How to sell a sponsorship:
1. Look over the attached list to determine if you have any relationships with the businesses listed. You can also brainstorm about businesses you or your family frequent. The more “local” the business and the more familiar you are with it, the more likely you will be to sell a sponsorship. Once you have a few leads, pick an afternoon and visit or call them. Ask whom you need to speak with about sponsoring Pioneer Field Hockey’s fall teams. Local businesses are very used to this type of solicitation so don’t be shy!
2. Once you find the correct person, tell them a little about PFH and yourself. Smile. Show them the form and explain our levels of sponsorship, and ask them if they would like to sponsor our fall season.
3. If they say yes, take down all of the information requested on the back of the sponsorship form.
4. Checks can be made out to Pioneer Field Hockey and given to Molly Keen or Tess Flanders at practice
5. If they can’t write a check right away or you are on the phone, have the business send the check to: Bonnie Keen, 2270 Chaucer, Ann Arbor, Mi 48103
6. Fold the form on the dotted line, rip it, and give the business the bottom half of the back side that starts with “Thank you very much…” You can write down the date and the amount of the sponsorship for them on the half sheet. They can keep this as a receipt.
7. You can e-mail the Sponsor Information to Bonnie Keen at .
8. If you get a $250 GOLD sponsor: Great Job! Have the business e-mail their logo/art to . GIF format or PDF will work best.
9. The player that sells the highest dollar amount of sponsorships will win our big contest! You will get to select a PFH merchandise item of your choice and receive special recognition at our end of season banquet.
That’s it! We are hoping that every athlete can make at least one sale by August 21st.
Happy Selling!