Proof Copy ([1/4E] in the process of updating)

Prof. Dr Jan Pająk


Volume 18

Our fight for the liberation of Earth from UFO occupation

Scientific monograph, 4th edition, New Zealand, 2004

ISBN 0-9583727-5-6

Copyright 8 1998 by Prof. Dr Jan Pająk.

All rights reserved. No part of this monograph may be reproduced, stored in a database or retrieval system, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission from the author or a person legally authorized to act on his behalf. From the obligation of getting such a written permission are only released those who would like to prepare a single copy of this monograph for their personal use oriented towards the increase of their knowledge and who fulfil the condition that they will not use the copy prepared for any professional purpose or for accomplishing material gains, and also that they copy the entire monograph - including the title page, the content pages, all chapters, all illustrations, and all enclosures.

A private edition by the author. Registered in the National Library of New Zealand as legal deposit dated 29 October 1998. Published in New Zealand, in two language versions: English and Polish.

Date of the latest amendment of this volume and copy: 31 October 2004. (Note that in case of having access to several copies of this monograph, it is recommended to read the copy which has the latest date of amendment.)

This monograph is available from Internet through addresses:,,,,, It can also be accessed through links from following web sites:,,,,,,,,,,,, and

This monograph [1/4E] is a scientific report from results of the author's research. For this reason all parts which have documentary or evidential value are presented accordingly to standards applicable for scientific publications (reports). Special attention is given to the requirement of repetitiveness, i.e. that on the basis of this monograph any professional scientist or hobby investigator who would like to verify, repeat, or extend the author's research should be able to recreate his work and arrive at very similar results and conclusions.

This is a fourth edition (augmented and updated) of the most important scientific publication by the author, which third (previous) edition [1/3] was published in 1998 (in Polish) and carried the same title and editorial data, while the first edition was the monograph [1e]:

Dr Jan Pajak: "Advanced Magnetic Propulsion Systems". Monograph, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1990, ISBN 0959794697, a private edition by the author, 460 pages (including 7 Tables and 163 illustrations).

All correspondence to the author of this monograph [1/4] can be directed at the following his address in New Zealand:

Dr Jan Pajak

P.O. Box 33250

Petone 6340


Home tel. (in 2004): +64 (4) 56-94-820; E-mails: or

ABSTRACT of the volume 18 of monograph [1/4E] "Advanced magnetic devices", ISBN 0-9583727-5-6.

As we know this from the history of our planet, a civilisation conquests other one either to rob it from some sort of assets, or to exploit it. If the conquest is for the purpose of robbing, then usually the side which looses the fight is annihilated. After all, in such a case important are only the assets that it has, not the civilisation itself. According to this principle, Hitler's Germans annihilated nations they managed to conquest - they were only interested in the land which these nations occupied. But when the conquest is for the purposes of exploitation, then the main asset is the enslaved nation. As such, this nation cannot be completely annihilated, although it must be thrown on its knees and terrorised. Invaders from the Middle East, for example Ottoman Turks, used to operate in this manner. (Actually, the philosophy of Ottoman Turks was almost an exact copy of the philosophy of UFOnauts that occupy us.) Of course, if a nation is not annihilated, then with the elapse of time it begins to liberate itself from the slavery. In the final effect it always turns against its oppressors and escapes further slavery. There is no even a single case in the history of Earth, when a given nation would allow to exploit itself for a longer than several hundred years.

So how invaders must act, if they want to exploit a given civilisation for the period of time infinitively long. Well there is only one solution. They cannot allow that the enslaved civilisation learns that it is enslaved, nor is allowed to ever see the oppressors. According to what is explained in chapters U, V, and VB, this is exactly what UFOnauts do to us. Due to the continuous hiding their oppression, they managed to keep Earth enslaved for the last 40 000 years. They accomplished such huge success in their enslaving and exploitation of humanity, only because with an iron discipline they continually implement the strict rule, that they do not allow people to see them, and do not allow people to realise that someone occupies and exploits humanity. Methods with the use of which they accomplished this, are explained in chapters P to V.

What in such a situation should do the civilisation that is enslaved and exploited by such an evil and shrewd cosmic parasite. Well, it must defend itself. But how to defend itself from someone whom we cannot see and who does not allow us to realise that it actually does exist. This volume, or more strictly chapter W, explains this. For example, the defence should be initiated by every person separately. Only then from individual fighters various defence institutions can be formed. In order to win with such a powerful enemy, we also need to find and attack the "Achilles heel" of this enemy. In case of UFOnauts this heel is already found and described in subsection V11 - it is their immorality. The skilful utilisation of the action of moral laws, as this is described in subsections W6.2 and W6.1, neutralizes this huge physical advantage that UFOnauts have over people. With the elapse of time, the most important component of the physical fight, becomes finding a way for seeing our enemy. Of course, in the first period of fight, this seeing does not need to depend on actual visual noticing the enemy, but can boil down to just learning how to detect the fact of the arrival of invisible UFOs, and how to identify signs of the nearby presence and activity of UFOnauts. Furthermore, a part of this seeing is the identification, and exposing to others, manners on which this cosmic parasite exploits people. Of course, as time progresses, the most urgent task of undertaking the defence against this invisible occupant, becomes the completion of technical devices which would allow to see UFOnauts visually, and later also allow to stun and to physically neutralise them.

