Version No. 112
Health Act 1958
No. 6270 of 1958
Version incorporating amendments as at 1 September 2007
table of provisions
1Short title and commencement
Part I—Introduction
5Application of Act
Part II—Administration
Division 1—General
7Secretary successor of Health Commission
8Secretary subject to direction of Minister
8ADelegation by Secretary
8BDelegation by Minister
9Data collection
9AOpportunity of being heard by Secretary
10Saving of rights of officers and persons affected by No.4988
Division 2—Repealed
24Consultative councils
24ADisclosure of information by consultative councils
Officers &c.
25Further powers and duties of certain officers
Division 3—Local administration
29AFunctions of councils
29BMunicipal public health plans
30Appointment of medical officers of health
30AAppointment of environmental health officers
30BTransitional provision—environmental health officers
31Councils may share environmental health officers or medical officers of health
32Council's delegation of power to refuse applications
36ASpecial powers of Secretary
37Councils to report to the Secretary
Divisions 4, 5—Repealed
38, 39Repealed
Part III—Nuisances
39AApplication of Part
41Duty of councils
42Offence of causing a nuisance
43Notification of nuisance
44Notice to abate a nuisance
45Failure of council to investigate complaint
46Nuisance caused by two or more persons
47Who may institute proceedings?
47APower of councils to delegate functions under this Part
47BPower of councils to investigate nuisances outside their municipal districts
47CNuisances on unoccupied land
Part IV—General Sanitary Provisions
Divisions 1–3—Repealed
Division 4—Offensive waterways etc.
68Offensive waterways etc. on district boundaries etc.
69Power to Secretary to require councils to show cause
70Variation of orders
71Execution of works
72Waterways etc. not under control of council
Division 5—Repealed
Division 6—Protection of water supplies
Division 7—Repealed
83, 84 Repealed
Division 7A—Animals
85, 86Repealed
87Regulations as to destruction etc. of rats and mice
Division 8—Repealed47
92, 93 Repealed47
Part V—Radiation Safety and Pest Control
Divisions 1, 2—Repealed
Division 2AA—Radiation safety
Division 2A—Pest control operators
108CLicensing of users of pesticides
108FCancellation or suspension of licences
Division 3—Repealed
109–117 Repealed
Part VI—Management and Control of Infectious Diseases
Division 1—Preliminary
Division 2—Offences
120Offence of infecting other persons
Division 2A—Examining and testing after incidents involving caregivers or custodians
120AOrders for tests
120ABFurther Orders or authorisations for tests
120ACPost test or authorisation counselling
120BAuthorisation for tests
120CTests and test results
120DNo identification to be given
120DADirections about Orders or authorisations
Division 3—Examining, testing, counselling, restriction and
isolation orders
Division 4—Emergency powers
123Power of Governor in Council to proclaim emergency
124Orders of the Secretary in emergencies
125Compensation for seizure of land, building or thing
Division 5—Autopsies
Division 6—Special provisions relating to the human immuno-deficiency virus
127Information to be given to a person requesting a test for HIV
129Closure of court or tribunal
130Information to be provided about the incidence of HIV
Division 7—Blood and tissue donations
132Blood donations
132ATransitional provision concerning statutory defence in
relation to Hepatitis C
133Tissue donations
135Liability of donors
136False statements
Division 8—Immunity
137Immunity for giving information
Division 9—Disease notification
138Regulations about disease notification
139–142A Repealed
Part VII—Immunisation
144Immunisation status certificates to be produced upon
enrolment at primary school
145Outbreaks of prescribed infectious diseases in primary schools
Part VIII—Regulations
147–149 Repealed96
150–157 Repealed99
Part IX—Births Notification
159Application to all births in Victoria
160Early notification of births
161Notice additional to requirements of other Acts
Part IXA—Repealed
Part IXB—Consultative Council on Obstetric andPaediatric Mortality and Morbidity
162CConstitution of Consultative Council
162DProcedure of Council
162FFunctions of the Council
162FACouncil may request disclosure
162FBDisclosure of information held by the Council
162GReport of birth
Parts X–xia—Repealed120
163–208I Repealed120
Part XII—Accommodation
Division 1—Registration
212Access by authorised officers
Divisions 2–7—Repealed125
214–227F Repealed125
Part XIII—Precautions Against Fire
Parts Xiv, xiva—Repealed128
229–304B Repealed128
Part XV—Meat Supervision
Division 1—Repealed
308Definition of prohibited animal
310Storage of flesh of prohibited animals in certain shops
311Storage of flesh of prohibited animals in certain vehicles
315–327 Repealed129
Division 2—Repealed132
328–332 Repealed132
Parts Xvi–xviii—Repealed133
333–366 Repealed133
Part XIX—Registrations133
366CRegistration of premises
367Registrations to be in manner prescribed
369Refusal of registration or renewal
371Register book
372Powers and duties of Secretary or council
374Certificates of registration and renewal
374ADelegation of councils' powers in relation to registration
of premises
375Registrations under other Acts
Part XX—General and Supplementary
Division 1—General
377–383A Repealed
384Powers of persons directed to hold inquiries
386Concern in contracts prohibited
387Appeal to judge of the County Court
Division 2—Proclamations, regulations, by-laws, ordersetc.
