Cooper Activities: Parent(s) Evaluation Form
Submit one form per student, per season.
Activity/Athletics student participated in:
Parent Name: Date:
Please respond to the following statements using a response from the choices below. Select the number that most clearly and honestly represents your feelings. Please mark the box with an “x”. Use the back for any additional comments. This form can be “saved as” to your computer and returned via email to as an attachment or it can be mailed to John Oelfke’s attention:
Cooper High School 8230 47th Ave. N. New Hope, MN 55428
Disagree Agree N/A
FACILITIES 1 2 3 4 5 6
The playing facilities (gym, rink, field, theater, etc.) provided at CHS are comparable in quality to any in our competitive schedule.The uniforms and warm-ups were comparable to those of our
HEAD COACH/ADVISER – of your student’s specific team (V, JV, B, 9)
The coach/adviser had adequate knowledge of the rules, skills, andstrategies the team needed to develop competitively.
The coach helped individuals develop their fullest potential.
The coach kept other aspects of student life in perspective with
athletic/activity requirements.
List two things the head coach/adviser did to make the experience a positive one:
List two things the head coach/adviser could do to be more effective:
Disagree Agree N/A
ASSISTANT COACH (ES) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Participants felt a strong sense of respect for the assistant coach (es).Information from the assistant coach (es) to the team was clear and understandable.
Practices were effectively structured to enhance individual skill development.Practices were well organized and challenging.
The level of competition scheduled was a challenge to the team’s skill level.OVERALL
If I were the CHS activities/athletic director, I wouldn’t change a thing.(If you responded with a 1,2, or 3 please specify the changes below.)
Disagree Agree N/A
1 2 3 4 5 6
As a parent, I feel this season has been a positive experience.PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MAKE ANY COMMENTS ON THE NEXT PAGE.