Selective scheme

Call for Proposals EAC/S 22/2013

Round 1 & Round 2


Selective Scheme


F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions

Call for Proposals EAC/S22/2013


These FAQ's apply to the Call for Proposals and rounds as indicated above.

Please check that you refer to the correct Call for Proposals and use the respective forms.

* To check the round:

Decision/Agreement no.: 2014- 2851 / 001 – 001 – 387468-CREA-1-2014-1-NL-MED-DISTSEL (stated on 1st page of your Decision / Agreement)


* To check the Call for Proposals:

The Call for Proposals under which your Decision/Agreement has been issued is mentioned on the 1st page of your Decision /Agreement.


In the Selective Scheme, we are not only issuing Grant Agreements but also Grant Decisions.

Grant Decisions are issued to beneficiaries in all member states of the EU and are only signed by the Agency.

Grant Agreements are concluded with beneficiaries in other eligible countries and are signed by both parties.

In the FAQ's you will see references to both Decisions and Agreements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Release Report

1. When do I have to submit the Release Report?

2. Do I have to send a poster along with the Release Report?

3. Which date is considered as the "first theatrical release"?

4. We organised an avant-première / a private screening for this film. Can this be considered as "first theatrical release" date?

5. The film was first screened in a film festival. Is this the first theatrical release date of the film?

Final Report

6. When is the Final Report due?

7. Where can I find the Final Report form?

8. Can I send the completed Excel file by e-mail?

9. What is the period of the action?

10. The final number of screens is different from the forecast number of screens in the decision/agreement. Does this affect my MEDIA award?

11. When will I receive the pre-financing payment?

12. When and how can I request an extension of the release period?

13. What is a "Peak Week"

Calculation of project timeline and deadlines

Checklist for beneficiary

Release Report

1. When do I have to submit the Release Report?

The Release Report is due within one month after the date of the first theatrical release of the film in the territory.
It can be sent as soon as you have the release results of the first week of release, in order to fill in the requested information.
This is also the case for the consolidated Decisions/Agreements: the Release Report is due within one month of the release of each individual film.

2. Do I have to send a poster along with the Release Report?

Yes, when sending the Release Report you have to include a poster and / or a selection of promotion / advertising material.

3. Which date is considered as the "first theatrical release"?

Considered as "first theatrical release" of a film is the official release date, i.e. the date in which the film was theatrically released for commercial purposes in the territory. This date is considered as the actual release date of the film.
The first theatrical release of the film, also for consolidated Decisions/Agreements, must take place from the date of application until 18 months after the deadline of the specific round:
ROUND1: the film can be released from the date of application.
ROUND 2: the film can be released from the date of application and at the earliest on 02/05/2014.

4. We organised an avant-première / a private screening for this film. Can this be considered as "first theatrical release" date?

No, avant – premières or special / private / press screenings cannot be considered as the first theatrical release of a film.

5. The film was first screened in a film festival. Is this the first theatrical release date of the film?

No, as in the cases above, the screening during a film festival cannot be considered as the first theatrical release date of the film.

Final Report

6. When is the Final Report due?

·  For single Decisions/Agreements:
The Final Report – accompanied by the most recent Royalty statement– is due at the latest eight months after the date of first theatrical release.
E.g. : Date of first theatrical release: 28/02/2014
=> Final Report due by (latest): 28/10/2014
·  For consolidated Decisions/Agreements:
The Final Report must be accompanied by the Activity Report.
This means that you can submit the Final Report and Activity Report only when all projects in the package have been completed.
In this case, the Final Report is due eight months after the date of first theatrical release of the film which was last released in the package.

7. Where can I find the Final Report form?

A sample of the forms for the Final Report and the Activity Report are available on the website of Creative Europe in the "Beneficiaries space".
For reporting, please use the Excel file forms, sent to you by e-mail.
These forms already contain your Company name, the reference number, the PIC Code and original Title of the film.
The zones in red should be filled out; a warning sign will appear when not filled out. Fill them out, print them out and have them signed by the authorised signatory.

8. Can I send the completed Excel file by e-mail?

Yes, but first the completed Excel file has to be printed out and signed where necessary by the authorised signatory of the company. Please note that there is no more certification by an approved auditor required!
Then you should make a scan of the final -signed- documents (Final Report), and send them by e-mail, including also the latest Royalty Statement.
There is no more obligation to send the original documents by post.