389ASupreme Court—limitation of jurisdiction
390Regulations of the Governor in Council
391General provisions as to regulations
392–396 Repealed
Division 3—Enforcement of Act
397–399 Repealed
399AIdentity cards
400Powers of entry and inspection
401General powers of inspection seizure etc.
402Interference with official marks or seals
403Obstruction etc. of officers etc.
404Interference etc. with officers
404AImpersonating an officer
405Examination and seizure of adulterated substances
406Power to require information
407Duties of officers seizing substances etc.
408Remedy to persons for things seized
409Defacing notice etc.
410Offences by occupiers and others
411Works to be done by occupier instead of owner
412Expenses recoverable
413Enforcement of duty with regard to land etc.
414Power of councils where owner cannot be found
415–417 Repealed
418Crown lands to be put into sanitary condition
420Power to inspect register of births and deaths
Division 4—Offences and legal proceedings
421Other proceedings not affected
422General penalty
423Recovery of costs and expenses
424Fraudulent conduct and false or misleading statements etc.
425Service of notices and orders etc.
426Proof of notices orders or documents
427Continued operation of orders and notices
428References to "owner" or "occupier"
429No abatement
430–433 Repealed
434Power to authorize proceedings
435Power of officers to prosecute
437Simplification of proof in certain cases
438Proof of by-laws regulations etc.
439Documents as evidence
440Evidence of orders notices etc.
442Certain signatures to be judicially noticed
443Proof of ownership
444Complaints etc. before Magistrates' Court
447Proceedings in the Supreme Court
448Removal of order etc. into Supreme Court
450Application of penalties
Divisions 5, 6—Repealed
451, 452 Repealed
SCHEDULES 1–5—Repealed
SCHEDULE 6—Notice Of Birth To The Municipal Clerk
SCHEDULES 7–11—Repealed181
1. General Information
2. Table of Amendments
3. Explanatory Details
Version No. 112
Health Act 1958
No. 6270 of 1958
Version incorporating amendments as at 1 September 2007
An Act to consolidate the Law relating to Public Health.
Health Act 1958
No. 6270 of 1958
BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of Victoria in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows (that is to say):
S. 1 amendedby Nos 6507 s.5(2), 6818 s.2(1), 6867 s.2(Sch. 1), 6967 s.2(a)(b), 7122 s.2(a), 7490 s.2, 7909 s.5(2), 8343 ss6(2)(a), 10(2), 8642 s.2, 9023 s.40(Sch. 1 PtA item7(1)), 9076 ss6(d), 7(1)(c), 11(b), 12(b), 15(b), 9187 s.8(2), 9244 s.2
(a)–(e), 9659 s.2(2), 9666 s.18, 9719 s.134(a), 9876 s.2(a), 9889 s.2, 10082 s.3(1)(Sch. item1), 10158 ss12(1), 18(1), 10262 s.4.
