State of Alabama Dept. of Revenue

Dept. of Transportation Motor Vehicle Div.

1409 Coliseum Blvd. PO Box 327620

Montgomery, AL 36130 Montgomery, AL 36132-7620

(Phone) 334-834-1092 (Phone) 334-242-2999

(Fax) 334-832-9084 (Fax) 334-242-9073

ARKANSAS COST: $33 For 72 Hrs.

State Hwy. and Transportation Motor Vehicle Division

Department Dept of Finance & Adm.

PO Box 2261 PO Box 8091

Little Rock, AR 72203 Little Rock, AR 72203

(Phone) 501-569-2381 (Phone) 501-682-4653

(Fax) 501-568-1565 (Fax) 501-682-4615

ARIZONA COST:Varies for 96 hrs.

Dept of Transportation Dept. of Transportation

Motor vehicle Division Motor Vehicle Div.

PO Box 2100 Central Permit Section

1801 W. Jefferson, MD 524M 1801 W. Jefferson, MD

Phoenix, AZ 85007 524M, PO Box 2100-

(Phone) 602-255-7346 Mail drop 524M,

(Telex) 602-269-5611 Phoenix, AZ 85007

(Phone) 602-255-7346

(Fax) 602-269-5611

CALIFORNIA COST: Power unit--$45

Dept. of Transportation 5-day one trip--$35

Div. of Traffic Operations Use Fuel--$30

1120 N. St. Trailer--$5

PO Box 942874 One Trip--$10

Sacramento, CA 95814 Dept of Motor Vehicles

(Phone) 916-322-4976(North) IRP, PO Box 932320

(North Fax) 916-322-4966 Sacramento, CA

(Phone) 909-383-4637(South) 94232-2300

(South Fax) 909-388-7001 (Phone) 916-657-7971

(Fax) 916-657-7971


COLORADO COST: 10,000 to 30,000lbs-$71

Dept. of Transportation 30,001 to 60,000lbs-$82

1325 S. Colorado Blvd. #707 60,001 lbs. and over-$93

Denver, CO 80222 Dept. of Revenue

(Phone) 303-757-9241(Central) Ports of Entry Division

(Phone) 970-356-7687(Northern) 516 Acoma

(Phone) 719-576-5418(Southern) Denver, CO 80204

(Fax) 303-757-9719 (Phone) 303-572-5690

(Fax) 303-572-5690


Dept. of Transportation State of Connecticut

Bureau of Public Transportation Dept. of Transportation

PO Box 317546 PO Box 317546

2800 Berlin Turnpike 2800 Berlin Turnpike

Newington, CT 06131-7546 Newington, CT 06131-7546

(Phone) 203-594-2880 (Phone) 203-594-2880

(Fax) 203-594-2859 (Fax) 203-594-2859

DELAWARE COST: $15 State permit for 72 hrs.

Permit Supervisor Dept. of Transportation

Dept. of Transportation Motor Fuel Tax Administration

PO Drawer 7065 PO Drawer E, Rt. 113 South

Dover, DE 19903-7065 Public Safety Bldg., RM 212

(Phone) 302-739-4374 Dover, DE 19903-1565

(Fax) 302-739-6299 (Phone) 302-739-4538

(Fax) 302-738-6299

District of Columbia COST: $19

Dept. of Public Works Dept. of Public Works

614-H St. NW 614-H St. NW

Potomac Bldg. RM 200 Potomac Bldg. RM 200

Washington, DC 20001 Washington, DC 20001

(Phone) 202-727-7050 (Phone) 202-727-7050

(Fax) 202-638-0679 (Fax) 202-638-0679


FLORIDA COST: $45(Plus wire service charge)

Dept. of Transportation State of Florida

Permit Division Div. of Motor Vehicles

605 Suwannee St. Bureau of Motor Carrier Svcs.

Ms, 62 Neil Kirkman Building

Tallahassee, FL 32399 Room Al 10

(Phone) 904-488-4961 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0625

(Fax) 904-487-3858 (Phone) 904-488-6921

(Fax) 904-922-7148

GEORGIA COST: $5 - $20: $50(mobile homes)

