Template for Version 12, Apr 1 2008
Course description word template revised Apr 2008
Word template for gathering course information for the University website printed publications.
(Fields marked CM will need final QA approval of content. Communications and Marketing will see that this is done.)
For help in filling in this template contact 01582 743220. Email your completed template to Elisabeth Coughlin in Communications & Marketing, Fairview House, Luton campus.
Template: available fields. The headings inbold are preset and appear on the website when the description is published. /Notes – with sample content
* Course link title / E.g. Environmental Science MSc or Child and Adolescent Studies FdA. etc.. The award (BA Hons, FdSc etc) is placed after the course title because this gives the best result for the automatic A-Z filtering in Silva.Creates a link when template is generated.
*Programme title
BA (Hons) Accounting / The exact official title and award for the course as it appears on the Course Information Form (CIF) (formerly the PROG_INF)
* Course Level /
- Postgraduate
- Undergraduate
- Undergraduate: Healthcare top-up awards
- Foundation degrees
- Shortcourses: Certificates and Credits
- Healthcare short courses Level 2
- Healthcare short courses Level 3
*Apply / Predefined tickboxes in Silva. Multiple items can be ticked.
- via UCAS
- direct to the University
- direct to the University for part-time
- direct to the University via the NHS Business Unit
- direct to the College for part-time
- direct to the University via the ResearchGraduateSchool
- etc.
Course Code / A free text field for the UCAS code or other external course code(s) (NMAS). Leave blank if not applicable.
Start (ft) / E.g.
- September
- September/ January
- variable
- to be confirmed
Start (pt) / E.g.
- September/ February
- variable
- to be confirmed.
*Mode / E.g.
- full-time
- sandwich
- part-time weekend
- part-time evening
- flexible
- distance learning
- block delivery
*Duration / E.g.
- 3 years full-time
- 4 years full-time sandwich
- 1 year full-time
- 2 years full-time
/The site where the bulk of the teaching will take place. e.g
Luton campus
Putteridge Bury campus
Bedford campus
Partner Institution
- BarnfieldCollege
- To be confirmed
- Etc.
Only one location can be given.
CM*Faculty / Only one faculty can be given. Creates 'by Faculty' listings in Silva
Department / Only one Department can be given. Creates 'by Department listings in Silva
Updates / For 'news flashes'. For example, information about an upcomingopen event. Also for any other information that needs prominence. This field displays with a shaded background in published view which makes it stand out.
/Marketing summary descriptionnormally sourced from the Course Information Form (CIF) (formerly the PROG_INF).
CMPhoto to illustrate course
/An optional photo can be added to the description. Please email photos separately to
Why choose this course?
/Some unique ‘selling points’
Student comments / CMCareer opportunities / CM
Teaching / learning methods and strategies / CM
Assessment /
Dissertation / project and research /CM
Further details about the programme / This field is a ‘catch all field’ intended to provide a space primarily for a more technical curriculum outline or to expand on points included in the summary field that do not fit any of the other available fields.CM
Recommended reading / Advice on suitable introductory/preparatory reading for the subject area covered by the course.Entry Requirements
The default text is: Standard entry requirements apply for this course. / If standard entry requirements apply (for Foundation Degrees, UG courses) please use the default text ‘Standard entry requirements apply for this course’. If a postgraduate course, or specialist course, please complete with relevant details.
Special Entry Requirements / E.g. additional to the above, for example, invitation to interview/portfolio/ English language qualifications for International students. Leave blank if not applicable.
Fees / costs / bursaries / scholarships / CM
Attendance / Details about attendance required. Eg. approximate number of hours per week and timings.
Accessibility /
No need to fill this field in at the moment. If disability access legislation becomes tighter information may need to be given here.
CMFind out more about this course
Give contact details and/or special information about application routes etc.5 optional links fields are available that can be used for linking to internal webpages or external website e.g. a partner institution.
Link one
Link two
Link three
Link four
Link five / Non-standard contact information supplied by departments. Eg. A tutor may want prospective students to contact them personally to discuss programme. Or admissions tutor details.
Related Courses
(Optional introductory paragraph)Links to other course descriptions in the system:
Link one
Link two
Link three
Link four
Link five / Information about other courses available within this field, ie. Sports courses with a slightly different emphasis or courses that can be studied in combination. You can link to 5 suitable courses that have descriptions added in the Silva course description database. The field can be used with text only or links only or text + links.
Further Study Opportunities
(Optional introductory paragraph)Links to other course descriptions in the system:
Link one
Link two
Link three
Link four
Link five / Information about further study opportunities. E.g. FD to degree, UG degree to PG degree, Postgraduate to research opportunities. You can link to 5 suitable courses that have descriptions added in the Silva course description database. The field can be used with text only or links only or text + links.
Fields below forraw materials and contact details that can be used as appropriate for promotional purposes by Communications and Marketing. Eg. worked into course description copy for both web and print; for staff and student profiles; for Alumni publications; for targeted recruitment campaigns etc.
Staff news/highlights
. / Conferences attendedMedia exposure
Publications written
Research papers written
Accreditations (ie is course accredited by professional bodies or leads to professional accreditation
Student/Alumni highlights
/ Successful AlumniSuccessful current students
Interesting field trips/ projects