This volume is to show how we should begin our self-defence from invisible UFOnauts, which exploit humanity from the beginning of time. Such a defence is a difficult task. Thus this volume provides only starting points. It guides us through first methods, means, directions, and goals of our defence from UFOnauts that occupy Earth. Further methods and means we still need to seek together later. However, it provides the initial and already proven in action guidelines as to how our defence should develop, what methods we should use, where the defence should lead us, etc.

This volume may serve as a resource publication for all these people who intend to familiarise themselves with matters of our defence from UFOnauts. But it is also highly useful to people who do not believe in UFOs at all. This is because in subsections W6.1 to W6.3 it presents very effective methods of our moral defence against immoral enemy that dominates over us in physical strength. These methods utilise the action of moral laws for neutralising the physical power of an immoral enemy. Therefore, they guarantee for us a victory in defence, even if our enemy is incomparably more powerful from us. So they are extremely useful both, during the defence from evil UFOnauts, and also during defence from immoral people. Every inhabitant of Earth is going to benefit, if he or she masters these methods practically, and then uses them in all defence battles of his or her everyday life.

CONTENT of the volume 18 of monograph [1/4E] "Advanced magnetic devices", ISBN 0-9583727-5-6

Page Chapter

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1 Title page

2 Abstract of volume 18

3 Content of volume 18 (notice that the complete content of monograph [1/4E] is contained in volume 1)

Volume 18: Our fight for the liberation of Earth from UFO occupation


W-03 W1. Call to arms

W-08 W2. Requirements and conditions of engagement into the defence fight with UFOnauts

W-12 W3. Levels of aware engagement of individual people

into the defence from cosmic oppressors

W-15 W4. How to attempt the more effective defence of our planet

W-20 W5. How and with what we should defend ourselves against evil parasites from UFOs

W-26 W5.1. The review of revealing and detecting devices

W-27 W5.2. Ideas of new types of weapon against UFOnauts

W-28 W5.3. Examples of defence activities that each one of us can undertake

W-31 W5.4. Ways of self-defending ourselves from UFOnauts,

that already proven their effectiveness in action

W-33 W6. Strategy of our defence activities

W-42 W6.1. "Method of the blind samurai" for overcoming obstacles placed on our path by UFOnauts

W-45 W6.2. "Method of Jesus" for winning confrontations with a physically more powerful aggressor

W-48 W6.3. A "method of emotional blaming those truly guilty" that effectively decreases our pain

W-50 W7. Our anonymous allies from space and forms of their assistance

W-54 W8. What most probably happens if we do not attempt to defend ourselves

W-64 W9. Resistance movement (RO) - the first institution for an organised fight with UFOnauts

W-74 W10. To conclude







(1) A Polish language version of this monograph [1/4] is already available. It is downloadable from Internet sites listed on the front page in each volume. Therefore, in case there is a difficulty in accessing an English version of this monograph, or when someone finds an English version quite difficult to read, and simultaneously this someone knows the Polish language, then it would be recommended for him/her to reach for the Polish version of this monograph.

(2) In case of making a printout of the above list of content from the Internet version of [1/4], the page numbers provided above not necessarily need to correspond to the page numbers that appear on subsequent pages. This is because the formatting of this monograph was made for the font "Universal Condensed" (size: 12 pt), and for the printer "HP LaserJet 5MP" controlled from the word-processor "Word Perfect version 6.0 for DOS". All other fonts and other printers are going to cause a different density of print, and thus also a different allocation of page numbers.

Chapter W.


Motto of this chapter: "Each single one of us from the very birth is fighting with UFOnauts, only that does not know about this fight, because it is a fight of "a blind with a sadist". Invisible UFOnauts massacre us, while we do not return blows because we do not see who is hitting us. There is about time that each one of us stands up to this fight and begins to return the blows that is receiving."

The content of this monograph revealed to us beyond any doubt, that Earth is occupied and robbed by technically highly advanced, although morally completely decadent, evil parasites from UFOs. These UFOnauts continually rob, oppress, harm, persecute, and frequently even murder us, in a hidden manner. So each single one of us, without being aware of this, is continually fighting with UFOnauts. Only that he or she is not returning the blows that is receiving from UFOnauts, because does not see the enemy. So this our fight so-far was only in a single direction, like the fight of "a blind with a sadist". UFOnauts massacred us as much as they wanted, while we did not return even a single blow. In the face of this our hidden massacre, we have no other option, than according to moral laws initiate our self-defence and start to return the blows that we receive. This chapter is aimed at explaining how we should undertake this our moral duty of self-defence, and in which direction we should carry it out. It is worth to realise, that this chapter does not ask us to do anything new. After all, each one of us is fighting with UFOnauts since the moment of birth. This chapter only adds to this fight a practical instructions, as to how we are able to return to UFOnauts successfully the blows that they so generously are serving to us.

It is obvious, that the majority of people confronted with the need to undertake a defensive fight against evil parasites from UFOs, are not going to know where to start, and what their contribution should be. This chapter is aimed at explaining this problem. Our initial working out of the manner and the direction of our own contribution to this defence, I would advice to initiate from considering what we do everyday, and in what activities we are best. Then we should consider, how to include our defence efforts into these everyday activities. As it is revealed in this monograph, our defence efforts can go in a countless number of directions. After all, a defense is, amongst others, everything that is listed in subsection W5.3, and that can be implemented practically by almost each one of us.