Dept. of Transportation Dept. of Transportation

Permits and Enforcement Permits and Enforcement

276 Memorial Drive S.W. 276 Memorial Drive S.W.

Atlanta, GA 30303 Atlanta, GA 30303

(Phone) 404-656-5428 (Phone) 404-656-5428

(Fax) 404-656-9717 (Fax) 404-656-9717

IDAHO COST: $12 issue fee and use fee;

Transportation Dept. sliding scale based on weight

Overlegal Permit Office and miles in Idaho. PO Box 7129 Idaho Transportation

Boise, ID 83707-1129 Dept. Port of Entry Section

(Phone) 208-334-8420 PO Box 7129

(Phone) 1-800-662-7133(In Idaho) Boise, ID 83707-1129

(Fax) 208-334-8419 (Phone) 208-334-8688

(Fax) 208-334-8696

ILLINOIS COST: $15 for 72 Hrs.

Permit Section Secretary of State

Dept. of Transportation Commercial & Form Truck Div.

117 Administration Bldg. Howlett Bldg., RM 300

Springfield, IL 62764 Springfield, IL 62756

(Phone) 217-782-6271 (Phone) 217-785-1816

(Fax) 217-782-3572 (Fax) 217-524-0123


INDIANA COST: $50, 5 days

IN Dept. of Transportation Special Tax Division

RM N855 State Office Bldg. Motor Carrier Services

100 N. Senate Ave. 5100 W. Roymont Street

Indianapolis, IN 46204-2218 Indianapolis, IN 46241

(Phone) 317-232-5425(Permits) (Phone) 217-486-5500

(Phone) 317-232-0081(Info.) (Fax) 217-486-5505

(Fax) 317-232-5204

IOWA COST: $10 for 72 hrs.

Dept. of Transportation FUEL: $12 for 72hrs or one trip

Office of Motor Carrier Services Iowa Dept. of Transportation

100 Euclid Ave., PO Box 10382 100 Euclid Ave., PO Box 10382

Des Moines, IA 50306-0382 Des Moines, IA 50306-0382

(Phone) 515-237-3264 (Phone) 515-237-3264

(Fax) 515-237-3257 (Fax) 515-237-3257

KANSAS COST: $10 if not currently licensed

Dept. of Transportation for motor fuel $26 trip registration

Permit Section Oversized $5

Docking State Office Bldg. Dept. of Revenue

Topeka, KS 66612 Division of Vehicles

(Phone) 913-296-7400 3718 SW Burlingame Road

(Fax) 913-296-0893 Topeka, KS 66609-1217

(Phone) 913-266-2040

(Fax) 913-266-0860

KENTUCKY COST: $40 for 10 days

Transportation Cabinet Transportation Cabinet

Div. of Motor Carriers Dept. of Vehicle Regulation

PO Box 2007 PO Box 2007

Frankfort, KY 40602 Frankfort, KY 40602

(Phone) 502-564-7150 (Phone) 502-564-4540

(Fax) 502-564-4138 (Fax) 502-564-4138

(Phone) 502-564-4127(Fuel Permits)


LOUISIANA COST: $5+ transmission fees & truck

Dept. of Transportation stop fees.

and Development Public Service Commission

PO Box 94042 PO Box 91154

Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9042 Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9154

