Pupil Premium is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for FSM and children who have been
looked after continuously for more than six months.
Key Priority:
To narrow the disadvantage gap by addressing inequalities and raising the attainment of those pupils in low-income families.
What do we expect to see:
Targeted strategies which result in pupils, however financially disadvantaged, being able to have full access to our curriculum, quality first teaching and all our extra-curricular experiences. All pupils who are currently under-performing because of their disadvantaged background will make improved progress leading to narrowing of any attainment gaps.
Number of EYPP/PP Pupils September 2016
Year Group / Total no. of pupils / Number of PP
pupils / % of PP pupils / Number of LAC pupils
Nursery / Unknown in Sept / 0
Rec / 59 / 8 / 14% / 0
Year 1 / 60 / 13 / 22% / 1
Year 2 / 55 / 2 / 4% / 0
Year 3 / 54 / 9 / 16% / 0
Year 4 / 58 / 18 / 31% / 1
Year 5 / 58 / 17 / 29% / 0
Year 6 / 57 / 10 / 18% / 0
The above figures include current pupils who have been or currently are registered Free School Meals pupils and therefore attract Pupil Premium Funding.
Achievement of Pupils
- To close / narrow the gap between FSM and non FSM children in school and with their peers nationally
- To provide early targeted intervention for underperforming groups as identified through SIMS data – including those in receipt of PPG
- Analyse progress of PP pupils termly for the causes of under achievement, and through the Performance Management process
- To ensure never less than good / outstanding teaching for those children in receipt of PPG
- Teaching Assistants are highly trained and understand Formative assessment strategies
- Attendance / punctuality and behaviour of children in receipt of PPG in-line with other children in school and nationally
- Ensure high quality early intervention from experienced teaching staff
- Analyse progress of children in receipt of PPG to determine any issues in performance
- Identify children in receipt of PPG to all staff and track their progress and provision
- Identify a member of the SLT to oversee provision and impact
- Ensure governing body have full knowledge and awareness of allocation / spending / impact of actions
Achievement of Pupils
- The number of pupils working at age related expectations increase.
- Analysis of children taking part in early targeted intervention demonstrates progress above that expected
- Analysis of this cohort using SIMS demonstrates a closing / narrowing of the gap with peers in school and nationally
- Targeted intervention for underperforming groups to take place including those in receipt of PPG – teaching to be never less than good / mainly outstanding - using SIMS data / lesson observations (linked to Performance Management process) to evaluate impact
- Use of Formative Assessment strategies embedded and impacting on quality of teaching and thus progress of children – linked to Performance Management process
- If attendance / punctuality and behaviour of children in receipt of PPG not in-line with other children in school and nationally then provide school based interventions such as additional level 1 TA / parenting support
- Action plan identifies provision and expected impact
- Senior Management Team member identified as Pupil Premium Co-ordinator, acts as advocate and is able to carefully track progress and impact of intervention strategies
- Named governor and rest of governing body have a detailed knowledge of actions / their rationale / cost and impact
- Fund 1 full time HLTA
- Additional teacher in summer term
- Fund 1 level 3 TA + 1 level 2 TA in summer term
- Fund 1 level 3 teaching assistant for EYFS
- Fund SEN elements of TA’s salary
- Fund a family support worker
- Enrichment activities including educational visits
Action / Success criteria / Resp / Costs / Time
Half termly update to be undertaken / All eligible children identified and tracked
by class teachers / Office SBM / Half termly
EYPP: see separate plan for Nursery / EYFS
Target Reception pupils entitled to PP who are attaining in the 30 -50 months band or below of the EYFS on entry to Reception in any of the Prime or Specific Areas.
Intervention delivered by Fulltime TA3 / Through phase meetings,provide school based CPD, to further develop EYFS staff skills in exploiting child initiated projects as spring boards for key skills in the Prime and Specific areas.
At least 50% of the target group attain ELG by the end of the Reception year with majority of the remaining pupils attaining within the 40-60 months band. / SLT EYFS / 1 full time TA / By June 2017
To track the Y1 pupils entitled to EYPP who did not met the ELG at reading Summer 2016
To track the Y1 pupils entitled to EYPP who did not met the ELG at writing Summer 2016 / RWI teaching in a group/ Lexia intervention
By October 2016, target pupils are secure at RWI speed sounds set 1 and developing at set 2 speed sounds
By June 2017the Target Pupils will pass the Phonic Screening Test.
