Websites for Speech and Language Activities
Collected by Speech-Language Pathologists
in Bethel, CT Public Schools
DISCLAIMER: Although the games are free, please be aware that some sites may be commercial sites that sell products. The district does not specifically endorse any of the sites that it links to.Parent Information
Language Resources for Kids
Parent Information
General Speech and Language
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association -
Connecticut State Department of Education Eligibility Guidelines (the following are all PDF documents):
Guidelines for Speech and Language Programs
Guidelines for Identification and Education of Childrenand Youth with Autism
Guidelines for Assistive Technology
Guidelines for Identifying Children with Learning Disabilities
Special Education Resource Center (SERC)
- A site full of useful speech therapy information for both parents and speech therapists. Includes lots of links to other speech therapy sites (college sites, companies, professional organizations and other related sites.)
Preschoolers: Learning and Other Disabilities Links to articles on learning and other disabilities that have information and advice directly relevant to preschool children. Rating system rates each articles as good, very good, or best. .
Caroline Bowen’s site. Contains information for parents and SLPs related to a wide range of speech and language disorders and therapy.
Say What? - a webquest created by Melissa Perez, a high school teacher, to help students understand speech-language disability. (
Definitions of Speech-Language Disorders
Speech – Verbal Development
Articulation – Questions & Answers
– long list of sites for different topics
Learning Disability
- An interactive guide to learning disabilities for parents, teachers, and children visit
Learning Disabilities Association of America
National Center for Learning Disabilities,
Guidelines for Identifying Children with Learning Disabilities
This site contains information, resources, FAQs, News, and an opportunity to network with other interested parents and professionals.
- apraxia list serve
- info on apraxia
StutteringHomePage - Stuttering therapy, stuttering research, essays and poetry by persons who stutter, and areas for kids and teenagers. The Stuttering Homepage provides information on therapy, support, conferences, research and much more. They have links Just for Kids and Just for Teens.
Indirect stuttering therapy for young children.
The Stuttering Foundation -
Stuttering – Questions & Answers
The Stuttering Foundation of America is putting several of their videos/DVD's online, including
oStuttering: For Kids, By Kids (
oStuttering and your child, (
oStuttering: Straight Talk for Teachers (
oStuttering: Straight Talk for Teens ( and
oLa Tartamudez y Su Nino (
ASHA's What is Stuttering -
National Stuttering Association (NSA) -
British Stammering Association - -
Word by Word: Understanding Stuttering by MSNBC -
Hearing and Hearing Impairments
- This site specializes in information for the deaf and hard-of-hearing
basic info for parents on hearing and language acquisition; easy to understand
- Spanish version of previous site
- Alexander Graham Bell site, membership encouraged, not as basic as babyhearing site
The Captioned Media Program - a free-loan collection of over 4,000 titles (videos, including some that are streamed and available on-line, available to hearing impaired, their parents, or those who work with them), including lessons in ASL and speech reading. (
Matt's Hearing Web Quest - developed for high school students to investigate the causes of hearing loss and develop understanding of students with hearing impairments in the classroom. (
Central Auditory Processing Disorder
For information on Central Auditory Processing Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder visit this site.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Connecting Young Kids (YAACK) - This site provides information about Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems for Young Kids.
Can a Person Who Can't Speak Still Tell Jokes? is designed to develop understanding of people who use assistive technology (
Assistive Technology WebQuest - a class assignment designed by Angela Anderson and Melody Buckner to research Assistive Technologies (
Autism Spectrum Disorders
CT Autism Guidelines -
Asperger’s Syndrome: Website for Barbara Kirby, founder of the OASIS Web site
- Online Asperger Syndrome Information & Support (OASIS).
ZAC is the first web browser developed specifically for children with autism, and autism spectrum disorders such as Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), and PDD-NOS. We have made this browser for the children - for their enjoyment, enrichment, and freedom. Children touch it, use it, play it, interact with it, and experience independence through ZAC.ZAC is the zone that will permit your child to interact directly with games (a LOT of games) and activities (focused on MANY interests) that cater specifically to kids who display the characteristics of autism spectrum disorders, like impairments in social interaction, impairments in communication, restricted interests and repetitive behavior. ZAC has been an effective tool for kids with low, medium and high functioning autism.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Quest ( and If a Kid has Difficulty Learning, Can He or She Get a Job when He or She Grows Up? ( help children understand a sibling or classmate with autism spectrum disorder or a learning disability
Social Skills Web Quest - a two week quest by Elizabeth Lamb to learn more about skills used in a social skills group and to learn new social skills (
Down Syndrome
National Down syndrome Society
Word Finding
Diane German’s web site on word finding disorders,
English Learners with Language Disabilities
- info and links for bilingual therapy
Websites (literacy, language arts, science, social studies) for ESL Children in Grades 1–8
Explaining BICS and CALP
Language Acquisition versus Language Learning
Learning Disability or Language Development
Preschool Websites
Stages of Second Language Acquisitions
Wordless Books
Bilingual Parent Volunteers
Supporting English Language Learners
Activities for Practicing the English Language
10 Websites for Learning English
White/Black Board Games for Learning English
A Guide to Websites for Teaching ESL Children
Handbook for Parents of ESL Children
Other Disabilities
What Is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Why Is It Important for Me to Know about It? is a "prevention" webquest for high school students (
Disability Research WebQuest - designed by Rebecca Evers for college students to learn about specific types of special needs and their educational implications. (
Language Resources for Kids
Basic Vocabulary (color, basic concepts, emotions)
Curious George's Bus Rideby Houghton Mifflin -
Change hats on the people and introduce the concepts big, small, bigger, colors, first , second, third.