(Phone) 1-800-654-1433 (Phone) 504-342-1422

(Phone) 504-343-2345

(Fax) 504-377-7108

MAINE COST: $8 for 30 days if no bingo

Bureau of Motor Vehicle stamp on card. Insurance required

Commercial Vehicle Center Maine Motor Vehicle Division

Augusta, ME 04333 Commercial Vehicle Center

(Phone) 207-287-8632 State House Station 29

(Fax) 207-622-5332 Augusta, ME 040333

(Phone) 207-287-8633

(Fax) 207-622-5332


State Highway Administration State Highway Administration

Office of Traffic and Safety Office of Traffic and Safety

7491 Connelley Drive 7491 Connelley Drive

Hanover, MD 21076 Hanover, MD 21076

(Phone) 410-582-5727 (Phone) 410-582-5727

(Fax) 800-945-3416 (Fax) 800-945-3416


Highway Department Dept. of Revenue Bureau of

525 Maple St. Excises

Marlboro, MA 01752 PO Box 7012

(Phone) 508-624-4377/0936 Boston, MA 02204

(Fax) 508-480-9629 (Phone) 617-727-4360

MICHIGAN COST: $20 for 72 Hrs.

Dept. of Transportation Dept. of State IRP Unit

Engineering Services Division Lansing, MI 48918

PO Box 30050 (Phone) 517-322-1097

Lansing, MI 48909 (Fax) 517-322-1058

(Phone) 517-373-2120

(Fax) 517-335-3234


MINNESOTA COST: $15 for 5 days

Minnesota Truck Center Dept. of Public Safety

152 Livestock Exchange Bldg. Driver & Vehicle Services Div

100 Stockyard Road 162 Transportation Bldg.

So. St. Paul, MN 55075 395 John Ireland Blvd.

(Phone) 612-296-6441 St. Paul, MN 55155

(Fax) 314-751-7408 (Phone) 612-296-7935

(Fax) 612-296-8103


Dept. of Transportation Dept. of Transportation

Office of Enforcement Permit Office Permit Div.

PO Box 1850 PO Box 1850

Jackson, MS 39215 Jackson, MS 39215-1850

(Phone) 601-944-9200 (Phone) 601-944-9200

(Fax) 601-944-9210 (Fax) 601-944-9210


MO Hwy & Trans. Dept. $20 combined fuel/recip;

PO Box 270 $25 fuel/recip/DOT

Jefferson City, MO 65102 Highway Reciprocity Comm.

(Phone)314-751-2871(Local Only) PO Box 893

(Phone) 1-800-877-8499 Jefferson City, MO 65105

(Fax) 314-751-7408 (Phone) 314-751-6433

(Fax) 314-751-0916


Dept. of Transportation Dept. of Transportation

Motor Carrier Services Div. Motor Carrier Services Div.

PO Box 4639 PO Box 4639

Helena, MT 59604 Helena, MT 59604

(Phone) 406-444-6130 (Phone) 406-444-6130

(Fax) 406-444-7670 (Fax) 406-444-7670

NEBRASKA COST: Allows 1 round trip.

State Dept. of Roads Afterwards carrier must be

Permit Office registered and have ID stamp

Room 151 on cab card in truck.

PO Box 94759 Public Service Commission

Lincoln, NE 68509 300 The Atrium, 1200 N St.

(Phone) 402-471-0034 PO Box 94927

(TWX or TELEX) 402-479-3906 Lincoln, NE 68509-4927

(Fax) 406-444-7670 (Phone) 4002-471-3101


NEVADA COST: $5 plus $.15 per mile for 24 hrs

Dept. of Transportation Dept. of Motor Vehicles

1263 S. Stewart St. & Public Safety

Carson City, NV 89712 Motor Carrier Bureau

(Phone) 702-888-7242 555 Wright Way

(Fax) 702-888-2103 Carson City, NV 89711

(Phone) 702-687-5340

(Fax) 702-687-4756

NEW HAMPSHIRE COST: $10 for 3 days.

Dept. of Transportation Dept. of Safety

Highway Permit Supv. Road Toll Administration

PO Box 483 10 Hazen Dr.

Concord, NH 03302-0483 Concord, NH 03305

(Phone) 603-271-2691 (Phone) 603-271-2311

(Fax) 603-271-6084


Motor Vehicles Services Div. of Motor Vehicles

Motor Carriers Unit, CN 133 Motor Carriers Unit, CN 133

Trenton, NJ 08666 Trenton, NJ 08666

(Phone) 609-633-9402 (Phone) 609-633-9400

(Fax) 609-633-9393 (Fax) 609-633-9393

NEW MEXICO COST: $5 for 48 Hrs.

