Training and Development of Community-Based Workers. CALL FOR 2011/2012 PROPOSALS & BUDGETS

Submission Deadline: September 6, 2011

Ryan Johnstone

Policy and Program Analyst/AHHRI Coordinator

Health Canada, First Nations and Inuit Health


Christa Williams

Executive Director

First Nations Public Service

This Call for Proposal is part of the Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative and provides one year funding for projects towards increasing the Aboriginal Health Care Workforce starting in fiscal year 2011-2012.


What is the Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative?

The Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative (AHHRI) was developed following a commitment made by the federal government at the Special Meeting of the First Ministers and Aboriginal Leaders in September 2004. The commitment builds on the previous Health Accord in 2003, which directed provincial, territorial and federal governments to work together with Aboriginal people to advance a health care system that is more responsive to their needs.

In the 2010 Federal Budget, the government renewed its commitment to continue to address the acute shortages of First Nation, Inuit and Métis health human resources through the Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative (AHHRI). The AHHRI has been extended for a period of five years (2010 – 2015).

The renewed AHHRI maintains its focus on increasing the Aboriginal health care workforce as one of its main objectives. However, there are added goals which include re-focusing some resources on assisting community-based unregulated health care workers to acquire the skills and certification comparable to workers in the provincial/territorial health care systems, this includes training of community health managers.

Tripartite First Nations Health Plan and The Transformative Change Accord: First Nations Health Plan

The Tripartite First Nations Health Plan (TFNHP) and The Transformative Change Accord: First Nations Health Plan (TCA: FNHP) both recognize the importance of the development of the Aboriginal health human resource. Specifically the plans state that ‘First Nations aim to continue to increase their capacity to directly deliver health services to their people and their communities’.

Any applicant should read the Tripartite First Nations Health Plan and the Transformative Change Accord: First Nations Health Plan in order to understand the importance of these foundational documents.

The AHHRI Initiative, What May be Funded, What Will Not be Funded.

It is important that each applicant refer to the GUIDELINES AND FUNDING CRITERIA FOR REGIONAL PROJECTS, AND THE Community-Based Workers Training and Certification Guidelines. Please take the time to fully read the Guidelines & OTHER INFORMATION provided.

When are the proposals including work plans and budgets due?

The deadline for submissions is: September 6, 2011

What should be included in the work plan and budgets?

The following is a front page template. This is to be placed at the front of your project work plan and budget.

Program Summary:

Post-Secondary Institution OR First Nation Lead and Health Department Lead: / Identify the Post Secondary Institution/or other organization that will administer the project and will sign the Contribution Agreement for AHHRI Project Funding.
Project Title: / State the title or name of the initiative
Mailing Address:
Name and Title of Principal Applicant
Collaborative Partners. Please include all meaningful partnerships making sure to highlight First Nations involvement and partnerships
CBW Training addressed by proposal / □  Addictions Certification
□  Community/Mental Wellness Certifications
□  Diabetes Certification
□  Early Childhood Education Certifications
□  Personal Care Certifications
□  Pharmacy Technician Certification
Location of Program Delivery
Target number of students / Number of students (please provide break down for each cohort)
Duration of Program 2011/2012: / Identify to what month your current 2011/2012 funding will take you to.
Duration of Program 2012/2013 (if applicable and if Carry Forward may be required): / Identify any activities that may be completed in the 2012-13 fiscal year
AHHRI Funding Requested:
Other Funding Amounts Received please include source: / $

Executive Summary:

Provide a clear and concise statement about the program/project as previously submitted (MAXIMUM 250 words).

Project/Program Activities, and Timelines:

Given the timing of when you will receive funding for the 2011/2012 fiscal year, it is recognized that this has impacted the initial proposed time line of your work plans.

Use the tabular format that you used in your project proposals for 2011/2012 submissions:

Overall Goal: The broad purpose of the project

Objectives: Tasks necessary to achieve the overall goal

Activity: Each objective will have one or more actions (i.e. activities) required to achieve that objective

Time Line: Month to month

Budget Source: State whether the activity falls under 2011/2012 or 2012-13 funding or if the activity will need additional funding from 2012/2013 funding allocation. This will help us identify how far your current 2011/2012 funding will take you into 2012/2013.

Budget for Activity Provide proposed budget amount to implement activity.

Overall Goal:
Objectives / Activity / Timeline for the Activity (month to month) / Budget Source (2011/2012 or 2012/2013) / Budget for Activity

Budget (1 page maximum)

In addition to completing the budget table, the following information is required:

1.  Employee Costs

1.1.  Salaries Formula: Number of hours x rate of pay

1.2.  Benefits Formula: List the % of each salary that is required to cover benefits and related costs (e.g. 15% of $100 salary = $15)

2.  Non-employee Costs

2.1.  Travel: List cost and specify whether for staff, project participant, etc. Be specific (e.g. 100 km x $0.48/km = $48)

3.  Honorariums: Elders, guest speakers and non-staff members. (e.g. $100/honorarium x 2 per month x 4 months = $800)

4.  Workshop Expenses (if applicable): All costs you expect to pay (e.g. supplies, food, rentals, photocopying) for relevant workshop

5.  Consultants: Breakdown of hours worked and hourly or per

6.  Administration or Overhead Costs (if applicable):

6.1.  Must not exceed 10% of total budget. Includes rent, janitorial services, audit, bookkeeping, general office supplies, secretarial services, utilities and supervisor’s wage.

On what criteria will applications be reviewed?

Work plans and budgets will be assessed against the predetermined set of criteria, overall AHHRI objectives. Factors such as geographical location and project distribution may also be considered

Recommendations of the AHHRI Working Group will be taken into account by Health Canada, with final decision on any project resting with Health Canada staff in the region and at headquarters.

Work plans and budgets will be assessed against the following criteria:

1.  CLEAR AND CONCISE ‘Executive Summary’ (250 word MAXIMUM);

2.  Complete work plan template and budget.

3.  Feasible timeframe

4.  Budget and resource requirements (e.g. honorarium rates).

5.  Meaningful First Nation partnership

6.  Coordination with other projects within the applying organization and if possible coordination on a larger, regional basis.

How will I know if our application will get funded?

Project leaders will be notified by email and follow-up letter after receiving the final decision from Health Canada. We reserve the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and will notify all applicants of the outcome.

How to Submit

Work plans and budgets must be received via e-mail to and by September 6, 2011

*****Late submissions will not be accepted*****

Work plans are subject to review so that we may best allocate AHHRI's limited resources. For example, projects may find that projected budgets were greater than actual needs. This will allow for reallocation of funds to other projects.

Please keep in mind that because of the volume of proposals and limited AHHRI funding, it is unlikely that any one proposal will be funded the entire amount requested and that partnering and or funding from other sources may be a necessity.

Health Canada, First Nations and Inuit Health

Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative

Call for Work Plans and Budgets 2011-12 and 2012-13

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