Team Leaders and Projects 2013-2014

Team Leader / Project Description
Berkeley County
Deb Barthlow
Children’s Home Society of West Virginia
653 Winchester Avenue
Martinsburg, WV 25401
Phone: 304-264-0225
Fax: 304-264-2084
/ The Berkeley-Jefferson PIP Team will continue the “Nurtured Heart” family strengthening series. The series consists of four workshops available to parents in the community facilitated by a qualified therapist. Dinner and childcare is available to participants.
The PIP Team will also offer Stewards of Children (child sexual abuse prevention) public workshops in both counties utilizing the evidence-based Darkness to Light curriculum.
Braxton County
Ami Cook
WVU-Extension Service
307 Main Street Suite 301
Sutton, WV 26651
Phone/Fax: 304-264-0225
/ The Braxton Healthy Families Healthy Children Coalition will focus on the prevention of child abuse and neglect by 1) working directly with families to strengthen the family unit by providing financial, parenting and relationship education to community members and 2) educating any community members who work, through employment or volunteer services, with our children on the topic of child sexual abuse prevention through the Stewards of ChildrenDarkness to Light program.
Brooke & Hancock
Rhonda Stubbs
Executive Director
A Child’s Place CASA, Ltd.
720 Charles Street
Wellsburg, WV 26070
Phone: 304-737-4444
Fax: 304-737-4445
/ Brooke and Hancock counties Partners in Prevention has several areas of focus. Family Wellness is the top priority. The team will be engaging in educating the community as a whole in various ways, including but not limited to, speaking engagements in any sort of venue, a Brooke and Hancock counties-based baby safety shower, and expanding upon educating parents and children utilizing “We Both Read” books.
Cabell County
Debbie Harris Bowyer
Cabell County FRN
625 Fourth Avenue
Huntington, WV 25701
Phone: 304-697-0255
Fax: 304-523-9595
/ Cabell County Partners In Prevention “Good Beginnings Last a Lifetime” promotes ways to help children grow up safe and healthy through strategies that build protective factors. Activities include:
  • Promotion: Promotion of prevention strategies and community resources of concrete support for families to approximately 600 organizations including schools, early care and education providers, health, social services and churches though mail, email and social media.
  • Partner development: Training and support for local “Strengthening Families” Learning Community sites.
  • Parent education: Project materials and positive family supports for the “Ain’t Misbehaving” Love and Logic series of Parent workshops – four 5-week series.

