/ Federale

Implementation guidelines

-Message “TRANSFER” - Air freight

Version 1.8

24 JUNI 2015

Message Name: TRANSFER

Message Version:1.8

Date Released: 24/06/2015

Responsible Agency:Belgian Customs

Message Type:XML

Document Information

Document title / Implementation guidelines - Message “Transfer”
Project Name / ECS
File name
Author / Michaël Vico
Rev / Section / Date / Author / Changes
1.0 / All / 30/06/10 / Michaël Vico / Draft - early stage
1.1 / All / 02/09/10 / Michaël Vico / Draft – message specifications & functional specifications added
1.2 / 10/10/2010 / Michaël Vico / Draft – Add expediteur and handling in tag <Goodslocation>
1.3 / All / 01/09/2012 / Martine De Doncker / EN translation and reviewing of the document
1.4 / All / 06/11/2012 / Afdeling Ondersteuning automatisering / Peer review
1.5 / All / 22/04/2013 / Pascal DUCHENE / Adaptations for the express companies
1.6 / All / 16/07/2013 / Pascal DUCHENE / Corrections + use of art. 793
1.7 / All / 26/11/2013 / Transfer message – Message Specifications: changed (Master) Waybill to 1 instead of 999
1.8 / All / 24/06/2015 / Klara Pasgang / Replace the XSD and sample XML package with a URL



2.Message “TRANSFER”

2.1. Technical specifications

2.2.Message specifications

2.3.Functional specifications


2.3.2.Validation Rules

3.XSD schema

4.Message “Customs response”

5.Example of a ‘TRANSFER’ message


This message is sentto the customs authoritiesby the customs broker or the handling company. In this message, the customs brokeror handling company informs the customs administration about:

- Goods leavinghis warehouse(broker) or storage location (handling company);

-Handlingcompanythat will loadthe goods or the broker that will receive back the consignment.
The customs authoritiesrespondto boththe customs broker(in XML) ANDthe handling company(by Mail) in case of a positive answer.

For the adaptation of the process for the express companies , this message becomes conditional. This message must only be send in case of a transfer of location and in case of the use of article 793.

This message is also sent when the broker/handler/express company uses the article 793. In this case the trader has to indicate the code ‘BEBRUART793’ in the field MESSAGE-(MASTER)WAYBILL-HANDLING-LOCATION HANDLING but the EORI at agent level and at handling level must be the same (see rule 16).

One time that the broker/handler/express company uses this article 793, the goods are considered as exported and the customs system don’t expect any more messages concerning these goods.

2.Message “TRANSFER”

2.1. Technical specifications

The used messageformat is of the typeXML. Web services are the only possibility to forwardthe messages.

2.2.Message specifications


















N° / Field / Form / Content / Rules / XML tag
0 / Message / <Transfer>
1.1 / Message identifier / an..35 / Unique identification of the message / <messageIdentifier>
1.2 / Function / n1 / 9 = first
1 = cancel / R1
R2 / <function>
1.3 / Agent / Agent
1.3.1 / Type / an3 / Default code: EOR / type
1.3.2 / Identification / an..17 / EORI number of the sender of the arrival notification of the goods
OR the EORI number of the handling company who has confirmed the arrival of the goods via the confirmation message (in case the goods must be resent to the broker or has to be transferred to another handling company) / R3
R16 / identification
1.3.3 / Location / an..35 / Location of goods (broker location or handling location)
See: / R5 / location
1.4 / (Master) waybill
((M)AWB) / MasterWaybill
1.4.1 / Reference / an..40 / (M)AWB Number / R6 / masterWaybillNumber
1.4.2 / Package type / an2 / ISO code for packages (UNECE Recommendation No. 21) / R12 / packageType
1.4.3 / Quantity / n..6 / Quantity / R8
R15 / quantity
1.4.4 / Gross mass / n..11,3 / Gross mass in KGM / R7
R15 / weight
1.4.5 / Estimated Transfer time / xs:dateTime / R9 / <transferDateTime>
1.4.6 / Handling / Handling / Type / an3 / Default code: EOR / type / Identification / an..17 / EORI number of the handling agent to whom the goods will be transferred OR
EORI number of the broker to whom the goods will be sent back OR the EORI of the sender of the message in case of using article 793 / R3
R16 / identification / Location handling / an..35 / Location of goods to where the goods will be (re)transferred (handling location or warehouse broker)
See: / R11
R16 / location

2.3.Functional specifications


R1 = A cancellation message is only allowed by the broker on the condition that the handling company has not yet sent his confirmation messageor the goods are still at the EU territory and can only be performed by the customs broker.