RWI teaching in a group / SLT EYFS Y1 staff
TA 2xAM / I part time TA / October 2016
June 2017
June 2017
To ensure PP pupils continue to achieve ARE and develop understanding at greater depth
Reading- (2/2)
Writing (2/2)
Maths- (2/2) / PP children to remain a focus for intervention groups. Intervention monitoring sheets show impact and progress.
Use Literacy tracking progress sheets to evidence progress in PP children.
Scrutinies and work sharing to look with a specific emphasis upon PP children.
Discussion in pupil progress meetings related specifically to PP children termly
Performance management targets also linked to progress and attainment, in particular those who are PP. / Y2 staff
SLT / Cover for pupil progress meetings / June 2017
YEAR 3/4/5/6
Increase the % of PP children achieving at least ARE in Maths
Y3 (3/8)
Y4 (12/18)
Y5 (9/ 17)
Y6 (4/10) / Targeted teaching ensures all pupils make good rates of progress and in some cases accelerated progress
All children are exposed to mastery materials as maths will now be taught in classes raising expectations
Intervention is immediate and responsive to teaching
Evidence in books shows pupils are taught revised calculation methods which enable them to use and apply in a range of contexts / KS2 staff
SLT / June 2017
Increase the % of PP children achieving at least ARE in Reading
Y3 (2/8 pupils)
Y4 (4/17 pupils)
Y5 (6/17 pupils)
Y6 (4/10 pupils) / By June 2017 for the majority of pupils, the gap narrows between their reading and chronological age
All PP pupils have weekly reading intervention which may include 1:1 reading, phonics, small group work on comprehension
Purchased new reading books / Class teacher / TA time
£2000 / June 2017
Oct 2016
Increase the % of PP children achieving at least ARE in Spag / Rising Stars Skills Builder to reinforce SPaG and use intervention with those children identified as underperforming.
Consistency of homework with new SPaG homework books ensure continual reinforcement of basic skills and knowledge.
Year 6 Staff involved in Grammar Training as part of National study.
amount of progress.
AHT Literacy lead intervention with Y4 PP 1 xPM per week / Y6 staff
AHT / Supply
Supply cost / Sept 2016
Oct 2016-June
Maintain effective communication between class teachers and SENCO to provide additional support for pupils who are below ARE to determine whether they have SENDs / Learning plans twice a year
Support from external agencies used to inform strategies used to improve progress / Class teacher
SEN intervetion / ongoing
To encourage all PP pupils to participate in a variety of After-School Clubs, thereby strengthening their inclusion within the school.
To ensure inclusion at fee paying clubs, music tuition, educational visits / To overcome barriers to learning
Weekly homework club is attended by PP pupils in Y6 and supports progress
All PP pupils are offered extra curricular PE club / PE coord
Club providers / ongoing
1:1 work with pupils to improve attendance
Improved communication with parents / Attendance target agreed with Governors
Attendance monitored half termly
Targeted parents through Leading Parent Partnership Programme improves understanding of good attendance / HT GOV body
SLT / School social worker / Weekly monitoring
Termly comparisons between PP and non PP pupils
Effective Feedback
Principles of effective assessment for learning embedded with all staff
Pupils encouraged to think about their own learning strategies and develop a growth mindest
On going monitoring of pupil progress / Observations show a range of AFL strategies used effectively
SLT to monitor impact on pupil achievement
The % of PP pupils with a growth mindset increases / SLT / Nov 2016
July 2017
How will we measure the impact of Pupil premium?
- Progress data analysed termly for impact to determine success of strategies – linked to Performance Management process (2 x LO per teacher)
- Professional discussion at pupil progress meetings termly
- Progress data analysed annually to measure overall impact of intervention strategies used
- Member of SLT identified as coordinator for PP –to report directly to Governing Body
- SLT to observe teaching, book and planning scrutiny, VEO provision maps
- Governors monitor action planning / spending / impact at each Finance Meeting 2016-17 Performance of PPG RAISEonline, SIMS data
- Regular feedback to staff / governors / parents / children on impact of actions and of self-assessment on the school website
Designated staff member in charge: Miss Lynn Hoult (Assistant Head Teacher)
Nominated governor: Rachel Murphy
Date of next Pupil Premium Strategy Reviews:
Jan 2017
April 2017