Dear 1st and 2nd Families,
Happy Monday! The students have learned so much already in regards to their new class procedures and routines. They enjoyed getting to know each other by presenting their brown bags last week, and we finished up those presentations today. They will have some more “firsts” this week, including their first homework packet, their first Technology class, and their first week of Reading Groups. Here are some notes to keep in mind as we head into our second week of school:
-Please make sure your child is returning his/her folder on a daily basis. When the folder comes home, please remove all of the notices and checked work to keep at home, and send the folder back empty. It may be helpful to designate a special place at home where your child will keep their folder, in order to help them keep track of it and remember to bring it back every morning.
-Homework was sent home for the first time today! Please encourage your child to complete their homework assignments as independently as possible. They should place their homework in their folder on Thursday night, to be turned in Friday morning.
-If your child would like to sew a place mat, please send in your $10 donation as soon as possible. Ms. Susie is beginning to help the children sew their place mats this week.
-In the morning, please say your good-byes at the door and encourage your child to enter the classroom on his or her own. This helps foster independence, sets a calm tone for the day, and allows children who are already in the classroom working to concentrate.
-The children were excited to attend their reading groups for the first time today! Please make sure they are reading at home as part of their homework. First graders should be reading at least 20 minutes daily, and 2nd graders should be reading at least 25 minutes. Be sure to have them record their minutes on the reading calendar sent home by Ms. Elaine.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Wishing you a peaceful week.
Ms. Erin and Ms. Susie