October 2017
William AlanMuraskin, Ph.D.
Dept of Urban Studies, Queens College, CUNY
Flushing NY 11367
Schools Attended and Degrees
A.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1965 (History)
M.A., Columbia University, 1966 (History)
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1970 (History)
Certification in Psychoanalysis, Center for PsychoanalyticStudies,1984
Professional Employment
Professor, Urban Studies, Queens College, 1995 (Tenured)
Assistant Chairman for Graduate Studies, 1993-Present
Chairman,Urban Studies, Queens College, 1977-1983
Associate Professor, 1976-1994
Assistant Professor, Urban Studies, Queens College, 1971-1975
Post-Doctoral Research Historian, Institute of Race and CommunityRelations, University of California, Berkeley, 1970-1
Lecturer (part-time), History, San Francisco State College,1970-71
Instructor, Summer Session, History, Dominican College of SanRafael, 1970and 1971
Associate, Social Science, University of California, 1971
Head Teaching Assistant, General U.S. History, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, 1968-69
Polio Eradication and Its Discontents:An Historian’s Journey Through an International Public Health (Un)Civil War(Orient BlackSwan, 2012)
The Crusade to Immunize the World’s Children: the Origin of the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program and the Birth of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization(Los Angeles, University of Southern California Marshall School’s Global Biobusiness Initiative Books, 2005).
Vaccines for Developing Economies: WHO WILL PAY?, edited, rearranged, and supplemented by William Muraskin
(Albert Sabin Vaccine Institute: New Canaan, CT, 2001).
The Politics of International Health: the Children’s Vaccine Initiative and the Struggle to Develop Vaccines for the Third World(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998)
The War Against Hepatitis B: a History of the International Task Force on Hepatitis B Immunization(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995)
Middle Class Blacks in a White Society: Prince Hall Freemasonry in America(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975).
“The Power of Individuals and the Dependency of Nations in Global Eradication and Immunization Campaigns” in
The Politics of Vaccination: A Global History(Studies for the Society for the Social History of Medicine) by Christine Holmberg (Editor), Stuart S. Blume (Editor), Paul Greenough, Manchester University, 2017
“Polio eradication was an ideological project,” British Medical Journal,December, 2012, page 345.
“The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) : Is it a New Model forEffective Public Private Cooperation in International Public Health?” ( in press,American Journal of Public Health,Nov.2004).
Review of Baruch Blumberg’sThe Hunt for a Killer Virus: Hepatitis B [Isis(Journal of History of Science]
“The Last Years of the CVI and the Birth of the GAVI,” Chapter 6 inPublic-Private Partnerships for Public Health, edited by Michael Reich, Harvard Series on Population and International Health, Cambridge, Mass., 2002.
"Nutrition and the Decline in Morality: a Dissenting View" (as a chapter in Cambridge University Press’sNutrition andHuman Diseaseseries; 2000).
"The Children's Vaccine Initiative: the Intellectual Origins" (Social Science and Medicine,Vol. 42, No. 12., pp.1703-1719, 1996)
'The Children's Vaccine Initiative: the Political Origins" (Social Science and Medicine,Vol. 42, No. 12., pp.1721-1734, 1996)
"Bucking the Health Establishment: Alexander Milne and theFight for a New Zealand Hepatitis B Immunization Program" (Social Science and Medicine,vol 41, No. 2 , pp.211-225, 1995,
"The Role of Organized Labor in Combating the Hepatitis B (and AIDS) Epidemics: the Fight for an OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard"(International Journal of Health ServicesVol. 25, No. 1,pp.129-152, 1995.
“Hepatitis B as a model (and anti-model) for AIDS,” chapter inAIDS and Contemporary Historyedited by V. Berridge and P. Strong,(Cambridge University Press, February1993).
“Individual Rights vs. the Public Health: The Problem of the Asian Hepatitis B Carriers in America,”Social Science and Medicine36:203-216 (1993).
“Individual Rights vs. the Public Health: the Controversy Over the Integration of Retarded Hepatitis B Carriers into the New York Public School System,”Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences(January 1990).
Review ofAnd the Band Plays On: Politics, People and the AIDS Epidemicby Randy Shilts inJournal of Social History(December 1989).
“The Silent Epidemic: the Social, Ethical and Medical Problems Surrounding the Fight Against Hepatitis B,”Journal of Social History(March1988)
“Economy of N.Y.C.,”Encyclopedia Americana(1987 Edition)
Review ofRegulating Societyby E. Mizruchi inJournal of Social History(1984).
“The Hidden Role of Fraternal Organizations in the Education of Black Adults,”Adult Education(Summer 1976).
“The Social Control Theory in American History: A Critque,”Journal of Social History(June 1976).
“Regulating the Poor: The Problem with Social Control,”Contemporary Sociology(November 1975).
