Expense Reimbursement / Check:
Requester / Date
Phone / Email
- Listeach expenditureby date. Include a brief description and the purpose. If paid to another, indicate the Payee.
- Attach receiptsif more than $10. (Photocopies and PDF copies are acceptable. Jpeg copies are not.)
- If you made photocopies using your personal printer, reimbursement is limited to7¢ per page.
- Requests for reimbursement must be submitted within 30 days of the expenditure.
- Obtain the President’s approval prior to submitting this form. (The President may approve by email to the Treasurer.)
- Complete the “Mail check to” information below and sign.
- Give or email the Expense Reimbursement Request with attachments to the Treasurer.
Date / Payee – Description – Purpose / Amount / #
Requester’s signature: / Total
Mail check to:
Name,if different from RequesterAddress
City, State, Zip
(Accounting Use Only)
# / Account / Amount / P / # / Account / Amount / P
Expense Reimbursement Policies
Members who incur an SDPCA-related expense can obtain reimbursement by using the Expense Reimbursement form subject to the following conditions:
- The expenditure must relate to SDPCA.
- Expenditures in excess of $100 require the approval of the SDPCA Board in advance of the expenditure being incurred and requests for reimbursement must be submitted within 30 days of the expenditure. A request for reimbursement of an expense in excess of $100 that has not been approved in advance may not be approved or reimbursed.
- The cost to attend a meeting, seminar, training session, workshop, etc. that the member believes relates to SDPCA is not reimbursable unless the attendance at the specific event and cost were approved by the Board in advance.
- Requests for reimbursement of travel costs, such as mileage, gas, etc. are not reimbursable unless they were approved in advance by the Board of Directors.
- A request for reimbursement of an expenditure to a third party that is in excess of $10 requires documentation, such as invoices, receipts, etc. from the relevant third party.
- Attached invoices, receipts, etc. from third parties may be originals or PDF copies. Jpeg copies are not accepted if they are not clearly legible.
- Reimbursement of photocopying costs that were made using a member’s personal printer will be paid at 7 per page.
- Requests for reimbursements of expenses, such as for photocopies, postage, and other ancillary costs must be submitted at reasonable times within the year they are incurred and before they exceed $100.
To request reimbursement, follow one of these processes:
If by printed (hard) copy:
- Complete the Expense Reimbursementform, attach the original or photocopies of the required receipts, and sign on the Requester’s signature line.
- Obtain the approval of the President either on the form or by email to the Treasurer and send the form along with the attached documentation to the Treasurer.
- The Treasurer will process reimbursement by check that will be mailed directly to the requester.
If sent electronically by email:
- Complete the Expense Reimbursementform either by scanning the hard copy or using the electronic version, save it, and email it with the PDF copies of the required documentation to the Treasurer and copy the President.
- The President will forward his or her approval to the Treasurer.
- The Treasurer will process reimbursement by check that will be mailed directly to the requester.
F1 –Expense Reimbursement- 2017-6-14