9. What is the period of the Action?

The action shall run from the date of application or (for consolidated) date of first application in the package ("the starting date of the Action") and shall end 18 months after the deadline of the first or second round. This means that the date of first theatrical release of the film in the territory must take place within these two dates.

10. The final number of screens is different from the forecast number of screens in the agreement/decision. Does this affect my MEDIA award?

The MEDIA award can never be higher than the amount specified in the Decision (art. 3) / Agreement (art. I.3).
In the event of non-execution or clearly inadequate execution of the action, the final grant will be reduced according to the lump sum table / grant calculator as specified in the guidelines to Call for Proposals EAC/S22/2013, and where applicable, you will be required to reimburse any excess amounts paid by the Agency in the form of pre-financing. (Art.9.5 of the Decision/ Art I.9.7 of the Agreement)
Estimated number of screens in FR: 35
Forecast award: € 45.700
a) overspending:
Final number of screens (approved): 45
=> Final MEDIA award: € 45.700 (= maximum amount)
b) underspending:
Final number of screens (approved): 20
=> Final MEDIA award: € 35.700 (=maximum amount according to the lump sum table )

11. When will I receive the pre-financing payment?

There are different possibilities regarding the pre-financing payment:
a) You receive the pre-financing payment – 60% of the forecast award – upon the notification of the Grant Decision / upon entry into force of the Grant Agreement.
b) You receive the pre-financing payment – 60% of the forecast award – upon acceptance by the Agency of the Release Report.
c) You do not receive a pre-financing payment, but only a final payment once you have submitted the Release Report(s) and Final Report.
For the consolidated agreements, the second possibility means that the pre-financing payment can only take place after the submission of the Release Reports for all films of the package.
For the consolidated agreements, the third possibility means that the final payment can only take place after the submission of the Final Report and all Activity Reports.
To verify which condition your payments depend upon, please always check art. 4.1 of the Decision / art. I.4.1 of your Agreement!

12. When and how can I request an extension of the release period and the period of eligibility?

You should inform us as soon as you know that you cannot release the film within the period of the action mentioned in the Decision in art. 2.2 / in the Agreement in art. I.2.2.
Please send us as soon as possible and at the latest one month before the end of the period of the action, a written request, justifying the reasons for this extension. This request has to be signed by the authorized signatory of the company.
After evaluation of your request and if accepted, a maximum extension of 6 additional months to the period of the action will be given. EACEA will then issue an amendment (Rider) to the Decision/Agreement with the new dates of the release period.
Decision Art. 2.2: The action shall from 05/02/2014 (“the starting date of the action”) and shall end on 28/08/2015. This means that the date of first theatrical release of the film in the territory must take place within these two dates.
=> Consequently:
For example – Round 1
- You have to send your request in writing at the latest by 28/07/2015
- The new latest release date will be: 28/08/2015 + 6 months = 28/02/2016
- The new duration of the action will be: 05/02/2014 – 28/02/2016

13. What is a "Peak Week"

The peak week is the week where the most screens are reached.

To be taken into account, the screens must show the film at least 2 times during the week declared as part of a commercial release that is advertised as such in the cinemas listings and where a normal ticket price is paid.
Special events are therefore excluded.
A maximum of one screen per cinema can be declared


Stages / Date or indicative period
a) / Publication of the call / December 2013
Round 1 / Round 2
b) / Deadline for submitting applications / 28 February 2014, 12:00 (noon, Brussels Time) / 2 July 2014, 12:00 (noon, Brussels Time)
c) / Evaluation period / March-June 2014 / July-October 2014
d) / Information to applicants / July 2014 / November 2014
e) / Signature of grant agreement or notification of grant decision / August 2014 / December 2014
f) / Starting date of the action (first release of the film) / The film can be released from the date of application / The film can be released from the date of application, and at the earliest on 2nd May 2014.
g) / Max. duration of the action / From date of the application until 18 months after the deadline. / From date of the application until 18 months after the deadline.

Checklist for beneficiary

Before sending the Final Report, you can use this checklist to make sure that you filled in all necessary information:

1)  I used the correct Final Report form, corresponding to the right session and Call for proposals. / ¨
2)  The Final Report is signed by the authorised signatory / ¨
3)  I filled in and signed the Activity Reports. (only for consolidated agreements) / ¨
4)  In each Activity Report, I entered a brief description of the Theatrical Release Campaign / ¨
5)  I filled out for each film the "Peak Week – list of Cinemas" form. / ¨
6)  I included the most recent Royalty Statement of the film(s), as sent to the Licensor! / ¨