Dr Eric Pardede
Journal Papers
- Shanbhag, N., Pardede, E. “The dynamics of product development in software startups: The case for System Dynamics”, International Journal of System Dynamics Applications 8(2), Article 5, to appear 2019.
- Za’in, C., Pratama, M., Pardede, E. “Evolving Large Scale Data Stream Analytic based on Scalable PANFIS”, Knowledge-based Systems, accepted December 2018.
- Mahbub, S., Pardede, E., Kayes, A.S.M, Rahayu, W. “Detection of Astroturfing: A Survey”, International Journal of Web & Grid Services, accepted December 2018
- Mehdi, O.A., Ibrahim, H., Affendey, L.S., Pardede, E., Cao, J. “Exploring Instances for Matching Heterogeneous Database Schemas Utilizing Google Similarity and Regular Expression”, Computer Science and Information Systems 15(2), pp, 295-320, June 2018.
- Hanna, D., Veeraraghavan, P., Pardede, E. “PrECast: An Intelligent Protocol for Eliminating Broadcasting in IPv4 Networks”, Electronics 7(5), May 2018.
- Tomy, S., Pardede, E. “From Uncertainties to Successful Start Ups: A Data Analytic Approach to Predict Success in Technological Entrepreneurship”, Sustainability 10(3), March 2018.
- Tomy, S., Pardede, E., “Opportunity Evaluation using Uncertainties in Software Entrepreneurship", Entrepreneurship Research Journal 7(3), July 2017.
- Alqarni, A.A., Pardede, E. “XML schema matching using early dissimilarity detection approaches”, Computer Systems Science & Engineering 31(5), p1, September 2016.
- Tomy, S., Pardede, E., "Controlling Privacy Disclosure of Third Party Applications in Online Social Networks", International Journal of Web Information Systems 12(2), pp. 215-41, July 2016.
- Bonais, M., Nguyen, K., Pardede, E., Rahayu, J. W., "Automated generation of structural design models from SBVR specification", Applied Ontology 11(1), pp. 51-87, March 2016.
- Baqasah, A.M., Pardede, E., Rahayu, J.W., "Maintaining Schema Versions Compatibility in Cloud Applications Collaborative Framework", World Wide Web 18(6), pp.1541-77, November 2015.
- Alzain, M.A., Li, A.S., Soh, B., Pardede, E., “Multi-Cloud Data Management using Shamir’s Secret Sharing and Quantum Byzantine Agreement Schemes”, International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 5(3), pp. 35-52, September 2015.
- Pardede, E., "The use of modern pedagogical techniques when introducing IT students to Entrepreneurship", Teaching in Higher Education 20(6), pp.636-51, August 2015.
- Fudholi, D.H., Rahayu, J.W., Pardede, E., "A Data-Driven Dynamic Ontology", Journal of Information Science 41(3), pp.383-98, June 2015.
- Baqasah, A.M., Pardede, E., Holubova, I., Rahayu, J.W., "XS-Diff: XML Schema change detection algorithm", International Journal of Web and Grid Services 11(2), pp.160-92, April 2015.
- Wahid, N., Pardede, E., "XSDyM: An XML Graphical Conceptual Model for Static and Dynamic Constraints", Computers Standards and Interfaces 37, pp.60-72, January 2015.
- Landberg, A.H., Nguyen, K., Pardede, E., Rahayu, J.W., "Delta-dependency for Privacy-Preserving XML Data Publishing", Journal of Biomedical Informatics 50, pp.77-94, August 2014.
- Alghamdi, N., Rahayu, J.W., Pardede, E., "Semantic-based structural and content indexing for the efficient retrieval of queries over large XML data repositories", Future Generation Computer Systems 37, pp.312-31, July 2014.
- Landberg, A.H., Rahayu, J.W., Pardede, E., "XTrigger: XML Database Trigger", Computer Science: Research and Development 29(1), pp.1-19, February 2014.
- Phan, B. V., Pardede, E., "Active XML (AXML) Research: Survey on the Representation, System Architecture, Data Exchange Mechanism and Query Evaluation", Journal of Network and Computer Applications 37, pp.348-64, January 2014.
- AlZain, M.A., Soh, B., Pardede, E., "A Survey on Data Security Issues in Cloud Computing: From Single to Multi-Clouds", Journal of Software 8(5), pp. 1068-78, May 2013.
- Phan, B. V., Pardede, E., Rahayu, J. W., "On The Improvement Of Active XML (AXML) Representation And Query Evaluation", Information Systems Frontiers 15(2), pp.203-22, April 2013.
- Pardede, E., Lyons, J. "Re-designing Assessment Practices in Entrepreneurship Subject for Information Technology Course: Embedding Assessment for Learning", IEEE Transactions on Education 55(4), pp.566-72, November 2012.
- Alghamdi, N. S., Rahayu, J.W., Pardede, E., "OXDP and OXiP: The notion of objects for efficient large XML data queries", International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 3(2-3), pp.112-25, July 2012.
- AlZain, M.A., Soh, B., Pardede, E., "A New Model to Ensure Security in Cloud Computing Services", Journal of Service Science Research 4(1), pp.49-70, June 2012.
- Clarke, A., Pardede, E., Steele, R., "External and Distributed Databases: Efficient and Secure XML Query Assurance", International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 5(3), pp.421-33, June 2012.
- Alrefae, A., Pardede, E., Phan, B. V., "Caching Mechanism in Peer-to-Peer Networks through Active XML", Journal of Software 7(3), pp. 508-15, March 2012.
- Landberg, A.H., Rahayu, J.W., Pardede, E., "n-Dependency: Dependency Diversity in Anatomised Micro Data Tables", Logic Journal of the IGPL 19(5), pp. 679-702, October 2011.
- Le, D. X. T., Bressan, S, Taniar, D., Rahayu, J.W., and Pardede, E., "Using semantics for XPath query transformation", International Journal of Web and Grid Services 6(1), pp.58-94, March 2010.
- Pardede, E., Rahayu, J.W, Aujla, R.K., Taniar, D., "SQL/XML Hierarchical Query Performance Analysis in an XML-Enabled Database Systems", Journal of Universal Computer Science 15(10), pp.2058 - 77, September 2009.
- Landberg, A.H., Grain, H., Rahayu, J.W, Pardede, E., "Incorporating Privacy Support into Clinical Data Warehouses" Electronic Journal of Health Informatics 4(1), e1, July 2009.
- Pardede, E., Rahayu, J.W., and Taniar, D., "XML Update Management in XML-Enabled Relational Database", Journal of Computer and System Sciences 74(2), pp.170-95, March 2008.
- Taniar, D., Khaw, H.Y., Tjioe, H.C., and Pardede, E., "The Use of Hints in SQL-Nested Query Optimization", Information Sciences 177(12), pp.2492-521, June 2007.
- Pardede, E., Rahayu, J.W., and Taniar, D., "Object-Relational Complex Structures for XML Storage", Information and Software Technology Journal 48(6), pp.370-84, June 2006.
- Pardede, E., Rahayu, J.W., and Taniar, D., "Preserving Conceptual Constraints During XML Updates", International Journal of Web Information Systems 1(2), pp.65-82, June 2005.
- Rahayu, J.W., Taniar, D., Lee, N.K, and Pardede, E., "A Case Study of Using an Object-Relational Paradigm in Building a Web Database Application", International Journal of Computers and Their Applications 10(3), pp.171-84, September 2003.