Band Handbook


Michael Sullivan Director of Bands

Mandy Touchstone Assistant Director

Penny Sullivan Colorguard Sponsor

Stanley Jessee RISD Superintendent

Ronny Alsup RHS Principal


As a member of the Rivercrest Band Department, you are a member of one of the school district’s most important and respected organizations. As with any other “team,” the success of the band depends on the loyalty of ALL OF ITS MEMBERS.

How does a bandsman show loyalty and cooperation to his/her band? First, by making up his/her mind to be a proud and worthy band member. Second, by giving the organization all he/she can in attention, interest, and effort. And third, by observing the general objectives and rules outlined in this handbook, which are a necessary part of any successful organization. The rules outlined on the following pages are simple, sound, and easy to abide by. In following them, you are meeting an obligation that you owe to your school, your fellow bandsmen, your family, and yourself.

It is intended that this handbook serve each bandsmen with an understanding of an acquaintance with the Tradition, Policies, and Procedures of the Rivercrest Band Program. There is no place in any outstanding organization for half-hearted participants. Only when every bandsman cooperates can a band achieve the distinction of being truly outstanding.

Band Objectives

  1. Cultural: To continue the development of music

appreciation and understanding through

the study and performance of the best in


  1. Educational: To develop interested and discriminating

listeners and provide a well-rounded

musical background.

  1. Service: To lend color and atmosphere to certain

athletic and community affairs, while

promoting and enhancing the dignity and

reputation of the band at music festivals and


  1. Recreational: To provide all students with an opportunity for

worthy use of leisure time, an emotional outlet,

and good social experiences.

The Music Program’s Responsibility to Student

  1. Provide the band members with proper kind of rehearsal room, ventilation, lighting, seating, music stand, instrument storage space, and such other equipment as necessary to aid in developing the student’s musical ability and to help form good, lasting citizenship.
  1. Plan each day’s activities and encourage daily progress of the entire band.
  1. Provide the band with a full musical education through rehearsal, performance, teaching, testing, and listening.
  1. Assure that no individual member through inappropriate or irresponsible behavior interferes with the learning (achievement) of the group.
  1. Supervise the students in class or on school sponsored band trips. Each student will receive an information letter to take home to their parents containing plans for each trip, the type of dress, and complete schedule of activities.
  1. Grade the progress of each member on his/her instrument and music education. A “poor” progress letter is to be mailed home to inform parents of problems.

The Band Member’s Responsibility

  1. Be regular in attendance and make sure all absences are excused by the band director prior to the absence.
  1. Make a real effort to learn and improve daily.
  1. Become responsible for and expect to assume the consequences for your actions.
  1. Be personally clean, neat, and dress appropriately according to school rules.
  1. Have proper respectfor those in authority. ( Directors, Teachers, Chaperones, etc.)
  1. Follow all classroom rules, school regulations, and all travel instructions given for trips.
  1. Be honest and fair with others concerning equipment, music, and school life in general.
  1. Cooperate with fellow band members and share with them the responsibilities and privileges that are a part of the band program.
  1. Contribute positively to his/her music education and that of others by the best use of his/her talents.
  1. Read and play music with insight and expression.

Band Hall Rules

  1. All RHS rules and RISD policies apply.
  2. No running, yelling, or horseplay of any kind.
  3. The office and library are strictly off limits.
  4. No food, drink, candy, or gum in the band hall without a

Director’s permission.

  1. No student is allowed in any part of the band hall unless a director is present.
  2. Coming to the band hall before school and during lunch is a privilege. The band hall will be locked if necessary due to inappropriate behavior.
  3. This is YOUR room – keep it clean.
  4. Students will not be released from rehearsal until all chairs and stands are neatly stacked and all trash is picked up.
  5. All cases and folders must be stored in the appropriate slots.
  6. Electronic equipment is strictly off limits.
  7. Only band students are allowed in the band hall.


It is our hope and desire to treat every student with the respect that you all want. We expect to have very few discipline issues this year. Minor rule infractions and disruptions will be handled in the band office. Students who show a pattern of misbehavior or who pose a major discipline issue WILL be removed from the band.

