Present: / Mansel Davies (Chair) (MD)
Jacqui Carter (JC)
Candy Garbett (CG)
Robin Wilson (RW)
John Forster (JF)
Kay Smallbone (KS)
Lisa Charles (LC) / In Attendance:
/ Abi Pemberton (Minutes)
Nikki Anderson (NA)
Rachel Curran (RC)
Sarah Godden (SG)
Richard Langford (RL)
Caroline Ewels (CE)
Steve McAlinden (SM)
Greg Smallbone (GS)
Marie Jones (MJ)
1. / Welcome
MD welcomed everyone to the meeting. / Action
2. / Minutes and Matters Arising
Accuracy of the minutes were agreed.
Matters arising:
2.3. MD reiterated that safeguarding would be remaining as part
of a core function within the Local Authority.
2.5. It is proposed that Designated leads take on the role of the
CSE champion. MD suggested that this is added to the
Annual safeguarding proforma that is sent out to schools in
Anne Gribbin reminded Heads about the use of the SLG at the briefing.
MD Advised that Nikki Anderson is leaving on voluntary redundancy at the end of the summer term. MD is looking at how Learning & Skills will manage the audits in the future.
7. Keeping Children Safe – Radicalisation has been added to
the document. / MD/JH
3. / Feedback from Sub-groups
3.1. SSCB – School Reps – There was a presentation on the Preven strategy the government strategy to terrorism. MD confirmed that the Hate Crime Group are looking at the Preven Strategy and a process for rolling this training out.
3.2. Early Help stakeholders group – Nothing new to report other than Radicalisation has been added to the keep Children Safe document.
Prohibition checks – only teaching staff need to be done. It was asked if teachers had a list 99 check then what needs to be added into the column. MD to check this and will add to the newsletter from this meeting.
Central Single Record – Schools are having to recreate this as they are not just able to take the information direct from the SIMS database. MD to look whether there is a way that this can come direct from SIMs database.
3.3. Child Exploitation Sub-group – CG fed back from the meeting. Agendas and papers were not emailed out in advance of the meeting.
- The feeling is that they are not listening about schools/education concerns.
- They are planning to send out another audit to schools because of concerns with 2-3 schools. CG raised the issue with the group asking why they don’t just approach the schools concerned.
- They reported on the figures about missing children – some of these were children in care.
- There were more discussions about using National Health numbers instead of pupil unique numbers. / MD
4. / CAMHS
Primary and Secondary heads have feedback on CAMHs. There were 60-70% of response from Secondary Schools and 7% response from Primary Schools.
JC and SG have met with CAMHs to feedback on the findings and it appears there capacity is very limited and they are struggling to offering tier 2 support but instead expecting this level of support to come from schools.
JC and SG have written to Karen Bradshaw to express their concerns and Karen is calling in a meeting with the commissioning team to discuss.
CG raised concerns that schools are being viewed as universal providers and asked to do more and more. Other agencies appear to be offloading cuts to their budgets by passing on responsibilities to schools. This is not just happening with CAMHs but also other teams such as School nurses, Speech and Language teams etc.
CG expressed her thanks for the wonderful work that both Sarah and Jackie have done in collecting and collating the information. CG has also passed the information onto the DfE as they are seeking further evidence.
5. / Findings of the E-Safety Survey - Lisa Charles
LC feedback to the group a presentation of the responses to the surveys that were completed on Safer Internet day in February 2014.
There were a greater number of responses this year than previously.
94.9% of children feel safe when they use the internet.
It was felt that there were a few areas where the questions were a little ambiguous. LC has taken this feedback on board and will look at rewording some questions for the next survey.
CG advised that we need to remember to celebrate the good news in such surveys as well as the negative figures.
It was also suggested that giving schools their own results back would enable them to do preventative work around E-Safety in schools.
RW informed the group of a website that lists the current top 10 risky apps/websites. Snapchat which is a very popular app amongst children features on this current list. RW to forward the link of this site to LC.
LC circulated a flyer regarding a new NSPCC “Zipit” app. Zipit helps children get flirty chat back on track. It’s packed with killer comebacks and top tips to help children stay in control of their chat game. / RW
6. / Health Development Update/TAMHs
KS attended the meeting to give an update on Public Health. Public Health has now been moved to within the Local Authority and KS has recently joined the group. They are currently looking at the pregnancy - 5 and 5 - 19 programmes. Sherri Wright is currently piloting this with some primary headteachers.
KS is trying to re-establish the training programme since Helen Bayley left. KS is going to contact schools to look at what training they require.
They will be developing a Healthy Child Executive Group for pregnancy – 5 and 5 – 19. Representatives for this will be required. CG suggested that KS contacts Geoff Pettengell at Sundorne School as he organises the Secondary HT representatives.
KS intends to send a newsletter out at the end of each term to all schools with latest information, national campaigns and any relevant local or national data (teenage pregnancy/obesity). Newsletter to be sent via Helen Woodbridge for inclusion in the weekly email.
KS has also raised the issue around tier 2 level support.
The School Nursing Review has been completed and should be available in the next few weeks.
CG highlighted the Statutory Guidance that will come into effect in September 2014 for supporting students with medical conditions, serious medical conditions with acute symptoms. KS not yet aware of this guidance but will track this down and then discuss with Wendy Nicholls at a National level. MD to circulate information on this to schools. / MD
7. / AOB
MD congratulated Candy on her recently awarded CBE and also thanked her for her work and input over the years and wished her the best of luck on her retirement.
Date of future meetings:
Tuesday 7 October 2014, 14:30 – 17:00, STDC
Tuesday 10 February 2015, 14:30 – 17:00, STDC
Tuesday 21 April 2015, 14:30 – 17:00, STDC
Tuesday 16 June 2015, 14:30 – 17:00, STDC
Schools Safeguarding Group – Actions:
Officer / Action Item / Done1. / MD/JH / Add CSE Champion to the annual Safeguarding Proforma that is sent out every September.
2. / MD / Management of practice audits in the future when Nikki leaves.
3. / MD / Prohibition checks – what do you record in the column if an employee has had a list 99 check.
4. / MD / Central Single Record – is there a way that this can be created direct from SIMS rather than having to retype the information.
5. / RW / Forward link to LC regarding the top 10 risky apps/websites
6. / MD / Forward information to schools regarding the new statutory guidance for supporting pupils with medical conditions that comes into effect September 2014.
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