1Short title and commencement
This Act may be cited as the Health Act 1958, and shall come into operation on a day to be fixed by proclamation of the Governor in Council published in the Government Gazette.
S. 2
amended by No. 7685 s.7(a)(i)(ii), repealed by No. 42/1993 s.16(1).
Part I—Introduction
No. 6024 s.3.
S. 3
amended by No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1) (ILA s. 39B(1)).
s. 3
(1)In this Act unless inconsistent with the context or subject-matter—
abatement when used in relation to nuisance or other cause of offence includes abatement removal and discontinuance; and to abate has a corresponding interpretation;
S. 3(1) defs of abattoir or slaughter-house repealed by No. 21/1995 s.15(a).[1]
S. 3(1) def. of Act relating to local government substituted by No. 12/1989 s.4(1)(Sch. 2 item 57.1).
Act relating to local government includes the Local Government Act 1989;
S. 3(1) def. of Admini-strative Appeals Tribunal inserted by No. 48/1988 s.20(2)(a), repealed by No. 52/1998
s. 311(Sch. 1 item 35.1).
S. 3(1) def. of alcohol amended by S.R. No. 241/1974 reg.2(a)(i).
alcohol means ethyl alcohol which at a temperature of 1555 degrees Celsius has a specific gravity of 07936 (distilled water at the same temperature being taken as unity);
S. 3(1) def. of analysis amended by Nos 10082 s.3(1)(Sch. item2(a)), 33/2001 s.18(1)(a).
analysis includes any bacteriological biochemical biological chemical electrical microscopical pathological physical or other test for ascertaining the composition or quality of any substance analyzed pursuant to this Act;
S. 3(1) def. of analyst repealed by No. 33/2001 s.18(1)(b).
S. 3(1) def. of appointed member repealed by No. 9023 s.40(Sch. 1 PtA item7(2)(a)).
author of a nuisance means any person by whose act default or sufferance the nuisance is caused or exists or is continued;
S. 3(1) def. of authorized amended by Nos 10262 s.4, 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).
s. 3
authorized means authorized in writing either generally or specially by the Secretary or by a council (as the case may be);
S. 3(1) def. of boarding-house substituted by No. 9374 s.2(5), amended by Nos 72/1987 s.16(Sch. 1 item1), 97/1987 s.181(6)(a), repealed by No. 48/1988 s.25(3).
s. 3
S. 3(1) def. of brothel inserted by No. 124/1986 s.69(a), substituted by No. 102/1994 s.95(a).
brothel has the same meaning as in the Prostitution Control Act 1994;
by-law means by-law made under or continued in operation by this Act;
carcass includes each and every part of the carcass of an animal;
carriermeans any person having in his nose or throat or in his excretions or discharges germs of any infectious disease although presenting no signs or symptoms of disease;
S. 3(1) def. of casual vacancy repealed by No. 9023 s.40(Sch. 1 PtA item7(2)(a)).
S. 3(1) def. of cellar or underground room amended by S.R. No. 241/1974 reg.2(a)(ii), repealed by No. 21/1995 s.15(a).
S. 3(1) def. of cesspool amended by No. 10262 s.4, repealed by No. 21/1995 s.15(a).
S. 3(1) def. of chairman repealed by No. 9023 s.40(Sch. 1 PtA item 7(2)(a)).
S. 3(1) def. of Chief General Manager inserted by No. 10262 s.5(1), substituted by No. 42/1993 s.4, repealedby No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).
S. 3(1) def. of Commission substituted by No. 9023 s.40(Sch. 1 PtA item 7(2)(b)), repealed by No. 10262 s.5(1).
s. 3
S. 3(1) def. of common lodging-house amended by Nos 72/1987 s.16(Sch. 1 item2), 97/1987 s.181(6)(b), repealed by No. 48/1988 s.25(3).