Fayette County
Kelly Gladwell
Fayette County Starting Points
PO Box 283
Alloy, WV 25002
Phone/Fax: 304-779-3109
/ Fayette County Starting Points FRC will hold two countywide events to enhance parent education, through health and nutrition and car seat safety, in order to decrease child abuse and neglect. The team will host a Community Christmas Event and Toy Give-Away where the focus will be on educating parents on age-appropriate activities for children, car seat safety and available resources. The team will also provide families who participate with a certificate for a free ham from local grocers and all children will receive a free educational toy. ACommunity Easter Egg Hunt will be hosted where the focus will be on health and nutrition, providing nutritional refreshments as well as age-appropriate activities for children. Parent/child interaction will be strongly encouraged at both events.
Fayette County
Nonie Roberts
New River Health Association
325 Colorado Street
Mt. Hope, WV 25880
Phone/Fax: 304-877-6342
(call first)
/ The Mount Hope Children’s Health Council will work with the New River Health Association School-Based Health Centers to continue the group-mentoring program established in Mount Hope in 2011. The mentoring program focuses on children in Mount Hope Elementary School referred by their teachers and addresses academic and socialization needs, and helps children develop skills for goal setting.
Gilmer County
Kelley Cain
Gilmer County FRN
P.O. Box 115
Glenville, WV 26351
Phone/Fax: 304-462-7545
/ The Gilmer County Partners in Prevention (PIP) Team will focus on a variety of ways to better address the issue of child abuse and neglect in the county. These include continuing the community baby shower, creating a monthly parent support group, sponsoring a Family Fun and Resource Fair, conducting a community forum, and showcasing the traditional “pinwheel garden” in the downtown park on Main Street in Glenville.
Grant County
Martha Garton
600 Circle Drive
Petersburg, WV 26847
Phone: 304-703-9788
Fax: 304-25704946, Extension Office
/ The Grant County PIP Team will conduct a baby shower for new parents/parents-to-be presenting information on safety, parenting, and stress reduction. The team also plans to link with the parents of children who are participating in the WVU Family Nutrition Program and the Energy Express program to provide one or more parent’s night(s) with workshops on parenting topics. Both of these programs engage children in a relatively long-term learning activity (six sessions for the nutrition program and about 30 days for Energy Express) and reach out to parents encouraging parental involvement. The PIP plans will add a parent training and child abuse prevention element to these programs. The Team will also partner with member agencies to provide other parenting and developmental asset training for parents and volunteers working with children. The pinwheel and flag day celebrations will be continued. The team also hopes to continue to donate infant car seats to the hospital and provide diapers for a diaper bank for needy parents.
Greenbrier County
Devin Preston
High Rocks for Girls
HC 64, Box 438
Hillsboro, WV 24946
Phone: 304-653-4891
Fax: 304-653-4860
/ The PIP team in Greenbrier County operates through the High Rocks for Girls program. High Rocks provide safe, creative, healthy space for young women, prepares them for academic success, connects them to their community through service, helps them develop close ties to caring supportive adults, and inspires and empowers them to become leaders in their community and the world.
Hampshire County
Cindi Corbin
Pathways Drop In Center
41 Bolton Street
Romney, WV 26757
Phone: 304-359-271
/ The Hampshire County PIP Team will continue coordinating several activities that have worked in the past including the Community Baby Shower, Diaper Bank, Children’s Memorial Flag Day events, and Resource Fairs. The team will also try some new approaches this year including Family Fun Day, Paint the Town Blue in April, mini grants for special projects in the community, School Back Pack Program in conjunction with Pathways, and a parent/child literacy program partnership with Head Start. By partnering with other agencies in the community, we strengthen our resources, are able to identify needs in the community more effectively, and can do more for more people with the resources that we have.
Hardy County
Lesley Welton See
Family Preservation Services, Inc.
140 N. Main Street
Moorefield, WV 26836
Phone: 304-538-2259
Fax: 304-538-3028
/ The Hardy County Partners in Prevention Team will focus on increasing community awareness of child abuse and neglect while educating the community on prevention efforts by increasing knowledge and skills and by promoting community educational programs. The team intends to accomplish this goal through (but not limit ourselves) the following efforts: Community Family Fun Day (in collaboration with other area agencies), Educational Media efforts (billboards, pamphlets, brochures), Community Trainings for professionals & parents, support Children’s Memorial Flag Day events, April Pinwheel Gardens & Paint the Town Blue, Father’s Day Out event to promote stronger father/child relationships, Community Baby Shower with educational presentations, Summer Reading Program, and support to other agencies in the area who provide community events.
Harrison County
Jayne Landacre
Harrison County Child Advocacy Center
427 West Pike Street
Clarksburg, WV 26301
Phone: 304-622-0375
Fax: 304-622-0376
/ The Harrison County Partners in Prevention team will be concentrating efforts to raise community awareness of the issue of child abuse and give individuals clear action steps they can take to positively impact the lives of children. Our primary awareness initiative will be centered around the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign during Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. Our team will also begin presenting the “Talking About Touching: A Personal Safety Curriculum” to kindergarten and third grade classes in two pilot schools. This program is designed to empower children to take a rules approach to dangerous and abusive situations.
Kanawha County
Carolyn Wesley
East End Family Resource Ctr.
502 Ruffner Avenue, Room 101
Charleston, WV 25311
Phone: 304-344-1656
Fax: 304-720-0201
/ The Kanawha County PIP team works to increase community education and awareness on child abuse and neglect prevention by increasing awareness of child abuse indicators and the impact that it has on our society. Family knowledge of prevention strategies will be increased through our In Home Family Education (IHFE) evidenced-based Parents as Teachers (PAT) program. Prevention focused “Family Fun Nights” will provide structured information to the general public through guest speakers, topical forums, family dinners and special entertainment.
Kanawha County
Diane Hughes
Upper Kanawha Valley Starting Points / UKVEC
PO Box 309
Cabin Creek, WV 25035
Phone: 304-595-5521
Fax: 304-595-6919 (call first)
/ “Bring Your Parent to School Day” is an event where parents can come to school with their child and learn ideas about ways they can help their children with homework. Parents enjoy breakfast and lunch, instruction time in the classroom with their children, workshops, and gain knowledge about community resources to enhance family support and additional educational information for the entire family.
The Baby Safety Shower is a community event for newly expecting and young parents. Presentations, games and activities are offered to provide parents with information about safe sleep, shaken baby syndrome, breastfeeding, child development, community resources and more.
Lincoln County
Kathy Smith
Big Ugly Community Center
15 Rosewood Road
Harts, WV 25524
Phone: 304-855-5402
Fax: 304-855-5205
/ The Lincoln County Partners in Prevention team, working out of the Big Ugly Community Center, will continue to offer parenting workshops using the Parenting Wisely curriculum and other parenting education programs that improve the quality of family relationships. The team will coordinate participation in at least four community events, including; a fall festival, a public health fair, a community safety baby shower and a family fitness night. We plan to connect with at least one other team to discuss best practices andnetworking.
Logan County
Tasha Gibson
Man Elementary/Step by Step
Pioneer One Way
Mallory, WV 25634
Phone: 304-583-8316
Fax: 304-583-7342
/ The Logan County Partners in Prevention team will promote social connections, provide concrete supports for parents, and increase knowledge of parenting and child development by offering parent education workshops, structuring summer learning activities for children and parents, and organizing community field trips for area families.
Marion County
Lauren Prinzo
Marion County FRN
112 Adams Street, Room 204
Fairmont, WV 26554
Phone: 304-366-4445
Fax: 304-366-4695
/ The Marion County Partners in Prevention team will reach out to families to educate them about available resources through family friendly activities. Concrete support will be provided to struggling parents through the Community Baby Shower, which will be followed up with monthly parent meetings with opportunities for education and social interaction. The team will distribute educational materials on fetal alcohol syndrome, drug exposed pregnancies, and child abuse prevention to promote safe and healthy families. The annual Child Watch event will be hosted to educate and motivate the public to volunteer for agencies that prevent child abuse and neglect. A series of educational presentations on positive parenting, communication, and staying drug and alcohol free will be given throughout the year in partnership with schools.
Marshall County
Richelle Blair, Executive Director
Marshall County Starting Points Center, Inc.
200 Logan Street
McMechen, WV 26040
Phone: 304-232-2250
Fax: 304-232-2310
/ The Marshall County Partners in Prevention (MCPIP) Team will provide:
  • A Teen Parent Educator (PE)for teens in need of support, education and encouragement through home visits, teen parent group meetings, and a teen baby safety shower. The Parents As Teachers curriculum will be used.
  • The MCPIP team will promote child/abuse neglect and awareness by distributing literature at the annual Back to School Fair and during other events in the community. The team will coordinate a multi-faceted awareness and involvement campaign during child abuse prevention month.
  • The team will partner with Reynolds Memorial Hospital to implement the Period of Purple Crying program.
  • The PIP team will partner with Marshall County Schools to provide a guest motivational speaker, focusing on bullying.
  • The team willoffer trainings to the community regarding Mandated Reporting and Stewards of Children.

