Quarterly Meeting 9/29/12
Rockport- MRC
Present: Kathy Carr, Sue Smith, Lynn Blackstone, Molly Kivus, Tanya Quigley, Sharon Tinch, Leah Hupper
Molly called the meeting to order @ 9:50.
-Treasurer: (Kathy) $3500 loss so far, from summer and fall to date. We may need to increase ice fees. We will have until Jan. to make a plan to correct this, or to increase the ice cost. The limited number of coaches limits us, somewhat.
-Secretary: (Lynn) No actions have been taken since 6/1/12 Annual Meeting. A Steering Comm. meeting was held 7/14/12.
-Coaches Cred.: (Leah) We have 6 assistants, 3 assistant instructors, and 3 junior instructors. All applications, evaluations, etc need to be kept in a file in the office. These will be collected and assembled.
-Membership: No report
-NEICC: (Glenda sent written report) The NEICC hasn't met since our last meeting. As soon as I get a meeting notice I'll share with all of you, hoping one or more will come along with me to the next meeting.I do want to repeat something I mentioned last time, and that is- The NEICC has set aside funds to reimburse trial judgesand accountants-in-training working on their first appointment. The NEICC will reimburse expenses up to $500.00.If there is someone interested, please let me know... we need more judges and we also need accountants.
-BS Director: Tanya suggested that soliciting students from BS classes may increase use of “Coach and Me” ice time. The limited number of coaches remains a limiting factor. Will give out Buddy Passes to try to get more kids interested in programs. 29 skaters presently enrolled in BS program at IV. Maybe expecting more in coming weeks. At MRC, we have no one to run the BS registration table, yet. Sessions will begin 10/20/12. Molly will get someone to handle the registrations by this date. Assistants need to be more involved in helping skaters get ready, etc…. Mark E. is working on making it possible for skaters to register and pay online. BS skaters are now able to pay by credit card @ the rink.
-Sanctions: (Kathy) Sanctions all set for United Way event and MRC Community Day. Kathy will request sanction for Celebration on Ice.
-PR: (Sharon) Press releases done for IV; will do the same for MRC. Will use Village Soup intermittently for beginnings of sessions, shows, and special events.Sharon has made contacts with local schools to get information in weekly newsletters in the MRC area. Info has already gone to Waterville and Augusta area schools. MRC Community Day appears to be well-marketed this year.
-SAM rep.: (Kathy) Budgets were approved, with questions on the FS ice fee loss concerns. This will be revisited after December. Hockey has started fundraising. We are distributing CLYNK bags to collect cans/bottles donations. We are beginning a wreath fundraiser. Some skaters and hockey players performed at a United Way fundraiser. SAM Board has approved some scholarship funds for FS or hockey skaters who are needy. Applications will be on the SAM website.
- Test Chair: (Lynn) Test session held8/12/12. Five skaters passed tests. A ceremony was held 8/12/12 to recognize tests passed during the June 2011-June 2012 season. Bethany Berry has passed a gold level test; the club policy is to purchase a club jacket for those who pass gold level tests. Kathy has purchased this jacket; we will get this to her one weekend when she is home from college. The next test session is planned for February 18, 2013.
Old Business
-Show committee: Chair of Celebration on Ice show and fundraising person still needed. Kathy will send out show applications, which will state that we need help for these tasks in order to have a successful show. We will see if volunteers step forward.
-Competitions: Tanya still working on getting groups of coaches and skaters to go as a group to competitions.
-Vacant positions:
- BS MRC & IV: Both still open. Kathy temporarily manning registration table @ IV; Molly looking for person to handle MRC registration table.
-Website updates- Melissa needs some assistance keeping it updated. Sharon will see if she can also post things on to the website.
-New Business
-Advertising for next session -fliers etc: See PR report.
-Future test dates: 2/18/12- Ice Vault ice reserved 8:00-12:00, followed by Skate Your Heart Out (ice for this until 4:00). Lynn will solicit judges (silver level for both). Judges will be asked to stay and help judge the competition. Applications will need to be due 21-30 days prior to event. August date- Lynn will solicit judges. We will look for someone to run this session, also.
-Some have expressed a preference to make a donation rather than to participate in fundraising. The SAM Board is discussing this.
-Fundraising ideas: Club sweatshirts/tee shirts, car magnets. Garments would need to be sold before the holiday season. Kathy will bring this to the SAM Board.
-IV’s new Manager will be starting soon.
-Next quarterly meeting: January, to be held in Augusta.
The meeting was adjourned @ 11:30.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lynn Blackstone
Figure Skating Steering Committee Secretary