The following is a brief summary of the new paragraphs in the Standard for Standard For Volumetric Leak Detection Devices For Underground And Aboveground Storage Tanks For Flammable And Combustible Liquids, ULC STANDARDS CAN-ULC-S675-1, which have a future Effective Date of October 7, 2019 and the action that may be required to determine compliance.
General Subject and Comment / Summary of requirements /The changes in this first Edition CAN/ULC-S675.1 from ULC/ORD-C58.12 include:
1. Clarified requirements for electrical features;
2. New Precision Leak Monitoring product category, in addition to Precision Leak Detection and Continuous Leak Monitoring;
3. Leak Detection performance determined according to protocols published by the National working Group on Leak Detection Evaluations (NWGLDE);
4. Statistical Inventory Control software now within the Scope of the Standard. / Accelerated aging test – same, no action required.
External leakage test – lower pressure but longer test time, retest.
Leak Detection Performance Test – all new requirements, testing will need to witness.
The following is a brief summary of the new paragraphs in the Standard for Standard For Nonvolumetric Precision Leak Detection Devices For Underground And Aboveground Storage Tanks And Piping For Flammable And Combustible Liquids, ULC STANDARDS CAN-ULC-S675-2-14, which have a future Effective Date of October 7, 2019 and the action that may be required to determine compliance.
General Subject and Comment / Summary of requirements /The changes in this first Edition CAN/ULC-S675.2 from ULC/ORD-C58.14 include:
1. Clarified requirements for electrical features;
2. Leak Detection performance determined according to protocols published by the National working Group on Leak Detection Evaluations (NWGLDE). / Accelerated aging test – same, no action required.
External leakage test – lower pressure but longer test time, retest.
Leak Detection Performance Test – all new requirements, testing will need to witness.