RCT Session 1.5: Worker Safety
Session 1.5: Worker Safety
Watch the e-learning on Worker Safety in CANVAS, then complete this worksheet, once you’ve finished, review this worksheet with your Supervisor.
1.5.1 Preparation supporting worker safety
1. Identify several things you can do to support your ability to be safe when engaging with clients in a variety of locations.
2. Which of the following could pose a safety threat to you? (check all that apply)
a. Dogs or other animals in a client’s home
b. A client who becomes angry or hostile
c. Driving in a state car without first learning the location of important controls
d. Being in a home where methamphetamines is produced
3. Is it safe to enter a residence when no adult has invited you in?
a. Yes
b. No
4. Is it safe to walk around such a residence – looking in windows and otherwise gathering assessment information?
a. Yes
b. No
5. Any interaction with a client has the potential to become violent, but which of the following is the activity with the highest risk for violence?
a. Initial contact after receiving an intake
b. Removing a child from their parents care
c. Parent-Child Visitation
6. What are some observable indicators that someone is becoming very angry and may become aggressive?
a. Expressing frustration at system/CPS involvement
b. Saying that the intake, or the social worker’s assessment, isn’t accurate
c. Raised voice
d. Abusive or derogatory language toward you and your role
e. Clenched teeth, jaws, fists
f. Asking to have a lawyer present
g. Throwing or kicking things
h. Restless or pacing
i. Not returning phone calls
7. What are the possible impacts (positive and negative) of bringing the police/law enforcement when visiting a family?
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