Motor Transportation Dept. Motor Transportation Dept.

Enforcement Div. Permit Section Attn: Registration Section

PO Box 1028 PO Box 1028

Sante Fe, NM 87503 Sante Fe, NM 87501

(Phone) 505-827-0365 (Phone) 505-827-0643

(Fax) 505-983-1565 (Fax) 505-827-0324

(TWX or TELEX) 505-827-0376

NEW YORK COST: $15 plus mileage tax

Dept. of Transportation Dept. of Tax & Finance

Div. Traffic Engineering & Safety Permit Office

Permit Unit Bldg. 8, State Office Campus

1220 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12227

Bldg. 5, Room 311 (Phone) 518-457-3653

Albany, NY 12232

(Phone) 518-457-1155

(Fax) 518-457-0367


NORTH CAROLINA COST: $15 for 10 days if no

Dept. of Transportation apportioned plate before

Division of Highways entry.

1425 Rock Quarry Rd. Div of Motor Vehicles IRP

Suite 109 & 110 Section, 1100 New Bern Ave.

Raleigh, NC 27610 Raleigh, NC 27697

(Phone) 919-733-7154 (Phone) 919-733-7458

(Fax) 919-833-6410

(Fax) 919-821-0432

NORTH DAKOTA COST: $20 for 72 Hrs.

Highway Patrol Highway Patrol

Motor Carrier Division Motor Carrier Division

600 E. Boulevard Ave. 600 E. Boulevard Ave.

Bismarck, ND 58505-0240 Bismarck, ND 58505-0240

(Phone) 701-258-2621 (Phone) 701-328-2621

(Fax) 701-258-4620 (Fax) 701-258-4620

(Fax) 701-328-1642

OHIO COST: $10+ applicable surcharge

Bureau of Permits for 5 days.

and Communications Ohio Dept. of Transportation

1809 O'Brien Rd. Special Hauling Permit Section

Columbus, OH 43228-3866 1809 O'Brien Rd.

(Phone) 614-777-0224 Columbus, OH 43228-3866

(Fax) 614-777-0335/0336 (Phone) 614-777-0224

(Fax) 614-777-0335/0336

OKLAHOMA COST: $20 for 72 hrs.

Dept. of Public Safety State Tax Commission

Size and Weight Permit Div. Motor Vehicle Division

PO Box 11415 2501 Lincoln Blvd.

Oklahoma City, OK 73136-0415 Oklahoma City, OK 73194

(Phone) 405-425-2390 (Phone) 405-521-3036

(Fax) 405-525-2906


OREGON COST: $8 plus road use assessment

Transportation Permit Unit fees for non-divisible loads

550 Capitol St. NE over 98,000 lbs.

Salem, OR 97310 Motor Carrier Transportation

(Phone) 503-373-0000 Over Dimension Permit Unit

(Fax) 503-378-2873 550 Capitol St.

Salem, OR 97310

(Phone) 503-373-0000

(Fax) 503-378-2873


Dept. of Transportation Commonwealth of Penn.

Central Permit Office, RM 1014 Dept. of Revenue

Transportation & Safety Bldg. PO Box 280646

Harrisburg, PA 17120 Harrisburg, PA 17128-0646

(Phone) 717-787-4680(Info (TWX OR TELEX)

Oversize/Overweight) 717-783-1906 or

(Fax) 717-787-9890 717-787-9204

RHODE ISLAND COST: $100 Blanket Fee: $20 trip

Dept. of Administration fee for 5 days.

