Meeting Minutes
New Prague Economic Development Authority
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Call Meeting to Order – Chairman Sletten
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by President Sletten with the following members present: Chuck Nickolay, Bruce Wolf, Brent Quast, and Shawn Ryan. Absent were Nick Slavik and Jason Burma
City Staff Present: City Administrator Johnson and Chamber Executive Director Deb Kalousek.
2. Minutes/Financials
a) It was moved by Nickolay, seconded by Quast to approve the December 14,
2017 meeting minutes.
Motion carried (5-0)
b) There were four bills totaling $7,269.47 to be paid in January ‘2017.
It was moved by Nickolay, seconded by Quast to approve the payment of
the bills. Motion carried. (5-0)
c) The financial reports for December‘2017 which included the Income
Statements and Balance Sheets were reviewed and accepted.
3. City Administrator Johnson provided a brief update on the Small Cities Projects for 2016 and 2017. On the 2016 Project, there are currently 13 applications in process on the commercial rehab program, with at least 2 out for bid at this time. There have been no applications for rental rehab at this time. ON the 2017 Small Cities Grant Application, the Council will be holding a Public Hearing on January 17, 2017 on the application. Assuming favorable response, the Council will adopt a Resolution to submit the application to the State by February 23, 2017. No action needed by the EDA at this time.
4. Chairman Sletten and the Board considered the 2016 Retail Trade Analysis as prepared by the University of MN Extension Office. With Deb Kalousek from the Chamber present, there was discussion on the report and how a public presentation or the report should be done. There was significant debate on what, how, where, etc. anything should be done on the report and the meaning of the information. At the conclusion of the discussion, the report will be placed on the City EDA and Chamber Websites and a brief report to the City Council with the business community invited to the Council meeting. Hopefully, this may generate an article in the local newspaper. There was no further action taken on the matter.
5. Chairman Sletten tabled action on any discussion on “How to Proceed with a Business Retention or Outreach Program” until the February meeting.
6. City Administrator Johnson provided a brief overview of the proposed “Stakeholder Advisory Committee for MnDOT Highway #19 Project” scheduled for construction in 2020. There was discussion on the purpose, function and authority of the Committee. No action taken.
7. City Administrator Johnson reviewed the Planning Director’s January ‘2017 EDA Business Updates with the Board. The most notable item was that the City had received an application for a 90 unit senior living project for TIF Housing Assistance.
There being no additional business, it was the consensus of the Board to adjourn at approximately 9:05 A.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Michael J. Johnson
City Administrator/EDA Executive Director
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January 11, 2017 Meeting Minutes
New Prague Economic Development Authority