Book Love mini-project
- You will choose a title from the texts you have read for Book Love.
- You will choose a thematic topic from the BIG IDEAS list (or get another thematic topic approved).
- You will create an original project of your choicefrom the list ofgenres wherein you connect yourtopic to the piece of literature, showing both an understanding of content and thematic connection.
- You will work independently.
- During every single piece of literature read, you must study the work with two questions in mind: “To which Big Ideas does this piece of literature speak?” “What is the author saying about ______(a specific Big Idea/ thematic topic)?” When you have done this, you will have arrived at one of the themes of the text. Keep these central questions in mind at all times when you discuss, read, and write.
- After considering this question, you will attach your written analysis of the text. It must be in MLA format, fit the constructed paragraph response format, and be attached to your creative genre. (You can start your paragraph using this template.) Include properly formatted and incorporated citations from the text and a properly formatted Works Cited page.
- From time to time, you may participate in small and large group Socratic Seminarswhere you will be discussing the work with people who have different topics/perspectives.
- This project is primarily an out-of-class activity, but there will be times when you will have time to work in class.
- For each piece of writing, it is a good idea to pre-write using the following strategy:
R- role: what is the writer’s role: reporter, critic, observer, eyewitness?
A- audience: who is the intended reader?
F- format: which genre is the best way to present this writing?
T- topic: who or what is the subject of this writing? What are you writing about?
Creative ProjectGenres
The creative element of your project will fall into one of four genres. You will produce several Book Love mini-projects through the year; you are expected to create products that fall into different genres and to use an assortment of genres from each category. Use the chart below to track what genre products you create.
Creative Writing / Academic Writing / Graphic Organizer/Visual / TechnologyMany genres have templates that can be found in Microsoft Office – either in Word, Publisher, or PowerPoint. First, check in the templates you already have in your computer, then look at the Microsoft Office online templates.
I have also linked to other resources (apps, websites, etc.). Many samples are from where you can search and find even more examples than the ones I’ve linked to. NOTE: they will ask you to pay for downloading. I have no expectations that you will pay for the components of this assignment; I have simply linked to them for you to view the samples.
Please let me know as you find good resources. I have tried to find you sites that are safe; please forgive any errors and let me know ASAP.Also, I do not expect you to pay money for any of these. I have tried to find free resources throughout.
Remember when searching to find examples that let you give lots of detail and clear thematic connectionto the book. For instance, a simple birth certificate will only let you write in the name and date. You are looking for much, much more than that! All products must include writing of some sort, even if only as an explanation of the theme attached to the creative work. All products must relate directly to plot, theme, tone, setting, characterizations, etc. Pay close attention to creating realistic details in relation to the book. For instance, if you’re creating a Facebook page for a character from Romeo & Juliet, even though there was no Facebook in 1500s Italy, all elements should relate to that time period.
A final note: all work – including art – should be original. That means draw or take your own photographs.The only exception is if you use work that you have access to via clipart or if you can find the primary source and cite it on your works cited page. Do not break copyright laws.
Creative Writing
- Series of Journal/diary entries click link for proper formatting
- Personal letter click link for proper formatting
- Greeting card
- Schedule/things to do list (no fewer than 10)
- Inner monologue representing internal conflicts
- Classified or personal ads (at least ½ page) click link for examples
- Top 10 list
- Poetry/song lyrics
- Contest entry application click link for examples
- Newspaper article(news, scientific, eye-witness, business, personal, etc.). Two realistic generators: This one and this one.
- Lesson plan click link for blank template
- Short scene from a play with notes for stage directions click link for directions and examples
- Short scene from a movie with notes for camera shots click link for directions and examples
- Dialogue of a conversation among two or more people click link for directions and examples
- Story: short story/adventure magazine/ghost/myth/tall tale/fairy tale/prediction of future/rewrite ending
- Talk show interviewscript
- RECIPEwith ingredients and instructions
- Comedy routine or parody script
- Brochure or newsletter (ReadWriteThink has several templates, as does Microsoft)
- Restaurant description/menu/review Click link for free menu generator
- Advertisement (travel, product, service) Click link for generator. You may also create commercial or other form
- How-to or technical directions
- Campaign (or other) speech
- Wedding/graduation/birth/special event invitation or announcement (detailed)
- Detailed birth certificate click link for template
- Detailed death certificate click link for template
- Review for movie/tv show/book click links for directions
- Horoscope pagewith each zodiac sign with clear connections to the characters click link for directions/examples
- Letter to the editor click link for directions/example
- Obituary/eulogy/tribute click link for directions
- Advice column click link to Dear Abby example
- Detailed character or author résumé click link for generator
- Interview transcript click link for example
- Eyewitness accounts
- Case file/police report click link for example
- Trial transcript click link for example
- Facebook page (this link goes to a template. DO NOT create a real one. It violates their terms of service.)
