(Fairlead Academy I)

School Improvement Plan 2011-2012

SMCPS Master Plan Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.
School Performance Targets: Each school will meet or exceed all state established Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO’s) for reading in 2012. AMO-86.3%
Needs Assessment (Narrative based on data that includes reference to specific student group performance)
Based upon analysis of 2010-2011 quarterly, midcourse, end-of-course assessments; and based on teacher input, deficiencies were noted in the following skill areas among students with disabilities:
  • In writing, students demonstrate insufficient organization and development of ideas.
  • They lack syntactic maturity, including recognizing, combining, and transforming basic sentence patterns.
  • Students often do not understand how revision in syntax and diction affect the meaning of a text.
  • Students also lack knowledge in the rules of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar for the revision process.
  • Many students lack reading strategies to comprehend and interpret on-grade level reading material. They struggle with making meaning of text beyond the literal, to include figurative meanings.
  • Students lack strategies to decode and define unfamiliar words and sounds.
  • Students lack fluency and expression in reading.
  • Many students lack motivation, willingness, and desire to read.
  • Students lack a basic knowledge of grammar.
  • When making meaning from text, students often fail to utilize sufficient evidence to support their understandings.
  • Students also lack an appreciation of the writer’s craft, including an understanding of author’s purpose and how the writer of a text communicates ideas using language and literary techniques.

School Improvement Goal (Aligned to the Needs Assessment)
All students, including students with disabilities, will improve their oral reading fluency, comprehension skills, and grammar skills. All 9th grade students will pass English 9 and 10th grade students will pass English 10, along with the English 10 HSA.
Teachers will continue to work collaboratively through Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) with home high schools to consistently deliver instruction and assessment aligned with content standards and the Common Core State Standards.
All staff will become familiar with the Common Core State Standards in English/Language Arts through professional development opportunities.
Studentswill develop critical reading and writing skills aligned with content standards. Students will use appropriate before, during, and after reading strategies to make meaning from both print and non-print text. Students will improve grammar and writing mechanics to compose, edit, and publish written responses.
Administrators will actively contribute to data discussions and facilitate targeted professional development through faculty meetings and data review sessions. Classes will be informally and formally observed. Student work will be requested to be sure that it is aligned with the curriculum. Administrators will seek input from teachers to obtain access to manageable high interest books to support their efforts.
Strategies and Activities
(Aligned to needs assessment and school improvement goal) / Specific Action Steps / Student Groups Targeted / Timeline/Frequency / Person Responsible / Evaluation/Evidence of student achievement (Based on data)
Core Instructional Model and Supporting Structures
Tier 1
Strategies and activities that address the needs of all students and staff
Classroom instruction and assessments will be aligned with the Common Core State Standards /
  • Professional development opportunities to familiarize all teachers with the CCSS
  • Common assessments developed and shared through PLC’s
/ All students / August 2011-June 2012 / English teachers (Swaby, Davis, Gordon), special education teachers (Fischer, TBA), Content area supervisor (Michelle Galant-Wall) / Instruction will be aligned to the Common Core State Standards and Assessments developed by the PLC and used by all members of the English department
Emphasize organization of ideas, use of relevant supporting detail, and revision for accurate spelling and grammar in order to promote the use of the writing process consistently /
  • Apply common writing rubrics
  • Use Study Island to support writing and revision
/ All students / August 2011-June 2012 / English teachers (Swaby, Davis, Gordon), special education teachers (Fischer, TBA), Content area supervisor (Michelle Galant-Wall) / Improved student achievement on county assessments; Improved scores based on writing rubrics
Supplemental Programs
Tier 2
Provided to majority of students in addition to the regular instructional program
Teachers may regroup students for enrichment and recovery within classrooms and among teachers /
  • Analyze data
  • Determine student groups and activities
/ All students with differentiated activities / August 2011-June 2012 / All teachers—Swaby, Davis, Gordon, Fischer, TBA Spec. Ed. Teacher / Student quarterly grades as recorded in TAC and improved student achievement on county assessments
Intervention/Enrichment Programs
Tier 3
Systematic, intensive instruction for targeted students based upon need
Students will be targeted for re-teaching specific indicators /
  • Utilize Performance Matters data to identify students in need of further assistance
  • Align individual student instruction to specific indicators
  • Targeted students
  • Following benchmark exams
/ All teachers—Swaby, Davis, Gordon, Fischer, TBA Spec. Ed. Teacher / Performance Matters data disaggregated by student and teacher. Increase the number of students passing assessments (classroom and county).
SMCPS Master Plan Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.
School Performance Targets: Each school will meet all state established Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO’s) for mathematics in 2012. AMO- 82.4%
Needs Assessment(Narrative based on data that includes reference to specific student group performance)
Based upon analysis of 2010-2011 incoming 9th graders’ MSA scores and incoming 10th graders’ HSA scores, deficiencies were noted in the following areas:
Algebra Comprehensive:
  • Representing patterns and/or functional relationships in a table, as a graph, and/or by mathematical expression.
  • Solving linear inequalities and describe the solutions using numbers, symbols, and/or graphs.
  • Solving and describing using numbers, symbols, and/or graphs if and where two straight lines intersect.
  • Applying formulas and/or use matrices (arrays of numbers) to solve real-world problems.
  • Use statistical measures to analyze and interpret real-world data.
  • Representing and analyzing two-and three-dimensional figures using tools and technology when appropriate.
  • Applying geometric properties and relationships to solve problems using tools and technology when appropriate.
  • Applying concepts of measurement using tools and technology when appropriate.

