Supreme Court
of New South Wales /
Application to Re-publish an online Notice of Intention to Apply for a Grant of Representation or Reseal
Under Supreme Court Rules Part 78 rules 4 and 5, Notices of Intention to Apply for a Grant of Representation or Reseal are to be published online at . You should only complete this form if you do not have a credit card (or VISA/Mastercard debit card) and secure access to the internet, or you were unable to create an Online Registry account.
Before completing this form, you should read the “Probate Notice Information Sheet” that accompanied this form. Once completed, you can lodge this form in person at the Registry (Level 5, 184 Phillip St, Sydney), or post it to: Supreme Court, GPO Box 3, Sydney 2001. If you post the form, you should include your solicitor firm cheque or money order for $18.00 (made payable to “Supreme Court of NSW”) in the same envelope.
The Registry will then publish your Notice within 3 days of receiving your form and payment and send confirmation of publication to your nominated contact.
Details about the Probate Notice (Tick 1 box only and refer to the “Probate Notice Information Sheet” for further guidance)
Notice of Intended Application for Probate (select if there is a will and one or all of the executors are applying) / Notice of Intended Application for Reseal (select if a grant has been made in another jurisdiction* that needs to be resealed in NSW)
Notice of Intended Application for Administration with the Will Annexed (select if there is a will, but none of the executors are applying) / Notice of Intended Application for Administration (select if there is no will)

*The original jurisdiction could be another State or Territory in Australia, or an overseas jurisdiction in which the Queen is the Head of State.

Details about the Intended Applicant/s
(Insert the details of the person/s who will ultimately be applying for probate, administration or reseal here. If there are more than 3 applicants, insert rows as necessary, or attach extra pages containing the details sought below)

Applicant 1

/ Given name/s
Postal Address / Street Address/PO Box
Suburb / State / Postcode

Applicant 2

/ Given name/s
Postal Address / Street Address/PO Box
Suburb / State / Postcode

Applicant 3

/ Given name/s
Postal Address / Street Address/PO Box
Suburb / State / Postcode
Details about the Deceased

Deceased's Name

/ Given name/s
Aliases (if applicable) / Separate known aliases with a comma

Date of death

/ DD/MM/YYYY / Between & / Unknown
Place of last residence / Australia / Suburb / State / Postcode
Overseas / Country
Details about the Will & Codicils
Are all the executors named in the Will joining this application? /  Yes / No (complete the “Qualifications” box below)
Date of will / DD/MM/YYYY / Undated
Date/s of Codicil/s / 1st Codicil: DD/MM/YYYY
2nd Codicil: DD/MM/YYYY
3rd Codicil: DD/MM/YYYY / Undated
Additional Details Required for Notices of Intended Application for Reseal
Name of jurisdiction in which the original Grant was issued
Type of original Grant / Grant of Probate / Grant of Administration / Grant of Administration with will annexed
Additional details required for the Notice of Intended Application for Administration (where there is no will; tick 1 box only)
Relationship of the Applicant/s to the deceased / Parents / Children / Mother / Father / Son / Daughter / Spouse
Other; please specify (e.g. Niece, Nephew, Grandchild etc)
Details of any qualifications you want to publish in the Notice
Complete this section with any qualifying comments. This information will appear at the bottom of the Notice. Qualifications may explain why somebody else is not applying (eg: "The applicant is a substituted executor. The instituted executor predeceased the testator and the other substituted executor renounced probate"). You should also specify any limitations in relation to the proposed grant (eg: "The application for probate is for a copy of the will. The grant of probate will be limited until the original will is found and proved.")
Contact details for this Notice
Whose contact details should be published in the Notice? (The Notice will encourage any potential creditors to contact this person) / See Legal Representative details set out below / I do not have a lawyer. Creditors should contact Applicant Number (refer to page 1) at the postal address already provided.
To whom can the Court address any enquiries and send notification of publication? / Contact the Legal Representative set out below / I do not have a lawyer, but you can call me with any enquiries on:
and my email address* is:
* This address will not be published.
Legal Representative details (Leave this section blank if you do not have a lawyer)
Surname / Given name/s

Practising Certificate Number/PCN

PCN State / Firm Name
Street Address/PO Box / Suburb / State / Postcode
Email address / Which address should be published in the Notice? / Postal address / Email address / Both
Telephone (Business Hours) / Mobile (Optional) /

Fax Number

Payment details
The fee for publication of a Probate Notice is $41.00.

Method of payment

/ Cash/EFTPOS (only available if you lodge this form in person at the Registry) / Solicitor Firm Cheque (personal cheques not accepted) / Money Order
Case Number /

Receipt Number

Date Receipt provided to client / Processed by (Initials)

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