S. 3(1) def. of council substituted by No. 12/1989 s.4(1)(Sch. 2 item 57.2).
council means council within the meaning of section 3(1) of the Local Government Act 1989;
S. 3(1) def. of cowkeepers dairymen or purveyors of milk
repealed by No. 48/1988 s.13(2).
s. 3
S. 3(1) def. of daily penalty repealed by No. 72/1987 s.16(Sch. 1 item3).
dangerous to health includes injurious or prejudicial to health; and danger to health includes injury or prejudice to health;
S. 3(1) def. of Department repealed by No. 9023 s.40(Sch. 1 PtA item7(2)(a)), new def. of Department inserted by No. 10262 s.4, amended by Nos 21/1995 s.15(b), 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).
Department means the Department of Human Services;
Division means Division of a Part of this Act;
s. 3
S. 3(1) def. of drain repealedby No. 21/1995 s.15(a).
S. 3(1) def. of drug amended by No. 79/1994 s.73(a).
drug means any substance used as medicine or in the composition or preparation of medicines whether for external or internal use and without limiting the generality of the foregoing includes a drug that is a listed or registered therapeutic good within the meaning of the Therapeutic Goods (Victoria) Act 1994 or the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 of the Commonwealth;
food means any substance used or intended to be used for food or drink by man (other than drugs or water); and includes any article of food and any substance entering into or used in or intended to enter into or to be used in the preparation or composition of food; and also includes confectionery and flavouring and colouring matters and spices and condiments;
S. 3(1) def. of food vending machine inserted by No. 6967 s.3(a), repealed by No. 10082 s.3(1)(Sch. item2(b)).
s. 3
S. 3(1) def. of general rates repealed by No. 12/1989 s.4(1)(Sch. 2 item 57.3).
S. 3(1) def. of health officer substituted by No. 9023 s.40(Sch. 1 PtA item7(2)(c)), amended by Nos 10262 s.4, 23/1994 s.118(Sch. 1 item 24.1(a)).
health officer means a registered medical practitioner who is a health officer of the Department;
S. 3(1) def. of HIV
inserted by No. 48/1988 s.20(2)(aa) (as amended by No. 78/1989 s.10(a)).
HIV means the human immuno-deficiency virus which is a causative agent of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome and other related conditions;
S. 3(1) def. of house amended by Nos 72/1987 s.16(Sch. 1 item4), 97/1987 s.181(6)(c), 74/2000 s.3(Sch. 1 item59.1).
house includes dwellings of any kind schools licensed premises within the meaning of the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 factories work-rooms shops boarding-houses lodging-houses tents and other buildings or structures (whether temporary or permanent); and also includes any vessel lying in any river harbour or other water within the territorial waters of Victoria other than a vessel which is under the command or charge of any officer bearing Her Majesty's commission or which belongs to the Government of any foreign State;
S. 3(1) def. of household insecticide inserted by No. 7282 s.2(1), amended by Nos 9368 s.20, 9902 s.2(1)(Sch. item105(a)), 97/1987 s.181(6)(d), 74/2000 s.3(Sch. 1 item 59.1).
household insecticide means a substance or compound which—
(a)is sold for use for destroying or repelling insects or other similar pests which affect or are likely to affect any person or domestic animal or any article or material found in any private dwelling-house or in any premises registered under this Act or in licensed premises within the meaning of the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998; or
(b)is declared by proclamation to be a household insecticide—
but does not include any substance or compound which is sold for use for primary production purposes;
S. 3(1) def. of infected repealed by No. 48/1988 s.20(2)(b).
s. 3
S. 3(1) def. of infectious disease substituted by No. 48/1988 s.20(2)(c) (as amended by No. 78/1989 s.10(b)).
infectious disease means a disease or condition prescribed by the regulations to be an infectious disease;
inspector includes any acting or assistant inspector;
S. 3(1) def. of isolation substituted by No. 48/1988 s.20(2)(d) (as amended by No. 78/1989 s.10(b)).
isolation means the segregation and separation of persons who are infected or suspected of being infected from other persons;
S. 3(1) def. of label amended by No. 10082 s.3(1)(Sch. item2(c)).
labelincludes any tag, brand, mark, or statement in writing on or attached to or used in connexion with any package containing any drug or substance;
land includes messuages buildings lands and hereditaments of every tenure; also rivers streams wells and waters of every description; and also easements of every description in respect of the foregoing particulars;
S. 3(1) def. of licensed victualler amended by No. 9902 s.2(1)(Sch. item105(b)), substituted as licensed hotelkeeper by No. 72/1987 s.16(Sch. 1 item5), repealed by No. 97/1987 s.181(6)(e).
