Entries like
Both a subscript and superscript may be inserted in front of a letter, as in. This is done using Word’s Equation Editor. If Equation Editor is installed on your machine, just double click on theand the Equation Editor will appear. Often, people don’t install it on their machines, so you will have to get the Office installation disk and select that option. Once Equation Editor is installed, do the following to insert an equation:
From the menu, under Tools, select Insert…
Then select Microsoft Equation 3.0
A fine point: the font style of the atomic symbol was changed to “text” in the equation editor so that it wouldn’t be in italics.
AutoCorrect Entries
Here are some AutoCorrect entries I use. Select the ones you’d like to add to your AutoCorrect list, and click the first button on the toolbar (the toolbar isn’t visible in Internet Explorer; you have to save this document and open it with Word). To remove entries, select the ones you want to remove and click the second button on the toolbar. You can add more entries to the end of the table (feel free to add more rows, too). I wouldn’t put spaces after the entries. Also, the button only works on data in the first table in this document, so if the table gets long, don’t split it into 2 tables.
If the tool buttons don’t do anything, change your security settings. To do this, go to the Tools menu, then Macro, then Security … and select medium (or low) on the Security Level tab. You will have to restart Word for the changes to take effect.
I sometimes forget which shortcuts I’ve added. If you have that problem, you may want to print this table out for reference.
You type this:and Word converts it to this:
pKa / pKapKb / pKb
pKw / pKw
Ksp / Ksp
Ka / Ka
Kb / Kb
Kc / Kc
Kw / Kw
DHo / H°
DSo / S°
DGo / G°
P-31 / 31P
C-13 / 13C
Cs-137 / 137Cs
Sr-90 / 90Sr
Co-60 / 60Co
U-238 / 238U
<-- / / *
<-> / / **
upbar / – / ***
*Before installing this autocorrect entry, the default entry must be removed (by clicking the second button).
**A better looking arrow is available if you are using Office XP (Arial Unicode MS, character 21CC, in hex, ⇌).
***This entry puts a bar above the preceding character. For example, type “1upbar", and it gets converted to 1–. However, this only works for Times New Roman at a point size of 12. (You can customize the entry. Showing the field codes, it looks like this: 1–.)
Shortcut Symbol Entry (Only for the PC)
To enter special characters in Word, you can hold down the Alt key and enter a four-digit number that starts with 0. To save time, here are some three-digit numbers you can enter to produce symbols commonly encountered in chemistry. The numbers must be entered from the number keypad.
For Word 97 and 2000:
Hold down
Alt; enter
the number.
Times New Roman font249 / •
250 / ·
241 / ±
225 / ß
230 / µ
248 / °
143 / Å
For Word XP:
XP allows a lot of different characters to be entered. The characters can be viewed when the document is opened with Word 2000, but not with Word 97 or 98. The next page contains a relatively small list of characters. You may want to print this and paste it on your monitor. Only enter the leading zero if it is shown. The page after that contains a longer list of symbols. You many want to consult that longer list and add or remove entries from the smaller list before printing.
Hold down
Alt; enter
the number.
Symbol font0174 /
175 /
Times New Roman font
0150 / –(en)
0135 / ‡
143 / Å
159 / ƒ
171 / ½
236 / ∞
241 / ±
248 / °
249 / ∙
0215 / ×
295 / ħ
224 / α
225 / ß
967 / χ
916 / Δ
235 / δ
238 / ε
232 / Φ
226 / Γ
947 / γ
951 / η
923 / Λ
955 / λ
230 / µ
957 / ν
227 / π
920 / Θ
952 / θ
961 / ρ
228 / Σ
229 / σ
231 / τ
965 / υ
937 / Ω
969 / ω
958 / ξ
936 / Ψ
968 / ψ
Lecture Tools
Monday, April 22, 2002
Here are two simple macros for handling lecture notes. One prints out just the current page; the other inserts today’s date before the current paragraph. The toolbar buttons that run these macros are shown below.
The buttons below will install or remove these macros. They will be copied to Word’s “Normal” template, where they will always be available. When Word exits, it may ask you if you want to save changes to the global template (Normal.dot). You do.
Note: Word XP users will have to change security settings before these buttons will work (see below). These buttons don’t do anything on Word v. X (perhaps they will after the next Office service release).
Word XP
Before you can install the macros with the buttons above, you have to change a security setting. Under Tools,Macro, select Security…, On the “Trusted Sources” tab, put a check in the box “Trust access to Visual Basic Project”, then click OK.
After installing the macros, remove the check mark to prevent a malicious macro from doing damage.
Hope you enjoy these.
Christopher King
Department of Chemistry
Troy, AL36082
Phone: (334)670-3576
Journal of Chemical Education Web site containing this document: