That the following information be received:

- PrimeCorp – Police Records Management System

- SCRAPA – Springer Creek Mill Site

- RDCK – MMBC Media Release

- City of Pitt Meadows – BC Emergency Health Services

- Peace River Regional District – Clean Energy Project

- Auditor General – Performance Audits

- Omineca Beetle Coalition – Passenger Transportation

- Omineca Beetle Coalition – Forest Tenures

- Omineca Beetle Coalition – Forest Inventories

- Katrine Conroy – Invitation to Seniors Advocate Meeting

- C3 Alliance Corp – UBCM Breakfasts, Whistler BC


Moved by Councillor Lunn, seconded by Councillor Patterson,

And Resolved:

That Councillor Elliott, in place of the Mayor, attend the Seniors Advocate Meeting at Katrine Conroy’s office on June 20th, 2014.


Moved by Councillor Lunn, seconded by Councillor Elliott,

And Resolved:

That staff contact Abram Davis of the Springer Creek Restoration and Preservation Alliance to thank him for his letter and to let him know that Council feels it is premature to strike an advisory committee for the lake front at this time but feels community discussion and engagement is very important.


Moved by Councillor Lunn, seconded by Councillor Patterson,

And Resolved:

That staff register Councillor Elliott for the Energy, Mines and Natural Gas UBCM Breakfasts in Whistler, BC, during the annual UBCM Convention in September 2014.



Crew Camp At the in-camera meeting of May 14th, Council discussed the disposal

Trailers of the trailers at the Crew Camp. Council resolved to move the following motion to open meeting: “That Council donate the equipment from the Crew Camp kitchen trailer to the Slocan Legion and WEGCSS as requested and that staff re-issue a ‘request for bid’ to be advertised for 30 days, for the remaining trailers and/or equipment; the bid terms will state that upon sale, a maximum of 30 days be given for the removal”.

Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Patterson,

And Resolved:

That the report of the Crew Camp trailers be received for information.


Hydro Project At the in-camera meeting of May 14th, 2014 Council discussed the Micro Hydro Project and the contract for completion of a development permit. Council passed the following resolutions: “That the contract for completion of the Hydro Project development permit, from Mike Walsh of SNT Engineering, be signed as presented” and “That staff invite Lisa Kilpatrick and Terri MacDonald to the May 28th meeting with the Assistant Deputy Minister”.

Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Patterson,

And Resolved:

That the report of the Micro Hydro Project be received for information.


Spring Clean-up A report was received from staff regarding the 2014 Spring Clean-up. Total cost for 2014 was $1,867 (compared to $1,756 in 2013). Cost of the clean-up fell under budget by $286.

Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Patterson,

And Resolved:

That the Spring Clean-up Week report be received for information.


Late Items:

Seniors Housing Council met with the Slocan Valley Seniors Housing Society at an in-camera meeting on June 9th, 2014 to revisit the idea of a seniors and affordable housing complex in Slocan. Council did not take a decision but agreed to share the proposed draft drawings in open meeting. The Society plans to hold an open house for public input after their Fall AGM.

Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor Patterson,

And Resolved:

That the Mayor’s verbal report regarding the Seniors Housing Society draft proposal be received for information.


RDCK Moved by Councillor Patterson, seconded by Councillor Lunn,

And Resolved:

That the report of the RDCK Director be received for information.


Screech Owl Councillor Lunn reported that a letter of intent was submitted to the Ministry of Social Development for a Partnership and Innovation Fund Job Creation Partnership Grant. This funding, if approved, will be used to develop and promote an owl walk with interpretive signage along the river within the Western Screech Owl habitat.

Moved by Councillor Elliott, seconded by Councillor McGreal,

And Resolved:

That Councillor Lunn’s verbal report on the Screech Owl Committee be received for information.


Public Participation:

Mulcahy Barbara Mulcahy inquired about the Seniors Housing and if there was a timeline as to when they would be built and how much they will cost. Council responded they are in the early planning stages and are currently rebuilding their board of directors. More information would be available after their Society AGM in the Fall.

Newman Liz Newman inquired if the Village had measurements sited for the seniors housing; she was concerned about future growth for the Wellness Center and location of the septic system. Council responded that the proposed plans from 2012 outlined the site area and should not conflict with the Wellness Center property or septic system.

Adjournment Moved by Councillor Patterson,

And Resolved:

That the meeting be adjourned at 8:40 p.m. 2014/240

______Madeleine Perriere__



_____Michelle Gordon____

A/Corporate & Financial Officer