School Improvement Goal(Aligned to the Needs Assessment)
Increase the number of students passing the Algebra HSA.
Teachers will work collaboratively through Professional Learning Communities (PLC) to consistently deliver instruction and assessments aligned with content standards and the common syllabi. Classroom instruction and assessments will be grounded in real-world problems with relevancy to students emphasizing the ability to explain in writing mathematical processes.
Students will develop the ability to solve, graph, and write fluently when given real world applications requiring algebraic manipulation. Students will take the Algebra 1 HSA.
Instructional leaders (administrators) will actively contribute to data discussions, facilitate targeted professional development, and seek embedded opportunities for instructional enhancements.
Strategies and Activities
(Aligned to needs assessment and school improvement goal) / Specific Action Steps / Student Groups Targeted / Timeline/Frequency / Person Responsible / Evaluation/Evidence of student achievement (Based on data)
Core Instructional Model and Supporting Structures
Tier 1
Strategies and activities that address the needs of all students and staff
All teachers will align classroom instruction and assessments with content standards using common syllabi /
  • Use common syllabi when designing instruction
  • Develop and share common assessments as a PLC
/ All students / Weekly / Math teachers (Joe, Samms-Morris, Garner) and Special Education teachers (Fischer and TBA) / Improved student achievement on county assessments
Utilize benchmark assessment data and other formative assessments to plan instruction, assess and predict student performance so as to determine strategies for improvement
(Utilize embedded assessments) /
  • Staff meets to examine data and analyze student work
  • PLC and Data Review meetings
/ All students / Bi-weekly / Joe, Samms-Morris, Garner / Increase in Student performance on Benchmark and on formative assessments
Supplemental Programs
Tier 2
Provided to majority of students in addition to the regular instructional program
Utilize differentiated instruction and research based practices to improve students’ performance. /
  • Relevant data discussions will occur at each PLC meeting
  • Data discussions will result in identifying re-teaching strategies as well as content that requires re-teaching
/ All students / On-going / Bi-weekly / Teachers – Samms-Morris, Joe, Garner / Increase in student performance on classroom assessments
Intervention/Enrichment Programs
Tier 3
Systematic, intensive instruction for targeted students based upon need
Target students for remediation and advancement on specific indicators /
  • Utilize Performance Matters data to identify students in need of further assistance
  • Align individual student instruction to specific indicators
  • Flexible grouping by ability within classrooms and among teachers when possible
  • Pull-out instructional sessions for targeted students
/ Targeted students identified as introductory and advanced. / Ongoing / All Math teachers – (Samms-Morris, Joe, Garner); Special Education teachers (Fischer, TBA) / Performance Matters data disaggregated by student and teacher. Increase number of students passing PLC created assessments, county assessments, and HSA.
SMCPS Master Plan Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.
School Performance Targets: Each school will meet all established targets for biology in 2012.
Needs Assessment(Narrative based on data that includes reference to specific student group performance)
Based upon analysis of the 2010-2011 county assessments and HSA scores, deficiencies were noted in the following skill areas among special education students:
  • Based on student benchmark data, students continue to struggle with Goal 1 (skills and processes) of the Science CLGs.
  • Poor reading comprehension-Students do not fully answer question on constructed response questions.
  • Poor study skills-students do not know how to study.
  • Test taking strategies need to be utilized