Rainbowof Frogs from Meddybemps -
Teaches color matching and identification skills
Matching Fish Colors -Meddybemps
Teaches color matching.
Stage HandPuppets
Child can make own interactive puppet on line. Encourage use of body part vocabulary words. Talk about feelings with happy and sad puppets. Child can print patterns to make puppets. Encourage expressive vocabulary skills by acting in a puppet show.
Colors and Reading Game
Have your child read the color word if possible and click on the correct color box. If your child can not read, then use it for color identification and have him/her click on the color that you tell him.
– Contains activities related to shapes, numbers, alphabet, books…
– Free printable mini-books, printable resources for ABC’s, 123’s, shapers, colors, sentence sequencing, scissor skills and story sequencing.
- Preschool activities and crafts.
Body parts - Apple Corps
Children can make silly faces. Have your child identify the body part or object on himself as well as the screen. Ask them what part they picked out.
Spacial Concepts from Meddybemps Over, Under, In and Out etc. Pictures of a dog, cat, bird, turtle, and other animals show the various concepts. Ask your child to point to the animal under the ____ or tell you where the dog is. There are even pictures you can print and make into three dimensional characters to practice on real objects in your house. Put the dog under the table, in the box etc.
General Vocabulary
A.Word.A.Day Home Page out today's word and yesterday’s word. It includes the pronunciation and the definition.
Awsome Analogies- Quia game by Speech Language Pathologist Tracy Boyd out why the first pair of words go together so that you can finish the second word pair. For example, "Cat is to MEOW as dog is to is to ______. (bark) "
Awesome Antonyms Match up - Quia game by Speech Language Pathologist Tracy Boyd
"Students can develop vocabulary skills by matching words with their opposites. Keep playing more than one game, as there are over 90 antonym word pairs."
Search for words on a grid and race against the computer.
DoubletsWord Puzzles
Remove and replace a letter from the preceding word so that you always leave a valid word in the chain (more becomes - lore, lose, loss, less).
Enigma Device
Unscramble a popular quotation by swapping letters. The solution appears the following day.
Fake Out! - HoughtonMifflin -
Vocabulary work - Select a word from the list and match it to the correct definition.
How Puzzling....Franklin Institute ttp://
Many different puzzles- unscrambling, what’s different, rebus messages etc.
Houghton Mifflin Brain Teasers
Grades 3 through 7.
Language Arts Worksheets from
Print out worksheets in areas such as antonyms, synonyms, verbs, nouns, and more.
Twosies- Quia game by Speech Language Pathologist Tracy Boyd
"Complete the pair of words that often go together. For example, "King and Queen" or "Salt and Pepper". This is a great activity to work on word retrieval skills. If students don't know the word, it may help to give them the first letter, sound, or syllable to aid their retrieval."
Super Synonyms Matchup - Quia game by Speech Language Pathologist Tracy Boyd
"This game can be used as a speech/language activity focusing on vocabulary development. Students can try to find synonym word pairs.Keep playing, as there are over 60 synonym word pairs."
SUPER SYNONYMS RHYME TIME Come up with synonyms for the word pairs given. Answers must rhyme. For example, "cranky cat" is a "crabby tabby".
SUPER SYNONYMS MATCH-UP, PART 2 Play memory by matching up the two words with similar meanings.
SUPER SYNONYMS MATCH-UP, PART 3 (More challenging) Match words with their synonyms (this level is somewhat harder than the other synonym match-ups)
Thinking Skills from
Thinking Skills worksheets to print out - Analogies (cold is to hot as fast is to ____, Deductive reasoning, and famous quotes.
Vocabulary puzzles by Click on any of the contest puzzle descriptions. Rooty Hoot Hoot- multiple Latin and Greek roots, Word Wave-word families, Word Web-single roots, Word Ogees- analogies, SynOpps-synonym/antonyms
Homographs – Quia game by SLP Tracy Boyd -
Word Find Puzzles
Print out puzzles. Find 20 words. Helps child with word matching, visual perception, and reading at word level skills.
