Hunters GlenBASE

Interest Form Information

School Year 2016-2017

The Hunters Glen BASE Program will begin accepting enrollment for the fall of 2016-2017 school year in early May. Enrollment is dependent upon availability.

Existing BASE families that want to enroll in their home school for Fall 2016-2017 will be given first priority to enroll. The pre-registration form will need to be returned to the BASE Site Director by the deadline date on the form. Forms left in the school office or not returned to the BASE Program by the deadline date will not be honored.

Transferring and/or non-existing families, who are interested in attending BASE, may complete a BASE Interest Form. Current BASE families transferring from one school to another will be given second priority while non-existing BASE families and/or families who missed an earlier deadline will be given third priority.

BASE Programs that enroll 70+ students may fill program openings based on age/grade or schedule availability in the order received.

Completing an Interest Form does not guarantee a spot in the BASE Program.

Interest Form

Please see the attached Interest form. This will need to be filled out and turned into the BASE Program during BASE Program hours starting May 2nd at 6:30a.m.Forms that are emailed or dropped off in the mainschool office will not be honored.

When an Interest Form is turned in to the BASE Program, it will be signed by a BASE employee with date and time of drop off noted.

If you have any questions, please contact Andy Ramirez-Hilton, BASE Director at720-972-5449 or .

Save the date: Starting May 2nd- Interest forms may be turned in!

Forms may be turned in to the BASE Office during the hours of 6:30a.m. -8:00a.m.

and from 2:00p.m.-6:00p.m.

Hunters GlenBASE Program

2016-2017 Interest Form

The Adams 12 BASE Programs will offer enrollment to its current BASE families who complete a Pre-Registration form before a specified deadline date. Families who are current BASE families but are transferring from one BASE program to another BASE Program, who are new to BASE, OR who missed the pre-registration deadline for current families will need to complete this Interest Form at their home location to be considered for a space in the Fall 2016-2017BASE Program. This form can be turned in starting May 2, 2016. It must be turned in to the BASE Office. Forms turned in before this date will not be honored. Forms turned in to a location other than BASE will not be honored.

Beginning May 2nd, BASE programs will review their school-year enrollment to determine how many spots they will have available for full and/or part-time enrollment. Larger programs who break into smaller groups may also determine openings by age/grade. Please contact the Site Director for additional information.

Student/Family Information

Child’s Name______Grade ______

Child’s Name______Grade ______

Child’s Name______Grade ______

Parent/Guardian Name______


Phone Number (home) ______(cell)___(other)______

Email ______(emailthat is checked regularly)

2nd Parent/Guardian Name______


Phone Number (home)______(cell)______(other______

Email ______(email that is checked regularly)

Schedule: Please mark here if you are transferring from another BASE Program- ______

(School Name)

I would like to enroll my child in: (mark all that apply)

___Before School___After School

______Full Time (Monday through Friday)

______Part Time - Please indicate days needed:(Please note, full time slots will be filled first)


Submission of this Interest form is not a confirmation of registration but an indication regarding your interest in utilizing the BASE Program. Once the program has established enrollment numbers, you will be contacted and provided additional registration information. Once contacted, you will have 72 hours to respond. If you fail to respond within 72 hours, your “spot” will be given to the next person in line. You may contact the Site Director after mid-May with status inquiries but definite numbers may not be known until mid-August. This form is only good for BASE school year enrollment for 2016-2017. A new form will need to be completed each year.

Parent Signature ______Date ______

Date Turned In:______Time:______BASE Staff Initial:______Parent Initials:______