Academic Writing
- Personal reflective essay
- Analysis of time period art from in relation to the text
- At least five Level 3 philosophical questionsandthoughtful personal responses that reference the text
- Autobiographical essay (as the character)
- Business letter/correspondence or persuasive/advocacy letter click, choose, and follow the appropriate letter format
- Biographical summary of the author or nonfiction character with at least three sources
- Critique of a published source (with hyperlink to original source)
- Speech or debate
- Historical times context essay (find good videos via Khan Academy,
- Character analysisessay click link for example starter. Turn blurbs into fully supported essay.
- Thoroughly respond to a collection in relation to the text
Graphic Organizer/Visual
- Infographic click for link to free design website. There are several others.
- Book cover with liner notes
- CD cover with liner notes and full playlist
- Chart/map/diagram with explanation and analysis
- Timeline or chain of events click for link to free interactive timeline website
- Detailed character family tree
- Detailed receipts, applications, deeds, budgets, or other documents
- Informational flyer click for link to free flyer generator
- Wanted poster click for link to free flyer generator
- Comic strip or graphic novel. Several websites include and
- Poster for movie/book/tv program
- Political cartoon
- Photo collage using original art/photos with accompanying captions
- Diorama with explanation and analysis
- Memory Box with explanation and analysis
- Model with explanation and analysis
- PowerPoint presentation
- Create a collection on
- Video – use sites like Movie ideas include:
- Book promo/trailer
- Commercial
- Music video
- Talk show with characters
- Reality show
- Anything you can imagine!
- Web site click for link to free web site creator
- Character blog – online resources include
- Webquest click for link to details and suggestions for creating a webquest
- Podcast click for information about podcasting
Thematic Concepts
© 2010 Deb Salter & Cherish Donaldson (modified 8/24/2015) Honors English I and II Ola High School, McDonough, GA
By no means exhaustive, the following are some ‘big ideas’ (themes) that we study and see in literature:
© 2010 Deb Salter & Cherish Donaldson (modified 8/24/2015) Honors English I and II Ola High School, McDonough, GA
1. Belief/Disbelief
2. Forgiveness/Grudges
3. Oppression/Freedom
4. Discipline/Chaos
5. Death/Resurrection/Afterlife
6. Love/Hate
7. Acceptance or Tolerance /Rejection or Abandonment
8. Courage/Fear
9. Change/Traditions
10. Empathy/Selfishness
11. Morality/Immorality
12. Overcoming/Succumbing
13. Struggle/Ease
14. Conflict/Resolution
15. Friendship/Isolation
16. The Bonds of Family/Alienation
17. Ambition/Apathy
18. Gender/Sexuality
19. Justice/Injustice
20. Cruelty/Kindness
21. Fate/Free Will
22. Hope/Despair
23. Guilt/Innocence
24. Illness (mental & physical)/Health
25. Conformity/Non-conformity
26. Spirituality
27. Greed/Philanthropy
28. Shame/Pride
29. Life Skills (finance, cooking, careers, etc.)
30. Oppression/the Oppressed
31. War/Peace
32. Social Responsibility
33. The Environment
34. Life/Birth/Rebirth
35. Dreams & Disillusionment
36. Loyalty/Betrayal
37. Strength/Weakness
38. Creation/Destruction
39. Loss of Innocence/Coming of Age
40. Innocence/Rebellion
41. Selfishness/Sacrifice
42. Individualism/Society
43. Reality/Idealism &Illusions
44. Diversity/Isms (racism, sexism, sizeism, anti-Semitism, etc)
© 2010 Deb Salter & Cherish Donaldson (modified 8/24/2015) Honors English I and II Ola High School, McDonough, GA
© 2010 Deb Salter & Cherish Donaldson (modified 8/24/2015) Honors English I and II Ola High School, McDonough, GA
© 2010 Deb Salter & Cherish Donaldson (modified 8/24/2015) Honors English I and II Ola High School, McDonough, GA