s. 3
meat includes small goods;
S. 3(1) def. of meat area repealed by No. 9244 s.3(b).
S. 3(1) def. of medical officer of health amended by No. 23/1994 s.118(Sch. 1 item 24.1(b)).
medical officer of health means a registered medical practitioner being a medical officer of health of a council;
S. 3(1) def. of medical practitioner amended by No. 9902 s.2(1)(Sch. item105(c)), repealed by No. 23/1994 s.118(Sch. 1 item 24.1(c)).
medical surveillance means the keeping of a person under medical supervision;
S. 3(1) def. of metropolitan municipality amended and re-named metropolitan council by No.12/1989 s.4(1)(Sch. 2 item 57.4), repealed by No. 21/1995 s.15(a).
s. 3
S. 3(1) def. of Minister repealed by No. 72/1987 s.16(Sch. 1 item6).
S. 3(1) def. of municipality repealed by No. 12/1989 s.4(1)(Sch. 2 item 57.5).
S. 3(1) def. of municipal clerk or clerk substituted by No. 12/1989 s.4(1)(Sch. 2 item 57.6), repealed by No. 125/1993 s.17(a).
S. 3(1) def. of municipal district amended by No. 12/1989 s.4(1)(Sch. 2 items 57.7, 57.8).
municipal district means a district under the local government of a council; and includes any place under the jurisdiction of a council or the council thereof but outside the municipal district;
S. 3(1) def. of municipal fund repealedby No. 12/1989 s.4(1)(Sch. 2 item 57.9).
newspaper means a newspaper generally circulating in the municipal district;
S. 3(1) def. of night-soil repealed by No. 21/1995 s.15(a).
s. 3
S. 3(1) def. of notifiable infectious disease repealed by No. 48/1988 s.20(2)(e).
S. 3(1) def. of offensive amended by No. 48/1988 s.20(2)(f).
offensive, except in Part III, includes noxious; andoffensiveness includes noxiousness;
S. 3(1) def. of offensive matter repealed by No. 21/1995 s.15(a).
S. 3(1) def. of officer amended by Nos 9023 s.40(Sch. 1 PtA item7(2)(d)), 9244 s.3(d), 10262 s.4, 21/1995 s.15(c).
officerincludes any officer or inspector or environmental health officer (whether of the Department or of any council) and also any authorized member of the police force;
s. 3
owner means the person for the time being entitled to receive the rent of the land or premises in connexion with which the word is used (whether on his own account or as the agent of or as trustee for any other person) or who would be entitled to receive the same if the land or premises were let at a rent;
package includes every means by which goods for carriage or for storage or for sale may be cased covered enclosed contained or packed; and to pack has a corresponding interpretation;
S. 3(1)
def. of parent substituted by No.27/2001 s.6(Sch. 4 item 3.1).
parent includes—
(a)a step-parent;
(b)an adoptive parent;
(c)a foster parent;
(d)a guardian;
(e)a person who has day to day care and control of a child and with whom the child ordinarily resides;
Part means Part of this Act;
S. 3(1) def. of piggery amended by No. 72/1987 s.16(Sch. 1 item7), repealed by No. 21/1995 s.15(a).
s. 3
premises includes messuages buildings lands and hereditaments of every tenure; and also any machinery plant appliance or vehicle used in connexion with any trade carried on at any premises;
prescribed means prescribed by or under this Act;
S. 3(1) def. of private abattoir repealed by No. 21/1995 s.15(a).
proclamation means proclamation of the Governor in Council;
S. 3(1) def. of proof spirit amended by S.R. No. 241/1974 reg.2(a)(iii).
proof spirit means a mixture of alcohol and distilled water which contains 4928 per centum of alcohol by weight and 5710 per centum of alcohol by volume and at a temperature of 1555 degrees Celsius has a specific gravity of 091976 (distilled water at the same temperature being taken as unity);
S. 3(1) def. of prostitution inserted by No. 124/1986 s.69(b), amended by No. 102/1994 s.95(b).
prostitution has the same meaning as in the Prostitution Control Act 1994;
S. 3(1) def. of public abattoir repealed by No. 21/1995 s.15(a).
S. 3(1) def. of public building amended by Nos 8343 s.6(2)(b), 72/1987 s.16(Sch. 1 item8), 24/2006 s.6.1.2(Sch.7 item22).
