Story Map



Using a Kidspiration template the students will fill in the story map with the appropriate information from the story they read.

Technology Skills:(3A, 3B, 7A, 7B, 10A, 10B, 11A)

  • Follow acceptable use policies when using computers
  • Model respect of intellectual property by not illegally copying another individual’s electronic work
  • Use software programs with audio, video, and graphics to enhance learning experiences
  • Use appropriate software, including the use of word processing and multimedia, to express ideas and solve problems
  • Resize graphics
  • Demonstrate the ability to use font attributes, color, white space, and graphics inan electronic document
  • Publish information in a variety of media including printed copy


  • 2.9 (B) Establish purposes for reading or listening such as to be informed, to follow directions, and to be entertained
  • 2.9 (C) Retell the order of event in a story
  • 2.9 (E) Discuss visual images based on text descriptions
  • 2.9 (G) Identify similarities and differences across texts such as in topics, characters, and problems
  • 2.10 (A) Respond to stories and poems in ways that reflect understanding and interpretation in discussion

Duration of Lesson:approximately 1-2 lessons

Before the Computer:

  1. The students will read a story prior to the activity. Introduce the concepts of problem and solution. Explain that most stories have a problem or event that a character faces. The exciting part of many stories is the way that the character explores options and decides what to do to fix the problem. This is called the solution or conclusion.
  2. The students will discuss the elements of the story such as title, author, characters, problem or event, and solution or conclusion of the story.

Procedure:Day One

  1. Direct students to click on Required TechnologyLessonslink on Student Technology Resources. Then, direct them to appropriate lesson.
  1. Open Story Map.
  2. Click the Student Name icon and type your name.
  3. Name and Save document in Home Directory (H: drive).
  4. Using the information discussed in class, fill in the appropriate category on the story map.
  5. Save document.
  6. Print if finished or close the file and work on it on Day 2.
  7. Quit Kidspiration

Procedure: Day Two(if needed)

  1. Open the saved document (in their H drive).
  2. Continue to gather information as instructed in day one.
  3. Save and print document


Language Arts

  • The teacher will check to see that the learner has filled in the categories demonstrating knowledge of the story.
  • The teacher will check the printed document for correct sentence structure.


  • Students demonstrate using technology to share and communicate information with others.
  • Students demonstrate opening and saving a document to/from a specific folder.
  • Students demonstrate identifying the appropriate application for the task by name.
  • Students demonstrate formatting text, editing, inserting symbols and printing.

Developed by LISD Elementary ITS