Rehearsal Policies

  1. Talking will not be tolerated during rehearsal (inside or outside). If you have a question, raise your hand.
  2. Use the restroom before or after rehearsal – you will not be allowed to go once rehearsal begins except for emergencies.
  3. Unexcused absences and tardies are unacceptable (see page 6)
  4. Case should be returned to your slot during rehearsal. NO cases will be allowed in the set.
  5. DO NOT move chairs and stands before rehearsal.
  6. Bring all materials (music, reeds, valve oil, mutes, etc.) to your seat before rehearsal begins. You will not be allowed to get them later.
  7. Check boards daily for announcements and instructions.
  9. Do not leave music, folders, instruments, or any other items out after rehearsal. All items must be returned to your slot.
  10. BE EARLY!!

To Be Early Is To Be On Time!

To Be On Time is To Be LATE!

To Be Late Is Unacceptable!

Personal Instrument and Supplies

For the optimum success of the band, all instruments must be kept in good playing condition. TAKE CARE OF YOUR INSTRUMENT! Carefully follow daily maintenance guidelines shown to you by the directors. Occasionally, your instrument will need repair. Please make every effort to have your instrument repaired during school holidays and breaks so that you will not be without an instrument to play. Emergency repairs that cannot be made by the directors will be sent to our music dealer each week. Please do not take your instrument to the shop before checking with a director.

Students will need to have certain supplies every day. In addition to your instrument, music, and pencil, brass students will need valve oil/slide cream, and woodwinds will need at least 3 reeds and cleaning supplies. Supplies will be available for purchase through the band office at a discounted rate.

Please be sure your instrument has a case tag and that all materials and supplies are clearly marked with your name.






Absences and Tardies

Participation in the Rivercrest High School Band requires a unique commitment of time and energy. Because of limited rehearsal time, absences and tardies must be avoided. Attendance will be taken at all regularly scheduled band functions, rehearsals, and performances. Excuses for absences and tardiness will be considered on an individual basis. You must present a written notice to the director of bands at least 24 hours prior to the rehearsal. In emergencies or other unavoidable situations, PLEASE notify the director of bands by phone (903-926-8887).

All events are absolutely mandatory. Other activities must not conflict with previously scheduled band commitments. The directors strive hard to avoid any schedule conflicts. DO NOT create your own!!! Our rehearsal time is important!

Absence from a performance is the most serious offense possible. Absence from a performance affects everyone in the organization. Therefore, absence from a performance for any reason other than an emergency or serious illness can result in the forfeiture of your position in this organization as well as failure for that grading period.

Every member of this organization is expected to conduct himself/herself in a mature and professional manner. We have made every effort to provide a quality musical experience with a minimum time commitment. Please do not take advantage of this by being late or absent to rehearsal and performance. Tardiness is the surest sign of immaturity and irresponsibility. If you expect us to treat you with respect (and we know you do), then conduct yourself in a manner which commands that respect.

Travel Conduct

  1. All students WILL ride to all events with the band.
  2. Stay seated at all times while the bus is in motion.
  3. Keep arms, hands, and feet inside the bus at all times.
  4. DO NOT shout – inside or outside the bus.
  5. No food or drink on the bus without the permission of the director.
  6. Personal sound equipment may be used with headphones only – any other equipment will be confiscated and will not be returned. You are responsible for the safety of your equipment.
  7. Upon arrival at destination, remain seated and await instructions.
  8. No one is dismissed following a trip until the bus is spotless - pick up your trash and do not leave personal items on the bus.
  9. Be respectful and courteous to the driver and chaperones. The chaperones are in charge in the absence of the director. DO NOT INCUR THE WRATH OF A DIRECTOR BY DISOBEYING OR DISREPECTING A CHAPERONE!!!
  10. Students may be checked out after an event by a parent/guardian only. Please see the principal with any issues with this policy.

Stadium Rules

  1. Visitors are not allowed in the band seating area nor may anything be brought to a student during the course of the game.
  2. Be attentive and alert at all times. We will play a lot – DO NOT make us wait to get your attention. Your horn and flip-folder should be ready at all times.
  3. Do not play without permission.
  4. Do not leave after half-time until a director dismisses you.
  5. Third-quarter break is a privilege that can be revoked! Do not abuse it! Be in your seat with your horn and folder ready to play with one minute left on the clock. Being late is not worth the risk of losing your break for the entire year. Your decisions could affect others.
  6. Water will be provided in the stands – do not bring other drinks or food into the set.
  7. We will not leave until all trash is picked up in our area – HINT: DON’T THROW ANYTHING ON THE GROUND!
  8. Conduct yourself with class at all times . . . in the stands, at the concession stands, in the restroom, etc. You represent not only yourself but also your band, your school, your city, and your parents.