School Improvement Goal(Aligned to the Needs Assessment)
All students will utilize the content to become prepared for Goal 1 (skills and processes) of the Biology HSA.
Teachers will work collaboratively through targeted Explorations in Science or Biology Professional Learning Community (PLC) with Great Mills High School, Leonardtown High School, and Chopticon High School to consistently deliver instruction and assessment aligned with content standards. Instructional emphasis will be placed on utilizing reading and writing strategies to maximize engagement and retention of concepts.
Students will develop proficiency with skills and processes necessary to pass the Biology HSA. Skills include reading comprehension. Goal 1 Biology skills will be emphasized throughout the Explorations in Science curriculum. Students will utilize study skills and test taking strategies throughout the year in preparation for the HSA.
Instructional leaders (administrators) will actively contribute to data discussions and facilitate targeted professional development through data review sessions.
Strategies and Activities
(Aligned to needs assessment and school improvement goal) / Specific Action Steps / Student Groups Targeted / Timeline/Frequency / Person Responsible / Evaluation/Evidence of student achievement (Based on data)
Core Instructional Model and Supporting Structures
Tier 1
Strategies and activities that address the needs of all students and staff
All teachers will align classroom instruction and assessments with content standards. /
  • Use common syllabi when designing instruction
  • Develop and share common assessments as a PLC
/ All students / Quarterly / DeLuca, Stauff, / Increased scores on classroom and county assessments; increase in the number of students passing the biology HSA.
Recovery options will be used for underperforming indicators on assessments. /
  • Individual teachers or PLC members may develop recovery options
/ All students / On-going / DeLuca, Stauff / Increased scores on classroom and county assessments; increase in the number of students passing the biology HSA.
Supplemental Programs
Tier 2
Provided to majority of students in addition to the regular instructional program
Utilize writing and reading strategies /
  • Strategies such as graphic organizers, think-pair-share, etc. will be used
  • Before, during and after reading strategies will be incorporated into classroom instruction
  • Vocabulary strategies that focus on the Biology CLG Assessment Limits will be implemented.
  • Practice of CR writing skills will be emphasized
  • Laboratory conclusions will be CR based
  • Teachers will collaborate with the English department regarding a common writing rubric
/ All students / On-going / Science teachers (DeLuca, Stauff), Special Ed teachers (Fischer), and English Teachers (Davis, Swaby, Gordon) /
  • Increase in student writing scores, as graded by the rubrics
  • Increase in number of students passing classroom assessments

Emphasize study skills and test taking strategies /
  • Strategies to improve test performance will be used
/ All students / On-going / Science teachers (DeLuca, Stauff) and Fischer /
  • Increase in number of students passing classroom and standardized assessments

Intervention/Enrichment Programs
Tier 3
Systematic, intensive instruction for targeted students based upon need
Utilize assessment data in order to differentiate instruction /
  • Teachers will analyze classroom assessment data
  • Teachers will differentiate instruction to deliver re-teaching of concepts with students who need remediation
  • Teachers will differentiate instruction to deliver enrichment activities for students who excel
/ All students (targeted students for intervention and targeted students for enrichment) / On-going / DeLuca, Stauff, Fischer / Increase in student performance on benchmark and on formative assessments
SMCPS Master Plan Goal 4: All Students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug free, and conducive to learning.
Needs Assessment(Narrative based on data that includes reference to specific student group performance)
Based on a review of the 2010-11 discipline data, marked deficiencies were noted in the following categories:
  • Class Disruption
  • Refusal to Obey
  • Disrespect

School Improvement Goal(Aligned to the Needs Assessment)
  • Teachers will participate in de-escalation strategies workshop
  • Targeted students will be assigned a mentor

