DATE: Thursday, January 8, 2015
TIME: 9:30 – 11:30 AM
PLACE: Marine Drive Golf Club, Vancouver, B.C.
ATTENDANCE: 56 Members, 1 Guest
Chair: Mark White
· Two positions remain open on the slate for Executive Committee nominations, those of Vice-President and Communications Chairman. The deadline for nominations is January 12th.
· Membership renewals are due, including the questionnaire, and should be submitted to the Treasurer, Martin Linsley, along with cash or a cheque for $60.00 as soon as possible.
· Maja introduced two new members: Shirley Hayward, a former realtor; and Dorothy Dolphin, also a former realtor as well as the vice-president of a software company.
· Mark cited the contribution made to our club by volunteers from the Member Services committee, who quietly organize the giving out and the collection of our name tags at each meeting, as well as that made by Anna Linsley for the help she gives to Martin as Treasurer.
· Those interested in the VSO activity on March 23rd should hasten to buy their tickets from Estelle Jacobson so that she can let the VSO know how many seats to save for our group. To date only 10 tickets have been sold. Estelle’s phone number is 604-259-1091 for information.
Simon Fraser University has a state-of-the-art criminology lab right here on the Burnaby campus to which all manner of people go for information, including writers who want to get their facts straight when concocting stories for books or television, as well as police departments and private investigators at home and abroad. The university is a world leader in the field and offers a degree in Criminology that is universally respected.
Sheila Lahiffe introduced Gordon Price, someone who hardly needs an introduction in this town, having been a city councilor for 15 years, active in civic issues in both Canada and the US, and now on the board of Translink. He is a very compelling speaker and managed to get across a clear message to vote “Yes” to the upcoming referendum on the ½ percent increase in sales tax to support more public transit by cloaking it in an engaging and informative talk about Vancouver and the Lower Mainland and the need for more impassioned public participation in civic affairs. “Use it or lose it”! A lively Q and A followed, with both sides of the issue represented, after which he was thanked by Colleen Miller.
The meeting went overtime by a few minutes, ending at approximately 11:40 AM.
The next General Meeting will be on Thursday, February 12. This meeting will begin with speaker Dr. Kam Shojania, a specialist in rheumatology, followed by our AGM.