Instructions for the L Brands General Certificate of Conformity and the L Brands Children’s Product Certificate of Conformity



If you have any questions please send inquiries to:

Please note:

*The L BrandsGeneral Certificate of Conformity and L Brands Children’s Product Certificate of Conformity must be completedand submitted electronically. Please access the form at

Required information

  1. Describe the product in enough detail to allow a match to the product.
  2. The Vendor Purchase Order number is found on the purchase order to the vendor.
  3. The Generic Article number is found on the purchase order to the vendor.
  4. Provide the date(s) when the product was manufactured.
  5. Actual factory location is street address, city and country where finally manufactured or assembled.
  6. Full name, mailing address, telephone number and email address of the manufacturer.
  7. The plant manager responsible to assure compliance with L Brands requirements.
  8. Name, full mailing address and telephone number of the United States importer.
  9. Select the correct name of the private labeler from the drop-down list and the Full Address and Telephone Number will automatically populate.
  10. Testing lab information. Most testing for L Brands is done by independent 3rd party testing labs. Identify the name, address, telephone number and contact person for the testing lab.
  11. Test Report date(s) and number(s) must be listed for all colors of product represented in the shipment.

Apparel item special instructions:

-For garments which are too small to test please enter fabric test report date(s) and number(s).

-For garments not altered by wet or dry process Fabric Test reportdate(s) and number(s) are acceptable.

-Please enter Garment Test (not Fabric Test) Report date(s) and number(s) for garments altered by wet or dry process.

  1. Mark the box indicating the rules, bans, regulations and standards applicable to the product.

NOTE: The form will automatically generate the correct title (L Brands GENERAL PRODUCT Certificate of Conformity or L Brands Children’s Product Certificate OF CONFORMITY)based UPon your selections here.

Flammable Fabrics Act
General Wearing Apparel - 16 CFR 1610
Children’s Sleepwear - 16 CFR 1615/1616
Small Carpet and Rugs - 16 CFR 1631 / Please check the appropriate box. If the product is General Adult Wearing Apparel please review the exemption for certain adult wearing apparel.
Poison Prevention Packaging Act - Child-Resistant Closure - 16 CFR 1700 / Please check this boxfor products which require a child resistant closure.
Consumer Product Safety Act
Matchbooks - 16 CFR 1202
Cigarette Lighters - 16 CFR 1210
Multipurpose Lighters - 16 CFR 1212
Other: (specify rule with citation):______/ Please check the appropriate box. If your product is subject to the Consumer Product Safety Act and is not specifically named please check the “Other” box and specify the applicable rule with citation.
Federal Hazardous Substances Act – Product Labeling - 16 CFR 1500 / Please check this box for products which require cautionary labeling under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act.
Children’s Products & Toys- Federal Hazardous Substances Act, Consumer Product Safety Act & Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act
Children’s products with lead
paint or coatings - 16 CFR 1303
Children’s products with lead in substrate - CPSIA Sec. 101
Small parts - 16 CFR 1501, 1500.50-.53
Sharp edges (metal or glass) - 16 CFR 1500.49
Sharp points - 16 CFR 1500.48
Phthalates - CPSIA Sec. 108
Toys - ASTM F963-16
Other: (specify rule with citation):______/ Please check the appropriate boxes. Please check all that apply based upon the product testing. If your product is a Children’s Product subject to additional rules, regulations or standards please check the “Other” box and specify the applicable rule with citation.

Process Flow

Frequently AskedQuestions (FAQs)

Do I need to provide copies of test reports along with my completed certificate?

No. Do not email test reports along with the completed form, simply enter the test report date(s) and number(s) in section 11 on the form. If L Brands requests a copy of the test report it must be provided within 24 hours.

What test report information should be included on the completed certificate?

Please enter the test report number(s)and date(s) in the appropriate column in section 11 of the form.

Test Report dates and numbers must be listed for all colors of product represented in the shipment.

For apparel items, Fabric Test Report dates and numbers should be listedwhen Garment Test Reports are not required. Only Garment Test Report (not Fabric Tests) dates and numbers should be provided on the certificatefor fabrics altered by wet or dry process. Please reference L Brands Regulatory Standards RS-5000 section 3 for full testing requirements.

Do I need to submit a certificate for adult apparel items made entirely of fabric that is exempt from U.S. Flammability Testing?

No. Do not complete or submit a certificate for adult apparel items made entirely of fabric that is exempt from flammability testing under the U.S. Flammable Fabrics Act (FFA) pursuant to 16 CFR 1610.1 (d).

