Marie Favereau
Rothermere American Institute
University of Oxford
1a South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3UB, UK
Tel. + 44 7 59 67 07 835
Current PositionResearch Associate, Oxford University, European Research Council –funded project “Nomadic Empires in World History”
Ph.D. in History, Paris IV- La Sorbonne & University of San Marino, 2004
BA in Arabic Language and Civilization (Licence), Paris IV-La Sorbonne, 2001
MA II (DEA), Paris IV-La Sorbonne, 200
Master’s Degree I (Maîtrise), Paris IV-La Sorbonne, 1999
Bachelor’s Degree in History (Licence), Paris IV- La Sorbonne, Academic Degree in Arabic Language, 1998
Associate’s Degree in History (DEUG), Paris IV- La Sorbonne, 1997
Work Experience
Research Associate, Oxford University, European Research Council project “Nomadic Empires,” 2014-17
Part-time lecturer, Leiden University (Master course: History of the Mongol Legacy); First-year course: Geschiedenis van het Midden-Oosten I (History of the Middle East and Central Asia, 600-1500), 2013-14
Post-doctoral researcher, Leiden University, The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) project “Eurasian Empires,” 2011-14
Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies, Princeton, 2009-10
Scientific Member of the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology (IFAO, Cairo), Arabic and Coptic section, 2005-9
Part-time Lecturer at the University Lyon-2 (Arabic classes/First year, History of the Western Middle Ages/First year), 2003-4
Grants and Stipendiary Research Fellowships
Conference grant, Leiden University (9,000 Euros) and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (4,000 Euros), 2013-14
French and Russian Center of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Moscow, 2011
Fulbright Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 2009-10
PhD Stipendiary Fellowship, University of San Marino, 2002-5
French Institute of Anatolian Studies, Istanbul, 2003
La Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, 2002
La Horde d’Or. Les héritiers de Gengis Khan, text: Marie Favereau, photos: Jacques Raymond (Editions de la Flandonnière, 2014).
La Horde d’Or et le sultanat mamelouk. Naissance d’une alliance (Cairo: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, forthcoming).
Edited Books
Les conventions diplomatiques dans le monde musulman. L’umma en partage (1258-1517), Annales islamologiques 41 (Cairo: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, 2008).
Zolotaja Orda v Mirovoj Istorii (The Golden Horde in World History), co-edited with R. Hautala, I.M. Mirgaleev and V.V. Trepavlov (Kazan: Sh.Marjani Institute of History, 2016).
La Horde d’Or et l’islamisation des steppes eurasiatiques, 1250-1550, Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée 143 (Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l’Université de Provence, forthcoming 2017).
“Venecianskie istochniki po istorii Zolotoj Ordy: novye perspektivy izuchenija,” Golden Horde Review/ Zolotoordynskoe obozrenie 1 (2016), 39-54.
“De la mise en scène diplomatique au rituel dynastique: retour sur la nature des liens entre la Pologne-Lituanie et le khanat de Crimée: à propos du livre de Dariusz Kolodziejczyk,” Turcica 44(2013), 335-47.
“Pervoe pis’mo khana Berke sultanu Bejbarsu po mamljukskim istochnikam (661/1263 g.),” Zolotoordynskaya Civilizaciya 4 (2011), 101-13.
“Comment le sultan mamlouk s’adressait au khan de la Horde d’Or. Formulaire des lettres et règles d’usage d’après trois manuels de chancellerie (1262-v.1430),” Annales Islamologiques 41(2008), 59-95.
“Les conventions diplomatiques dans le monde musulman. L’umma en partage (1258-1517): Introduction,” Annales Islamologiques 41(2008), xi-xx.
“La Horde d’Or de 1377 à 1502. Chronique: Thèse,” Revue des Etudes Slaves LXXVI/2-3 (2005), 357-360.
“La Horde d’Or de 1377 à 1502. Aux sources d’un siècle “sans Histoire”. Aperçu de recherche,” Labyrinthe 21/2(2005), 153-58.
Book Chapters
“The Golden Horde and the Mamluks: The Birth of a Diplomatic Set-up (1261-67),” Mamluk Cairo, a Crossroad for Embassies, ed. F. Bauden and M. Dekkiche (Leiden-Boston: Brill, forthcoming 2017).
“Convention constitutive. L’approche historique des contrats: le cas des Vénitiens et de la Horde d’Or,” in Dictionnaire des conventions, ed. Ph. Batifoulier et alii (Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2016), 82-87.
“Izmenenija, kotorye povlek za soboj al’jans mezhdu khanom Berke i sultanom Beybarsom”,in Sbornik Materialov. Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvjashchennoj 700-letiju mecheti khana Uzbeka (g. Staryj Krym), Simferopol’ 14-18 oktjabrja 2014 g., (Simferopol’: KRU, KMI, DUMK,2014), 42-54.