Fruit and Vegetable vocabulary Dole's Five A Day Program-fruit and vegetable vocabulary Meet the 5 a day fruit and vegetable characters. Have child point to or name the fruit or vegetable. Have child tell you which one it is - fruit or vegetable.
Vehicles language activity from Meddybemps
Mix and match fronts and backs to create thirty-six different Cars and trucks. Ask the child to name the vehicle for expressive vocabulary skills. Talk about the different parts of the vehicle - wheels, front, back, doors, windows, etc. For receptive vocabulary skills, print out the finished vehicles and have the child point to a specific one. Point to the wheels, doors, windows, etc.
What’s My Name Game #1 Quia game by SLP Tracy Boyd
What's My Name Game #2 Quia gameby Speech LanguagePathologist Tracy Boyd
"Guess the name of the item that is being described in a given category (categories include fruits, vegetables, vehicles, and furniture). This activity is appropriate for use during speech/language therapy focusing on expressive vocabulary, word retrieval, and making inferences. You may want to type in answers for students who are not strong spellers, as errors with spelling are not counted as correct. "
Quia's Online Autumn Hangman ( - an easy version, available in "Flash" or "html" version.
KidsCom Hangman (
Genuine Class Hangman (
ESL Cafe ( - features animals, plants or general words.
Hangman Games for ESL Students ( - has many subject choices in both CGI (older) and Flash (newer) versions.
SuperKids hangman ( includes idioms, SAT vocabulary words, TV shows from different decades, U.S. Presidents, State Capitals, and much more!
Playaholics ( in English or Norwegian has three levels of difficulty and an interesting selection of topics, including "frequently misspelled words."
Triumph Hangman ( uses challenging words and Hangperson ( uses shorter words. Both use the same technology and keep score. The second site provides the html script for you to place the hangman activity on your own website.
The Problem Site ( The vocabularly is not easy! My first word was "approximating."
Bill's Games Hangman ( allows choice of topic, number of guesses, and a happy face or growing plant as the "hangman." The clinician can even enter a word for the client to "discover." This one rates 4 stars!
Stay Afloat ( has sports stars, Harry Potter book words, geography and science words, and more. It provides additional clues after each wrong guess.
Dolch words Hangman (
Bones Hangman ( where "you diminish the dreams of a sleeping dog" with each incorrect guess.
Dunceinstein ( gives clues but you only get four wrong guesses before you put a Dunce cap on the figure in the chair
Internet Movie Database quiz ( features movie trivia and names of stars. Allows four incorrect guesses.
Guess the Presidents ( does not limit number of guesses. Everyone wins eventually.
Football-related words ( For each incorrect guess, a football player looses a piece of clothing, eventually left with only his shorts, helmut and a red face.
Music hangman ( gives only one minute to figure out the music-related words.
Mad Libs on the Web (
Dynamite (for MAC) builds a stack of explosives which goes off if you don't guess the phrase quickly enough. (
Cleft the Spelling Clown (for PC) ( is a hangman type game that pops balloons. You can add up to 10 spelling lists of your choice.
Grey Olltwit's Hangman (for PC) ( includes a variety of categories.
Kids' Health -
Stuttering Home Page (SHP) FAQ for Kids -
What stuttering looks like - Onset and Development
What stuttering sounds like - Voices: Past and Present -
What stuttering feels like - Born with a Broken Tongue -
Disfluency - created by Carolyn Wuertz to help a 4th-6th grader understand his stuttering (
Famous Dysfluent Singers - a one-week webquest by Carol Flaherty for 6th-8th graders enrolled in speech therapy. (
Sometimes I Just Stutter -
Jeremy and the Hippo -
Boo Goodnight to Halloween -
Angel Loves to Talk -
More Friends for Jackson -
Funny Bunny's Better Idea -
Our First Talk about Talking -
Activities/Games/Ideas for Articulation Therapy ( contains creative therapy ideas for any sound error.
Voycabulary ( makes words on any web page into links to various dictionaries. Choosing the Merriman-Webster on-line dictionary, provides audio files of pronunciation for each word. For example, create a web page of /r/ words for home practice or use one by Jennifer Christy (
by Lonn Swanson (
by Tracy Boyd (
For R sounds:
Articulation skills - r blends- Initial position- Quia game by Speech Language Pathologist Tracy Boyd "Match words containing /r/ blends or complete a word search."
Articulation skills - r- Initial position- Quia game by Speech Language Pathologist Tracy Boyd Play memory/concentration with words that begin with the /r/ sound or complete a word search. "
Articulation skills - r -medial position- Quia game by Speech Language Pathologist Tracy Boyd "Play hangman and guess the words with the "er" sound somewhere in the middle. "
Articulation skills - r -final position- Quia game by Speech Language Pathologist Tracy Boyd "Match words containing /ar/ in the middle or at the end, or complete a word search. Have fun! "