Which fabrics are exempt from flammability testing under the U.S. Flammable Fabrics Act (FFA) pursuant to 16 CFR 1610.1 (d)?

(1) Plain surface fabrics, regardless of fiber content, weighing 2.6 ounces per square yard or more; and (2) All fabrics (both plain surface and raised-fiber surface) regardless of weight, made entirely from any of the following fibers or entirely from a combination of these fibers: acrylic, modacrylic, nylon (polyamide), olefin, polyester, and wool.

What is the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act?

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) requires that a General Certificate of Conformity (GCOC) or Children’s Certificate of Conformity (CCOC) document be issued for consumer products including wearing apparel manufactured on or after November 12, 2008.

What is the General Certificate of Conformity?

The General Certificate of Conformity is adocument that must be filled out in English by the factory and accompany the product as it is shipped from the manufacturer to the importer or to the private labeler. It identifies the manufacturer, importer and private labeler, as well as the test report(s) that is being relied upon to demonstrate compliance to the United States rules, bans, regulations and standards. It specifically states what standards and rules are applicable to the product (ex. Flammable Fabric Act). This certificate is not acceptable for children’s products.

What is the Children’s Certificate of Conformity?

The Children’s Certificate of Conformity is a document that must be filled out in English by the factory and accompany the product as it is shipped from the manufacturer to the importer or to the private labeler. It identifies the manufacturer, importer and private labeler, as well as the test report(s) that is being relied upon to demonstrate compliance to the United States rules, bans, regulations and standards. It specifically states what standards and rules are applicable to the product (ex.Children’s products with lead in substrate - CPSIA Sec. 101 & Small parts - 16 CFR 1501, 1500.50-.53).

What L Brands product categories are subject to Certificates of Conformity?

  • ALL general wearing apparel – adult and children’s (GCOC)
  • Rugs (GCOC)
  • Children’s sleepwear (CCOC)
  • Toys and other products intended for infants or children (CCOC)
  • Lighters, matches (GCOC)
  • Items such as air fresheners and other home products that have Federal Hazardous Substance labeling requirements (GCOC)
  • Any items that require child resistant packaging (GCOC)

This list is not all inclusive of product that are regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. For future productsplease work with your L Brands compliance partners to determine product test requirements.

As a factory/vendor, if we complete the Certificate of Conformity, what are we certifying?

By completing the Certificate of Conformity, factories/vendors are certifying that specific required testing has been completed for the named product. By certifying these tests, you are demonstrating compliance to the rules, bans, regulations and standards applicable to the product. You are also certifying to compliance throughout the supply chain of the product. It is important that youaccurately identify where the actual product is made. If it is made in several locations, specify the correct location on the particular PO being shipped.

As a factory, what do I have to do to comply with this law?

L Brands requires factories to use the following process for all orders:

  • Factory is responsible for downloading the Certificate of Conformity Form from and completing it for all shipments.
  • Factory is to include Lab Test Report number(s)and date(s) on the certificate.
  • Factory is to selecting the “E-mail Form” button at the top of the form to deliver the form to L Brands electronically.
  • Factory inserts a copy of the Certificate of Conformity in the 1st carton of the shipment.
  • Factory includes the Certificate of Conformity in the document package to consolidator/forwarder together with shipment.
  • Factory retains the original Certificate of Conformity and Lab Test Report for 3 years.

What if we do not meet these requirements?

If these requirements are not met, L Brands, its factories and vendors are subject to significant fines (up to $100,000 per product) and products may be detained or destroyed at the cost of all involved.

I have other U.S.-based customers and their Certificate of Conformity looks different from L Brands Why?

CPSC has defined the elements of the certificate but does not specify a standard template for the certificate. It’s OK that the forms and the processes are different. You must use the form provided by L Brands.

Do I have to use L Brands Certificate of Conformity and process or can I adapt it to fit with my other customers’ and/or my own needs?

For all products that you manufacture for L Brands that fall under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, you must use the Certificate of Conformity provided by L Brands and you must follow the protocol exactly as outlined by L Brands. This process has now become a requirement for doing business with L Brands.

Can the Certificate of Conformity be filled in by hand?

No, the L Brands Certificate of Conformity must be completed electronically and emailed using the “E-mail Form” button at the top of the form. .

How will L Brands monitor that these requirements are being met?

L Brands will periodically audit to ensure compliance.