McDowell County
Carmela Frederick
Stop the Hurt
601 Belcher Mountain Road
Welch, WV 24801
Phone: 304-436-1600
Fax: 304-436-8101
/ The McDowell County PIP team plans to complete four events during the year that will provide information to the community as a whole about child abuse and neglect and its effects. First, there will be a media campaign for Child Abuse Prevention month. Second, the team will participate in the Children’s Flag Day ceremony. Third, the team plans to do a training called “For the Child’s Sake” for new parents. Fourth, the team will offer to the participants of the training a follow-up “Family-Centered Practice” training. The combining resources of DHHR, SAFE, Stop the Hurt, Welch Community Hospital and Law Enforcement will provide maximum educational experts for the training.
Mercer County
Cathy Wallace
ChildLaw Services, Inc.
1505 Princeton Avenue
Princeton, WV 24740
Phone: 304-425-9973
Fax: 304-487-5733
/ The Mercer County Partners In Prevention team proposes to implement curriculum-based Body Safety programs to grade school students (K-5th grade) within Mercer County’s public school system. Body Safety educational programs provide a strengthened preventative education component by empowering children to recognize abuse and protect themselves in situations where abuse may occur, while teaching them how to seek help if they are exposed to abuse. Our partnership will utilize trained youth volunteers to help teach alongside partner staff. The curriculum will also be implemented in after school and faith-based programs.
Mineral County
Gerri Mason
Mineral County FRN
30 Armstrong Street
Keyser, WV 26726
Phone: 304-788-0900
Fax: 304-788-6633
/ The Mineral County PIP Team will host:
  • A “Parenting Fair” (Information/Resource Fair targeting parents)
  • Participation in community health/resourcefairs
  • Parenting support group for parents of children with special needs.
  • Community Informational Baby Shower
  • Childcare Provider Education classes
  • Children’s Memorial Flag Day ceremony and media campaign for Child Abuse Prevention month.
  • Community discussion groups: “How do we keep our children free from abuse and neglect?”
  • Youth led violence prevention activities
  • Promote child abuse and neglect prevention

Mingo County
Amy Martin-Smith
Mingo County FRN
P.O. Box 1335
Williamson, WV 25661
Phone: 304-235-5607
Fax: 304-235-2178
/ The Mingo County PIP Team will continue efforts to coordinate flag raising ceremonies at all five municipalities across the county for Child Abuse Prevention Month. The team will host a minimum of one Community Baby Shower with a Mom’s Day Out as a follow up activity for those participants. The team will also establish two Brain UnderConstruction Zone sites.
Monongalia County
United Way Family Resource Network
278C Spruce Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
Phone: 304-284-8400
Fax: 304-296-6370
/ The United Way Family Resource Network Children and Family Leadership Council will collaboratively plan three child abuse prevention awareness events for young children and families. The three events chosen:
  • Annual Community FRN Resource Fair
  • Early Childhood Partnership Events
  • Child Abuse Prevention Events

Monroe County
Melissa Hodges, Executive Director
Monroe County FRN
PO Box 737
Union, WV 24983
Phone: 304-772-5960
Fax: 304-772-4607
/ The Monroe County Partner’s in Prevention Team is excited about new programs that will be developed this year. The Community Baby Shower has been a huge success in the past and we will continue to fund and plan one shower per year. The Shower will be open to the first 35 families that register and they will be able to receive much needed baby items and education about infant milestones, among other educational pieces. Volunteers from Birth to Three, Right From the Start, Early Head Start, Head Start, WIC, the school nurse, and many others come speak and give the parents invaluable information and give information about their programs. The Family Fun Nights that we will be hosting will give a different segment of parents the opportunity to come out and bond with their children, learn new avenues of communication, participate in fun activities together, and hear educational speakers present about important topics relevant to child rearing.