Grading Policy

Grades will be figured according to the following scale:



In addition, students will have two major semester tests:

Fall – All-Region Excerpt/Scales (Concert Band Chair Test)

Spring – Solo and Ensemble

Participation Grade

Each student will receive 100 points each week (20 points per day) for daily participation. Points will be subtracted due to rule infractions, inappropriate participation, etc.

Tests and Quizzes

Tests for each grading period will include pass-offs for both marching and concert music as well as scales, Region/District excerpts, and solo and ensemble.

Consequence Chart

Students will lose points from their weekly participation grade each week for the following offenses.

Late to rehearsal or sectional (unexcused) / 2 pts. for every minute late
Late to performance (unexcused) / 5 pts. for every minute late
No pencil / 5 pts.
No music / 10 pts.
Left music on stand / 5 pts.
No instrument / 50 pts.
Failure to hang uniform properly / 20 pts.
Failure to store instrument/music properly / 5 pts.
Failure to latch case/storing music, other inappropriate items in case / 5 pts.
Late to 4th quarter / 5 pts. for every minute late (Student will lose 3rd quarter privilege for the next week)

Loss of 3rd Quarter Privilege/Practice Make-up

Students will lose time from 3rd quarter based on the following scale.

Points off Participation Grade / Minutes Lost
Less than 10 points / No time lost
10 points-14 points / 4 minutes
15-19 points / 8 minutes
20-24 points / 12 minutes
25 or more points / Entire 3rd quarter

We will provide water and a restroom break, but students receiving this punishment may not have food brought to them in the stands.

Students may work off lost time each week by cleaning the band hall, practicing, or performing other tasks at the discretion of the directors. However, you may not earn back lost participation points.


Our uniform is the most identifiable aspect of our band. It should be treated with respect and worn with pride. You will be fitted and issued a uniform at the beginning of the school year. All uniforms will remain in the band hall. We will hem and clean the uniforms for you. You must check your uniform in and out each week from the Uniform Crew. Uniforms must be hung neatly and placed on the correct rack. Failure to hang the uniform properly and check it in will result in loss of points from your performance grade.

  1. Do not remove any part of the uniform or un-zip the uniform without permission from the directors.
  2. Wear band t-shirt under the uniform – you will not be allowed to remove your jacket otherwise.
  3. No jewelry may be worn while in uniform.
  4. DO NOT touch your plume!
  5. Do not eat any chili or cheese while in uniform.

We will wear the band t-shirt every Friday during marching season as well as at various events throughout the year. Therefore, you will need to purchase a band t-shirt. Please care for your shirt carefully. You will want it to look good every time we wear it!


All students must report for inspection before each game. Do not lose points by being late!!! This is our opportunity to make a final check as well as give any last minute instructions. Pay special attention to the following guidelines.

  1. HOME GAME – You must be in bib pants and shoes with hat and jacket in hand.

AWAY GAME – You must report with your uniform and shoes bagged.

  1. Shoes must be cleaned and polished. We have some polishing sponges if you need.
  2. Gloves must be clean.
  3. Please have all music in your flip-folder and your instrument.
  4. Reed players must have at least 3 additional reeds.

School Instruments

The band will provide a number of instruments for students to use during the course of the year. These instruments are very expensive and are provided as a service. Please respect all school equipment as if it were your own. Instruments will be checked in and out each year. The school will provide routine maintenance on these instruments. However, excessive wear or damage will be repaired at the expense of the student. Any student who willfully or negligently causes damage to school equipment will pay for repair or replacement of the item and may be removed from the band program.


Throughout the year and at the annual Rivercrest Band Banquet, the band directors will honor a variety of students for accomplishments in band. Selection of a student for an award is based on a variety of factors. The directors will evaluate each student and award individually. To remain eligible for awards, students need to maintain academic eligibility and a clean discipline record throughout the year. Please see the director of bands for details on specific awards.


Jackets will be awarded to Junior students in the fall of each school year. Students will be awarded a jacket based on successful completion of at least 2 years of high school band. Students may not receive jackets from more than one organization. See the director of bands in April for ordering information.