What Qualifies Me for this Role?
A Synagogue is as strong as its members and their contributions. In the 15 years I have been a member I have been heavily involved in shul activities:
- Set up children’s Summer Scheme with Rabbi Lister
- Initiated Mitzvah Day at MHS, running it for 7 years
- Led the Yeladenu fundraising committee
- Ledchildren’s services for over 10 years
- Chair of Cheder Governors,leading growth from 40 to 100 children
- Redevelopedthe shul website and Ethos
- Vice Chair for 2 years
- Led the welfare team for the past 2 years
- Lead tours for school children
- Set up cooking club for local charities and members
What Do I Want to Achieve as Chair?
Under the leadership of our Chair, Rabbi and our new Community Director, the shul has developed enormous strengths -our religious services, educational programming, and interfaith work. I want to preserve and build on this whilst making a difference in five areas.
1. Building Project
As Vice Chair I have been involved in the plans to raise funds and redevelop our building. Over £200,000 hasalreadybeen pledgedand it is important that there is continuity from the current Board and team that have achieved this fantastic result.
We must prioritise looking after every member who needs us.
Develop a strong and coordinated educationaloffering for all ages.
4.Social Action
Think bigger. Continue lookingoutwards and developingour social action and interfaith work.
5. Women
Continue to pioneer activities for women.Promotetheir involvement in, and fulfilmentthrough,shul life.
What kind of Chair would I be?
I have always been collaborative and inclusive in both my professional and voluntary life. I have been successful inlistening to people, mobilising teams, allowingpeopleto contribute and flourish, and building strong relationships with colleagues. I’ve worked well with the Board, and have an excellent, respectful working relationship with the Rabbi.This is essential for the next Chair.
As Vice Chair, I set up and empowered teams with clear processesfor the social action, welfare and youth committees. I will roll out that model inother areas, engagingmore members in shul activities.
Some people will be aware that Iintended to stand as a co-chair. The role of Chair is a large one, and drawing on the strengths oftwo people will bring benefit to the community, particularly during the building work. United Synagogue rules rightly precludeco-chairs standing in a contested election. If successful, I may revisit thiswith the Honorary Officers and Board, but that is to be dealt with at another time.
I standfor election in my own right, on the platform set out in this paper.
I am someone who gets things done and enjoys working with people to make things happen. I want to lead our community into its next phase, enjoying a stimulating, caring, forward thinking and busy programme of activities for allinour newly developed building fit for the future.