“The Moral Basis of a Backward Sociologist: Edward Banfield, the Italians, and Italian Americans,”American Journal of Sociology(May 1974).
“The Harlem Boycott of 1934: Black Nationalism and the Rise of Labor Union Consciousness,”Labor History(Summer 1972).
“Black Anti-Semitism in the 1930’s,”Community Issues(Institute for Community Studies, Queens College, CUNY) (February 1972).
“An Alienated Elite: Short Works of Fiction inThe Crisis,1910-1950, as a Reflection of Group Marginality,”Journal of Black Studies(April 1971)..
“Social Foundations of the Black Community: the Fraternities- the California Masons as a Test Case,”American Studies Journal{previously calledMidcontinental American Studies JournalFall 1970.
Recent Papers+ Presentations
“The Role of Individuals in Global Immunization” (Keynote speech), Vaccines Conference,FONDATION MERIEUX,Annecy, France, November, 2012
“The Politics of Doing Good: The Problem of Delivering New and Improved Vaccines to the Children of the Developing World,”presentation to the NYU Medical Ethics Seminar, March 31, 2004
“Coalition for Child Survival Background Paper on Low Cost Interventions to Save Young Lives in the Developing World,” (August, 2001)
“The Children’s Vaccine Initiative and the World Bank’s Working Group: Suggestions for American Policy,”presentation to the National Vaccine Program’s Interagency Meeting, Washington, D.C.,February, 1999
“The Children’s Vaccine Initiative and the Politics of Health,”seminar on health policy at University of Amsterdam,October, 1998.
“Lessons from the Children’s Vaccine Initiative for Dealing with the Threat of Emerging Diseases”presentation to the Institute of Medicine forum on Emerging Diseases,1997
“The Fight Against Hepatitis B in Indonesia: The role of cultural and political sensitivity in the creation of a successfully immunization project,” paper delivered at theWorkshop onGlobal Immunization: Compliance and Resistance,”March, 1993.
“Hepatitis B as a Model for AIDS Policy,” paper delivered at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London,AIDSSocial History Conference,April, 1990.
“The Willowbrook Experiments Revisited: Saul Krugman and the Politics of Morality,”American Association for the History of Medicine Conference,May, 1990.
Books and articles(completed manuscripts)
"Willowbrook Experiments Revisited: Saul Krugman and the Politics of Morality"
“The Narcissistic Defense: Some Obsevations on its Environmental Aspects,” 1983 (unpublishedpost-doctoral psychoanalytic thesis).
Honors and Awards and Grants
Sanofi-Pasteur Grant to study Polio Eradication, the Endgame ($50,000 2010)
Rockefeller FoundationGrant ( June, 2005), to study 10 public/private partnerships in international public health looking for “lessons learned” ( $50, 000)
Rockefeller FoundationGrant ( June, 2004), to study 10 public/private partnerships in international public health looking for “lessons learned” ( $50, 000)
Rockefeller Foundation Grant (July, 2003) to study the Development of the Gates Children’s Vaccine Program ($23,000)
Rockefeller Foundation Grant (July, 2002) to study the Development of the Gates Children’s Vaccine Program ($23,000)
Travel Grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program (2002) ($25,000)
Rockefeller Foundation Grant (July, 2001) to study the Development of the Gates Children’s Vaccine Program ($23,000)
Travel Grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program (2001) ($25,000)
Rockefeller Foundation Grant (July, 2000) to study the Development of the Gates Children’s Vaccine Program ($23,000)
Travel Grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program (2000) ($25,000)
Rockefeller Foundation Grant (July, 1999) to study the Development of the Gates Children’s Vaccine Program ($23,000)
Travel Grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program (1999) ($25,000)
World Health Organization/Children’s Vaccine Initiative Grant (Summer, 1999) to study the “Final Chapter of the CVI” ($25,000)
City University of New York (CUNY) Research Foundation Award, 1999
City University of New York (CUNY) Research Foundation Award 1998
City University of New York (CUNY) Research Foundation Award, 1996
Rockefeller Foundation Grant to study Vaccine Development for Third World Countries (1994) - $25,000
Rockefeller FoundationGrant (Subvention) to Support Publication ofWar Against Hepatitis B1993
City University of New York (CUNY) Research Foundation Award, 1995
City University of New York (CUNY) Research Foundation Award, 1994
City University of New York (CUNY) Research Foundation Award,1992
City University of New York (CUNY) Research Foundation Award,1991
CUNY Research Foundation Award, Emergency Grant, January 1990
Mellon Fellow,(Queens College)1983-4
Magna Cum Laude, General Scholarship, 1965
Magna Cum Laude, History, 1965
Phi Beta Kappa
Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1965-66 (at Columbia University)
National Endowment for the Humanities Post-Doctor Fellowship in Ethnic Studies 1971-2 (declined)