“K voprosu ob al’janse mezhdu Zolotoj Ordoj i Mamljukskim sultanatompo arabskim istochnikam”, in Zolotoordynskoe nasledie. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj naychnoj konferencii Politicheskaja i social’no-e’konomicheskaja istorija Zolotoj Ordy (XIII-XV vv.), (Kazan: Sh.Marjani Institute of History, 2009), 46-54.
“Il Khanato dell’ Orda d’oro,” in Encyclomedia – Il Medioevo, ed. U. Eco (Milan: Motta Editore, 2009), 337-47.
“1391: première incursion ennemie au cœur de la Horde d’Or. Guerre et diplomatie chez les khans Mongols,” in Histoire du monde au XVe siècle, ed. P. Boucheron (Paris: Fayard, 2009), 285-90.
“L’Asie musulmane en 1500,” in Histoire du Monde, 500-1000-1500, ed. G. Jehel (Nantes: Éditions du Temps, 2007), 263-93.
Book Reviews
La figure de l’ambassadeur entre mondes éloignés. Ambassadeurs, envoyés officiels et représentations diplomatiques entre Orient islamique, Occident latin et Orient chrétien (XIe-XVIe siècle), ed. Nicolas Drocourt (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2015), Bulletin critique des Annales Islamologiques 30 (forthcoming 2016).
L’Empire khazar, vii-xie siècle. L’énigme d’un peuple cavalier, ed. J. Piatigorsky and J. Sapir (Paris: Editions Autrement, 2005), Bulletin critique des Annales Islamologiques 24 (2008), 107.
Denise Aigle, Le Fārs sous la domination mongole. Politique et fiscalité (xiiie-xive s.), (Leuven: Peeters, 2005), Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée 119-120 (2007), 304-07.
István Vásáry, Cumans and Tatars. Oriental Military in the Pre-Ottomans Balkans, 1185-1365 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), Abstracta Iranica 28 (2005), document 166.
Denise Aigle, “The Letters of Eljigidei, Hülegü, and Abaqa: Mongol Overtures or Christian Ventriloquism?,” Inner Asia 7 (2005), 143-62; Abstracta Iranica 28 (2005), document 149.
M.Kunt and Z.N. Yelçe, “Divân-i Hümâyûn: le Conseil impérial ottoman et ses conseillers(1450-1580),” in Conseils et conseillers dans l’Europe de la Renaissance, v.1450-v.1550, ed. C.Michon (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2012), 299-340.
Graphic Novel
Gengis Khan. Collection: Ils ont fait l’Histoire, co-authored with D.-P. Filippi and M. Garcia (Paris: Fayard-Glénat, 2014).
Selected Conference Papers
“Venetian Sources for the History of the Golden Horde: New Research Perspectives,” International Forum on the Golden Horde, Kazan, Russia, 2015.
“Steppe Diplomacy at the End of the Fourteenth Century: the Case of Toqtamish,” International Conference The Golden Horde in a Global Perspective: Imperial strategies, Leiden, Netherlands, 2015.
“Toqtamish and az-Zâhir Barqûq: the Revival of the Mamluk-Jöchid Alliance,” International Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies, Liège, Belgium, 2015.
“Connected Dynasties: How the Jöchids and the Jagiellonians Gave Birth to the Giray Khans,” International Medieval Congress, Leeds, United-Kingdom, 2015.
“The Golden Horde,” International Conference Empires to be Remembered, Vienna, Austria, 2015.
“The Mamluk Sultanate and the Golden Horde: Tension and Interaction,” International Conference The Mamluk Sultanate and its Neighbors: Economic, Social and Cultural Entanglement, Bonn, Germany, 2015.
“Italian traders in the Golden Horde: Connecting Europe to Central Asia,” International conferenceConnecting the Silk Road. Trade, People & Social Networks (400-1300 AD), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2014.
“The Alliance Between Berke and Baybars: Islamic Legacy, Military Strategy and Public Respectability,” International Conference Study and Conservation of the Islamic Heritage in the Crimea, Simferopol, Russia, 2014.
“Regards croisés sur la cour des khans mongols (xiiie-xve siècles),” 3èmes Journées Suisses d’Histoire, Fribourg, Switzerland, 2013.
“Ceremonial Representations of the Jochid Khans through the Eyes of Foreign Ambassadors,” Symposium InternationalEmperors, Sultans, Khans. Dynastic Rulership at the Crossroad between East and West. A Comparative Perspective, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013.
“Tatar vs Tartare: quand d’un jeu de mots naît une ethnie,” Conference La Fabrique de l’Ethnie dans l’Islam Médiéval at L’Institut d'Etudes de l'Islam et des Sociétés du Monde Musulman, Paris, 2013.