Strategies and Activities
(Aligned to needs assessment and school improvement goal) / Specific Action Steps / Student Groups Targeted / Timeline/Frequency / Person Responsible / Evaluation/Evidence of student achievement (Based on data)
De-escalation training / Training staff on de-escalation strategies / All students / August, 2011 / Gary O’Neill, school psychologist / Decreased number of referrals in targeted areas
Mentors /
  • Find mentors
  • Identify students who would benefit from having a mentor
/ Targeted students / August 2011-June 2012 / Sara Cooper, guidance counselor / Decrease in the number of incidents among targeted students
SMCPS Master Plan Goal 5: All Students will graduate from high school.
School Performance: School Target: Each school will meet or exceed all state established Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO’s) for attendance/graduation rate in 2012.
Needs Assessment(Narrative based on data that includes reference to specific student group performance)
Upon review of 2010-2011 attendance data, several students at Fairlead missed 15 or more days during the school year.
School Improvement Goal(Aligned to the Needs Assessment)
Decrease the number of lawful and unlawful absences among targeted students.
Strategies and Activities
(Aligned to needs assessment and school improvement goal) / Specific Action Steps / Student Groups Targeted / Timeline/Frequency / Person Responsible / Evaluation/Evidence of student achievement (Based on data)
Identify targeted students /
  • Review previous year’s attendance
/ All students / August, 2011 / Cline, Cooper / Decreased absences among students
Decrease the number of unlawful absences among all students /
  • Any student not in attendance at school each day will receive a phone call home the morning of their absence.
  • Any student who returns to school and whose absence is still unlawful will receive a reminder letter in their first period class to bring in documentation of their absence
/ All students / Daily / Mierzwa (nurse), or Cooper (counselor) or Norris (secretary) / Decreased number of unlawful absences
SMCPS Goal : Increased communication, collaboration, and partnerships with all stakeholders.
School Improvement Goal(Aligned to the Needs Assessment)
Continue to promote strong communication and collaboration with stakeholders, including parents, students, and community partners. Utilize available technologies such as eSchool+, our school web page, email, school mailings, and the school messenger phone system to promote effective and timely stakeholder involvement in the instructional process.
Stakeholders / Communication / Collaboration / Building Relationships
Parents/School Community
Overarching Strategy
Offer an alternative to parent conference day for all parents / School Messenger phone-out to parents explaining why the parent/teacher conference day does not exist and that at any time they can call or email to request a conference with a specific teacher or with all teachers / Teachers and parents will communicate necessary information to help the student be successful. / Parents and teachers will have open communication through in-person meetings, phone calls, or emails.
Strategy for Targeted Groups
Parents of identified students who are struggling will be contacted by the school to set up a conference. / Teachers or guidance counselor will request a conference with parents of identified students via phone call or email. / Teachers and parents will communicate necessary information to help the student be successful. / Parents and teachers will have open communication through in-person meetings, phone calls, or emails.
Overarching Strategy
Students will recognize achievements of peers, staff and school community. / Students and staff will have the opportunity to request that an announcement be made about their specific achievements or successes in academics and athletics. Staff and students are encouraged to acknowledge the accomplishments of others. / Teachers and administration and students. / Diversity is appreciated and students are encouraged to respect others.
Strategy for Targeted Groups
Share specific information about opportunities at students’ home high school / Guidance counselor and administrators will have a point of contact (such as the Career and College Readiness Coaches) at each of the home high schools to gather information for students. Information will be posted on home high school bulletin board in Fairlead’s main entrance. / Home high schools and Fairlead will communicate necessary information. / Students will take advantage of opportunities at their home high schools and will build relationships with each other during those extra-curricular opportunities.
Overarching Strategy
Staff will communicate necessary information to parents, including successes and concerns, on a monthly basis for an assigned group of students. / Teacher will collect information about students’ successes and concerns from other teachers and staff and will call or email parents to relay the information. / Parents, teachers, and students will continue to work toward the common goal of student achievement. / Students will take pride in personal successes and will try to improve on concerns.
Strategy for Targeted Groups
Staff will communicate with student successes and concerns in data review meetings. / During bi-weekly data review meetings, staff will discuss specific successes, concerns, and strategies used to approach selected students / Staff will communicate with each other to implement strategies to improve student achievement. / Students will benefit from staff collaboration.