


  1. Start FileMaker Pro, choose new empty database.
  2. Enter the following fields:
  • Last Name –textFirst Name-textStreet-textCty-textState-text
  • Zip-numberHome Phone-textArea Code-number
  1. Click the done button
  2. File menu: import, open the data base file named “Address db” located on the student server(X). Double click on the following folder in the exact order listed: business education folder, data base folder, address db.
  3. Make sure that the field names that you typed in match with the field names of the imported file. There should be black arrows between the import and the original field names. Click import.
  4. Make the following changes while in: view menu, browse mode, view as table.
  1. Sort the last name field Z-A. (standard toolbar)
  1. Move the first name field in front of the last name field. (drag and drop)
  1. Move the area code field in front of the phone number field. (drag and drop)
  1. Make the street field and any others wide enough to see all the information. (place the cursor on the line separating the field headings and you will get a cross arrow tool, hold down the mouse button and drag in either direction)
  1. Resize the zip code and state fields so that they do not take up so much room. (follow directions from step 5)
  1. Fix the field name Cty to City. (file menu define fields) Do not delete just change and save!
  1. Delete the Chu record from the data base. (records menu and delete record)
  1. Insert this new record: (records menu and new record) George Wegge, N4956 Hwy M, Milk Shake, IA 50088, 712-458-3589.

Two Report Printouts

1. Address data base-People from Iowa

  1. View menu: layout mode
  2. Layouts menu: new layout/report
  3. Name layout People in Iowa, choose Columnar list/report, click next
  4. Choose Columnar, click next
  5. Select the fields: last name, first name, and state, click next
  6. Sort last name, descending order, click next
  7. Standard, click next
  8. Header, right side, choose small custom, enter your name and hour, click next
  9. View in layout, click finish

Layout mode

1.Drag header line down to allow for shape and title

2.Select field names by clicking and dragging or hold down shift and click on each. Use your down arrow key to move them down or drag them. Remember to keep them above the header line.

3.Use the draw tools at the left. Draw a shape to put your title in. NOTE: if line does not appear change the pen color to black and try again.

4.Select text tool “A” and click inside the shape. In all caps enter: PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN IOWA.

5.Adjust font size and alignment (click on the arrow icon on the draw toolbar at the left and then click on the text box.

6.View menu: preview mode (ctrl-U) See what it looks like.

7.View menu: find mode. Find all the people who live in Iowa.

8.Sort last name descending using the a-z icon while in preview mode.

9.Preview mode to check layout. If the columns are not wide enough you will need to adjust them in layout mode. Make sure that you are adjusting the fields in the bottom section not in the header section. Drag to move on the page and drag to make the field longer or shorter by using the grabber boxes on the field. Go between layout (ctrl-L) and preview (ctrl-U) modes to check your changes.

10.Print and keep until you are done with the second printout.

2.Address data base-Zip and Area Codes

**Browse mode, records menu: show all records before going on with this new printout using the address data base

1.View menu: layout mode

2.Layouts menu: new layout/report

3.Name layout zip and area codes, Columnar list/report, click next

4.Choose Columnar, click next

5.Select the fields: last name, first name, state, zip and area code, click next

6.Sort last name, ascending order, click next

7.Standard, click next

8.Header, right side, choose small custom, enter your name and hour, click next

9.View in layout, click finish

Layout mode

1.Drag header line down to allow for shape and title

2.Select field names by clicking and dragging or hold down shift and click on each. Use your down arrow key to move them down or drag them. Remember to keep them above the header line.

3.Use the draw tools at the left. Draw a shape to put your title in. NOTE: if line does not appear change the pen color to black and try again.

4.Select text tool “A” and click inside the shape. In all caps enter: ZIP AND AREA CODES

5.Adjust font size and alignment (click on the arrow icon on the draw toolbar at the left and then click on the text box.

6.View menu: preview mode (ctrl-U) See what it looks like.

7.View menu: find mode. Find all the people with a 50088 zip code and 712 area code.

8.Sort last name ascending using the a-z icon while in preview mode.

9.Preview mode to check layout. If the columns are not wide enough you will need to adjust them in layout mode. Make sure that you are adjusting the fields in the bottom section not in the header section. Drag to move on the page and drag to make the field longer or shorter by using the grabber boxes on the field. Go between layout (ctrl-L) and preview (ctrl-U) modes to check your changes.

10.Print and staple behind the first printout. Turn in.