Motor Vehicle Division Div. of Motor Vehicles

Room 103 Permits 286 Mail St. RM 103

Pawtucket, RI 02860 Pawtucket, RI 02860

(Phone) 401-277-2970 Ext. 2031 (Phone) 401-277-2970

(Fax) 401-727-1080 Ext. 3310

SOUTH CAROLINA COST: $15 plus wiring fees

Dept. of Transportation Dept. of Revenue

Oversized Permit Section PO Box 125

PO Box 191, Annex 3 Columbia, SC 29214

Columbia, SC 29202 (Phone) 803-734-1953

(Phone) 803-737-9752 1-800-937-6329 or


SOUTH DAKOTA COST: Fuel Permit $20:Oversized

Sisseton Port of Entry $20:Single Trip Commercial

PO Box 242 License $15

Sisseton, SD 57262 South Dakota Highway Patrol

(Phone) 605-698-3925 Motor Carrier Enforcement

(Phone) 1-800-637-3255 500 E. Capitol

(Fax) 605-698-7665 Pierre, SD 57501

(Phone) 605-773-4578

(Fax) 605-773-6046



Dept. of Transportation Dept. of Transportation

James K. Polk Bldg. Overweight & Overdimensional

Suite 300 James K. Polk Bldg., Ste.300

505 Deadrick St. 505 Deadrick St.

Nashville, TN 37243-0331 Nashville, TN 37243-0331

(Phone) 615-741-3821 (Phone) 615-741-3821

(Fax) 615-256-5894 (Fax) 615-256-5894

TEXAS COST: $25 tractor:$25 trailer

Dept. of Transportation Central Permit Office

Motor Carrier Division (MCD) Texas Dept of Transportation

125 E. 11th St. 125 E. 11th St.

Austin, TX 78701-2483 Austin, TX 78701

(Phone) 1-800-299-1700 (Phone) 1-800-299-1700

(Fax) 512-465-3565 (Fax) 512-465-3500/3565

UTAH COST: $20 for 96 hrs. per unit

Utah Dept. of Transportation Utah Dept. of Transportation

Ports of Entry Division Ports of Entry Division

4501 S. 2700 West 4501 S. 2700 West

Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Salt Lake City, UT 84119

(Phone) 801-965-4508 (Phone) 801-965-4508

(Fax) 801-965-4936 (Fax) 801-965-4936


Agency of Transportation Dept. of Motor Vehicles

Motor Carrier Safety Unit CVO

133 State Street 120 State Street

Montpelier, VT 05633 Montpelier, VT 05603

(Phone) 802-828-2064 (Phone) 802-828-2070

VIRGINIA COST: $20 fuel; $15 IRP

Commonwealth of Virginia both for 10 days.

Dept. of Transportation Department of Motor Vehicles

1221 E. Broad St. 2300 West Broad Street

Richmond, VA 23219 Richmond, VA 23219

(Phone) 804-786-2787 (Phone) 804-367-2702 (IRP)

(Fax) 804-786-5722 (Phone) 804-367-0558 (Fuel




Dept. of Transportation

Motor Carrier Services

PO Box 47367

Olympia, WA 98504-7367

(Phone) 206-644-9494

(Fax) 206-644-9440

WEST VIRGINA COST: Trip permits are obtained

Div. of Highways via wire services.

Permits Section Div. of Motor Vehicles

710 Central Ave. 1900 Kanawha Blvd. E

Charleston, WV 25302 Capitol Complex

(Phone) 304-558-0384 Charleston, WV 25317

304-558-2883(Abnormal loads) (Phone) 304-558-3629(Info)

(Fax) 304-558-0591 (Fax) 304-558-3735


Dept. of Transportation Issued by Wire Service

RM 151, PO Box 7980 Cummins Cash 800-223-5588

Madison, WI 53707-7980 Transcom, Inc. 800-848-9100

(Phone) 608-266-7320 Outside WI 800-558-0603

(Fax) 608-266-2827


Size Permits-information Wyoming Highway Patrol

Wyoming Highway Patrol Overweights Loads Office

PO Box 1708 Cheyenne, WY 82003-1708

Cheyenne, WY 82003-1708 (Phone) 307-777-4376(TWX)

(Phone) 307-777-4376 (Fax) 307-777-4399

(Fax) 307-777-4399