Transportation Solutions

Board Meeting Minutes

February28, 2011 The Daniels Fund

In attendance:

Board:Bill James, George Thorn, Chris Nevitt, Mary Beth Susman

Staff: Rich McClintock, Alex Mehn, Amanda Granado, Erika Kampe, Ryan McCann, Cory Miller

Guests: Bill Elfenbein, Allan (Cherry Creek Steering Committee)

Absent: Buddy Knox,Mike Mueller, Jeanne Robb, Kevin Wrede, Charles Kercheval, Scott Caldwell, Dave Hadsell, Jeff Allen

Call to Order: Bill James, 8:16 AM

Approval of January Minutes: Defer until quorum

  1. Reports/Announcements

Bill: Buddy is traveling and having a good time.

Rich: We have light attendance today—heavy snowfall. We have hired a new program manager Erika Kampe. She comes from a Portland TMA, and will work well doing outreach to employers and city governments. This is not a replacement for Rebecca, but a different position entirely. Cory Miller is our new program fellow.

The Road Ahead timing is perfect, because the FasTracks buildout will go to the ballot in March, and will increase transportation discussion.

Bill: It’s a challenge debating whether or not to go forward in 2012.

Rich: Regarding the expanded connector—we have had followup conversations with RTD and Riverwalk, as well as the Cherry Creek Steering Committee about enhancing that corridor. Strengthen the corridor from Leetsdale down to 9-mile.

We have been directed to work with Downtown Denver Partnership and other partners to figure out a good connection.

Allan: Worked with transportation issues for many years. On the City Advisory Committee, fought expanded freeway development in the Denver region. The Cherry Creek Steering Committee has been involved in revising the Cherry Creek Plan. Transportation should be included as a major portion, but has been ignored. This is a regional issue, and the City of Denver’s Strategic Transportation Plan identifies the Cherry Creek / Leetsdale Corridor as important for transit development. We have discovered that Transportation Solutions is in the same business, and we were interested to meet you.

Bill E: It’s obvious at the Steering Committee meetings that there are growth problems in the Cherry Creek area. They are cognizant about the connection problem. Need to think more regionally and strategically—one that involves a corridor. 36 Commuting Solutions put together with towns and businesses a way to look at the entire corridor, and now that Glendale is becoming more of a player, we should put something together as an entire area and not problem by problem. This group is exactly where it should be, both geographically and institutionally. The time is right with the players established, and want to push toward a corridor campaign.

Rich: The two challenges are getting traction from the private sector, particularly downtown business leadership. Also, Visit Denver should be more of an active player, perhaps as the umbrella under which this campaign operates. Is there a demand? How do we overcome the historic conflict between downtown and Cherry Creek?

Bill J: The short answer is YES, form that corridor. There are some quick opportunities—Mayor Hogan will be a speaker at the Road Ahead, and expanding discussions from a strategic standpoint. Relieving congestion is most important.

Rich: There is a push for getting Glendale, Downtown, and Cherry Creek all in the same room.

Chris: The downtown / Cherry Creek connection makes perfect sense. What is in Glendale?

Rich: There is entertainment in Glendale, especially with the Riverwalk. Glendale will provide free parking, be one end of the system.

Bill J: Include Aurora in the mix.

Bill E: There’s a huge amount of traffic from downtown that passes through Cherry Creek on the way to Aurora.

George: The Alameda crossing issue is indicative of this problem. Until Riverwalk there is no connection in Glendale yet. There is no champion yet between Downtown and here.

Mary Beth: You have the commuter problem, which is only getting worse. The other problem is the money issue between downtown and Cherry Creek. What does the ‘connector’ look like? Bus? Trolley?

Bill E: We’ve discussed just about everything, but the problem is in the promotion and enhancing ridership.

Rich: As downtown switches to Union Station as a hub, the question is going to be how to get commuters there. We have not been able to make taking transit from Downtown to Cherry Creek work that well.

Bill J: When I conceive it, it is a long-term answer that involves every segment between downtown and 9 Mile.

Chris: I do not see an end zone for Aurora.

Bill J: Commuter traffic involves a need for Aurora. Visitor traffic is a separate issue.

Allan: Connecting TOD developments is the integral issue.

Rich: Traffic is growing exponentially along the Leetsdale Corridor.

Bill E: You must have downtown involved in the conversation.

Mary Beth: Make sure we know and define both problems.

George: Beware the mall mentality.

  1. Old Business

Colorado Center Bridge

Rich: We support a bridge with a ramp not an elevator.

Chris: The elevator idea is absolutely crazy.

Bill J: The bridge is a good idea and probably the ramp is a good idea.

George: The neighbors have suddenly said they hate the ramp and we should oppose it.

Rich: Perhaps we should not take a position.

Chris: Let’s have a letter that says we think a ramp is great but let’s focus on design to solve these problems.

Rich: We will write a letter along those lines and send to staff.

2012 Membership Levels

Rich: The mall has indicated it’s going from 5000 to 2500.

Bill: Give them something of value.

Rich: Mariott cut membership entirely. Perhaps we should fight for the CAM fee?

Bill: Don’t invest much time, I’m confident the answer will probably be no. Let’s focus on where the real money comes from. Seek out larger stakeholders.

George: This gives us more credibility as not being “the Cherry Creek organization.”

Rich: We are looking to grow membership.

George: CDOT should be a bigger group.

Rich: How do we sell transit to employers?

Bill: Fewer parking spaces. How does the employer save money?

Adjournment: 9:41 AM