public building means—
(a)any hospital or any benevolent or other asylum or institution not wholly supported by the State; and not being a private hospital as defined in this Act;
(b)any theatre, opera house, concert music assembly dance or cinematograph hall, cabaret, skating rink, arena, amphitheatre or circus, or any building, enclosure, gallery, platform, tent or structure whatsoever in around or upon which numbers of persons are usually or occasionally assembled for the purposes of recreation, amusement entertainment or instruction, and not being a structure that is operated for hire or reward and is intended for use by members of the public for their entertainment or amusement, where the entertainment or amusement is intended to be derived by those persons when there is movement of the structure or a part thereof or when they are travelling on around or along the structure or a part thereof;
s. 3
(c)any school (not being a Government school within the meaning of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006);
(d)any church chapel or meeting house; and
(e)any kind or class of building or any particular building declared by proclamation to be a public building within the meaning of this Act; and
(whether any public building is permanent or temporary) includes any building room or stage forming part of or appurtenant to or used in connexion with such public building;
s. 3
S. 3(1) def. of public conveyance amended by No. 127/1986 s.102(Sch. 4 item 11.1), repealed by No. 21/1995 s.15(a).
public place includes every place to which the public ordinarily has access whether by payment or not;
S. 3(1) def. of refuse and rubbish repealed by No. 21/1995 s.15(a).
S. 3(1) def. of registered medical practitioner inserted by No. 23/1994 s.118(Sch. 1 item 24.1(d)), amended by No. 97/2005 s.182(Sch. 4 item 24.1).
registered medical practitioner means a medical practitioner registered under the Health Professions Registration Act 2005;
regulation means regulation made under or continued in operation by this Act;
S. 3(1) def. of Rural Water Commission inserted by No. 10081 s.5(1), repealed by No. 81/1989 s.3(Sch. item21.1).
sample includes part of a sample;
S. 3(1) def. of sanitary convenience repealed by No. 21/1995 s.15(a).
Schedule means Schedule to this Act;
S. 3(1) def. of secretary repealed by No. 9023 s.40(Sch. 1 PtA item7(2)(e)).
s. 3
S. 3(1) def. of Secretary inserted by No. 46/1998
s. 7(Sch. 1).
Secretary means—
(a)in relation to any act to which section 6(3) applies, the body corporate established under section 6; and
(b)in any other case, the Secretary to the Department of Human Services;
S. 3(1) def. of sell amendedby Nos 6967 s.3(b), 33/2001 s.18(1)(c).
sell includes sell (whether by wholesale or retail or by means of any machine or mechanical device) and barter or exchange; and also agreeing to sell or offering or exposing for sale or keeping or having in possession for sale or sending forwarding delivering or receiving for or on sale or authorizing directing causing suffering permitting or attempting any of such acts or things; and sale has a corresponding interpretation;
S. 3(1) def. of septic tank system repealed by No. 48/1988 s.13(2).
S. 3(1) def. of sewer repealed by No. 21/1995 s.15(a).
s. 3
small goods means any article of food prepared wholly or in part from small portions of meat;
specified when used in connexion with any proclamation, Order in Council, regulation, by-law, order, notice, or direction means specified therein or thereby;
S. 3(1) def. of specified infectious disease inserted by No. 59/1991 s.4.
specified infectious disease means—
(a)HIV; or
(b)any form of hepatitis which may be transmitted by blood or body fluid; or
(c)an infectious disease declared by the regulations to be a specified infectious disease for the purposes of this Act;
street includes any highway and any public bridge and any road lane footway square court alley or passage whether a thoroughfare or not;