Minutes of the Fund Raising and Marketing Committee (now the Service Projects Committee0 held at 76 Hatton Gardens, Newark at 7.00 pm on Tuesday July 9th 2013

Present: Ivor Walker (Chairmen), Linda Clark, Louise Girling, Bob Benbow and Peter Hall

Apologies were received from Simon Shaw, David Pattinson and Nigel Mills

1.  The minutes of the last meeting (23/04/2013) were agreed

2.  Matter arising; these would be covered in the agenda

3.  .There was no correspondence

4.  Review oF activities: The Ferret Racing had been called off due to lack of interest. The skittles Evening had been successful with a good attendance. The Castle Club had booked 12 places but only 7 turned up resulting in a loss on the food costs. It was agreed to write to the Castle Secretary asking them to make up the deficit of £17.50. There was some criticism of the Fish & chips, the earlier ones got a large piece of fish and peas but the later ones got smaller pieces and no Peas

5.  Future Events Garden Party. Bob Ben bow reported 123 attending and everything was in hand there were 17 items for the Auction and 10 for the raffle

b. Hog Roast (Sept 8th) Ivor was to enquire what the Hog Roast would charge for doing the salads

c. Flintham Show Linda has booked space

d. Race Night (Oct. 18th) This would be at Regal Lodge with filmed races. It was suggested that another night was held next year using the Clubs equipment

e.Switch on Day We will be offering Hot Chocolate and Mulled wine with a supplement of Baileys at cost. The equipment will be coming from Lincoln RC Shortbread instead of Mince Pies and there was need to provide something for the children

f, Waitrose Collection This is in the hands of David Shannon

g. Murder Mystery Evening. It agreed to have this again at the Rugby Club but with better catering on March 14th

h. Rotary Day it was agreed to have a Market Stall the date: March 2nd (TBC).

I. The Skittles will be held again.

j. Linda suggested a Wine Tasting possibly at the Town Club or Rugby Club

k.10 pin Bowling. Linda suggested a contest between businesses in the Town, teams of 6 and a charge of £60.00 per team

l. Santa Run The Committee had a lengthy report from Nigel Mills about the Lincoln RC Run who achieved £11,635 through Corporate and £17,481 in entry fees, totalling£29,116. Members wondered if our Club has enough enthusiastic members for this. Ivor had heard that a Lady Member of Castle was planning something on these lines and he would make enquiries

m.Gelly’s Monkey Ivor would speak to John Gelsthorpe to finalise the competition

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 27th August.

The meeting closed at 8.15 and Linda was thanked for her hospitality