Caerffili and District Ramblers Twenty Second Annual General MeetingSeptember 9th 2015
ChairJohn Newton Walks Secretary Clive Elsbury Treasurer Brenda Brice Secretary Lynda Newton Apologies for absence were received from: Ileanne Burge; Glyn Wright; Myrna Roberts; Sue & Angela Neal; Delwyn Watkins; Caroline Williams; Linda Jones; Ron Freeman; Elisabeth & Wilf Hall; Lawrence Andrews; Diane Burton; Anne East ; Gail and Nigel Jones; Sally Hughes; Glyn Wright; Maggie Thomas; Anne Gent; Elaine Lloyd.
Attendance:Forty one members attended = 29.5% .An increase on last year.
Minutes of 2014 AGM The minutes were agreed as a true and correct record, proposed by Peter Brice and seconded by Clive Elsbury.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising from the 2014 minutes.
Report from the Chair
- Thanks were given to all the committee members: Olwen Ford; Anne Turley; Carol Elcock; Tony Evans and the officers for their support and commitment to the Club in the past year.
- It was noted that Margaret Wallis had organised a successful coach trip and walks at Bosherton;
- Mike Maguire, Tony Evans and Diane Burton had supported the Caerphilly Challenge Walk through leading the Youth Forum Ramble thus giving the group access to free First Aid and Navigation courses. During the past year 8 members have attended First Aid courses and 6 members have undertaken navigation courses.
- Next year’s Challenge Walk will be from Bedwas High School. The initial reccee will be in October.
- Mo and Del Watkins organised the successful[i]Christmas lunch and Andalucia holiday and Ann Stoddart and Judith Jones organised a well attended New Year dinner.
- During the year the constitution had been tested, showing how important having both insurance cover and a constitution is to protect the committee and walk leaders. The terms of the insurance were read out to members.
- Members were reminded that, to comply with the terms of the insurance ALL group walks should be emailed to members, especially those that are not on the circulated programme, as are all changes to the programme.
- The Ramblers Association have a Path Watch programme and Caerphilly Ramblers will soon be adopting a few paths in the Caerphilly Basin. Members will be invited to help in their maintenance.
- Thanks were given to all walk leaders for helping make the year very successful and for giving so much time and effort in preparing and leading walks. We always need more members to lead walks, though, if we are to maintain the programme of three or four walks each week.
- There have been three Members’ Meetings that have been well attended, with more members supported in becoming walk leaders.
- The website has been updated weekly and regular emails sent to members, thanks to Clive and Lynda. Clive also monitors the flickr photo sharing site.
- Congratulations were given to our three original members who are still active within the group: Brenda Brice; Carol Elcock and Ann Stoddart.
Walk Secretary’s Report
Clive also extended his thanks to all members who submit walks for him for the increasingly varied and new walks on the programme. Six members have led walks for the first time during the past year. He asked that all members consider leading just one walk each year to ease the burden on ‘the regulars’ and to offer a greater range of walks. (170+ walks are needed each year to fill the programme)
Treasurer’s Report
Copies of the financial report were made available to all present.
- Membership remains 139, with 25 joining in the past year.
- The current balance is £934. Noted that additional income was raised via the Walking Partnership with Ramblers Holidays. (Thanks to members who nominate our Club when booking)
- It was noted that there has been decrease in postage costs now that 50% of members have agreed to receive all information via email.
Review of Constitution
Change of wording in constitution, paragraph 4 ‘sexual preference’ changed to ‘sexual orientation. Proposed Mike Maguire, seconded Pam Lyons.All present agreed to the change.
Only one proposal was received by the Chair, prior to the meeting
The committee proposed that, in an effort to encourage more members to organise coach trips, walk leader should be able to claim travel costs at a rate of 30p per mile whenrecceing walks for the trip, the cost to be absorbed into the charge made to each coach passenger. Only one payment should be made to the trip organiser, regardless of the number of recces made or the number of walks taking place. The trip organiser could choose to share the payment with the other walk leader if more than one car is used.
Proposed by Alun Lewis, seconded by Janet Baynton. All present agreed.
All the current officers and committee agreed to continue and were unanimously voted in.
Chair – John Newton; Treasurer – Brenda Brice; Walk Secretary – Clive Elsbury; Secretary – Lynda Newton;
H&S Officer – Olwen Ford; Committee: Anne Turley ; Tony Evans; Dennis Traylor ; Carol Elcock.
It was noted that John Newton does not seek re-election at the 2016 AGM.
Thanks was given to John Newton, by Peter Brice, for all the work he has put in to the club during the past year, especially in handling a difficult situation that resulted in the committee having to ask a member to resign from the Club.
Group Holidays and Walk Events2015-16
- Lynda Newton has organised a four day holiday to Church Stretton, with HF Holidays, on April 4-8 2016. The holiday is on a full board basis, with walks at 3 lengths and grades offered each day. Sixteen members have already booked this holiday, but more are welcome to join it.
- Pam Lyons will organise another walking holiday next June 14th, walking from Penzance to Falmouth. Booking details will be emailed to members by November.
- Clive Elsbury is considering organising a holiday to Bavaria in September 2016. He will email members with details.
- All members were asked to let the Chair know of any further proposals, which will be discussed at the next members’ meeting in November.
Christmas Lunch and New Year Dinner
- Mo Watkins has booked the Butchers Arms in Rhiwbina for Christmas Lunch on Thursday December 17th. Olwen has offered to lead a walk, but would welcome the support of a second walk leader.
- No arrangements were made for the New Year Dinner. Members were asked to contact the Chair with proposals.
Anniversary Dinner will be held on the first Thursday in May at the Manor Parc, Thornhill, Cardiff and organised by Peter and Brenda.
On recent Navigation and First Aid in the Outdoors courses members have been advised that walk leaders and back markers should carry a storm shelter when on longer walks and in remote areas, such as The Beacons. After full discussion members agreed that the Committee should consider the number and size needed and go ahead with purchasing them.
Lynda Newton 14.9.15