R2 =It is only possible to cancel a transfer and to send a new ‘Transfer’ message with another destination, when the handling company has not yet sent his confirmation message.

R3 =The EORI must be known by ECS (in the EORI DB).

R4 =The EORI of the customs broker must be the same as the EORI of the message “Arrival of goods”.


  1. In case that a handling company has sent his confirmation concerning the receiving of the goods then he may transfer these goods further to another handling company. In this case the EORI of the handling company must be the same as the EORI of the “Confirmation message”.
  2. In case that a handling company has sent his confirmation concerning the receiving of the goods then he may sent back these goods to the customs broker. In this case the EORI of the handling company must be the same as the EORI of the “Confirmation message”.

R5 =The location must be known by ECS and must be the same as the location of the message “Arrival of goods”.


  1. In case that a handling company has sent his confirmation concerning the receiving of the goods then he may transfer these goods further to another handling company. In this case must the given location be equal to the location of the “Confirmation message”.
  2. In case that a handling company has sent his confirmation concerning the receiving of the goods then he may sent back these goods to the customs broker. In this case must the given location be equal to the location of the “Confirmation message”.

R6 =The master waybill must be known by ECS.

R7 =The transferred gross mass should not exceed the still open gross mass of the master waybill.

R8 =The transferred quantity should not exceed the still open quantity of the master waybill.

R9 =The estimated transfer time should not be in the future + 1 day and must not be lesserthan the arrival date at the office of exit.

R10 =The receiver of the goods must be defined within the ECS as handling company or in case that the goods are sent back to the customs broker as the original customs broker who has sent the “Arrival of goods” message or in case of the use of article 793 the sender of the message must be the same as the EORI at agent level..

R11 =The location of the handling must be known by ECS and must be linked to the handling company and the office of exit or in case that the goods are sent back to the customs broker, the location must be equal to the location ofthe original customs broker who has sent the “Arrival of goods” message.

R12 =The kind of packages must be the same as the package type of the master waybill.

R13 =IF ‘Package type’ indicates ‘BULK’ (UNECE rec 21 : ‘VQ’, ‘VG’, ‘VL’,‘VY’,’VR’, ‘VS’ or ‘VO’)
THEN the field ‘Quantity’ must be equal to the value 0
ELSE the field ‘Quantity’ must contain always a value greater than 0.

R14 =The goods can only sent back to the broker when the MAWB is not partially transferred.

R15 =If the customs broker sends the transfer then quantity and gross mass must be equal to the quantity and gross mass of the MAWB

R16 =If the field ‘Transfer/MasterWaybill/Handling/Location’ contents the code ‘BEBRUART793’, the content of the fields ’Transfer/Agent/identification’ and ‘Transfer/Waybill/Handling/identification’ (EORI number) must be the same.

2.3.2.Validation Rules

Rule / Comment / Error
<function> in (1,9) / 1 = cancel
9 = initial submission / UnknownFunction
<agent<agentType> in (EOR)
handlinghandlingType> in (EOR) / EOR => EORI number as identification / UnknownAgentType
<masterWaybill<mawbPackageType> / The type of package must be conform to UNECE Recommendation No. 21 / UnknownPackageType

3.XSD schema

The relevant XML Schema is ‘Transfer.xsd’ and its included XSDs. They can be downloaded as a package from section “Pakket 2 – Functioneel technische specificaties goederenstromen – Berichtspecificaties”, Luchtvracht

4.Message “Customs response”

On all received ‘Transfer’messages,the customs system willsendareplyto thesender of the message viathe message ‘Customs response’.

On all received positive ‘Transfer’ messages, the customs system willsendareplyto thehandler (in case the handler is different of the sender of the message )viaEMAIL. The subject of this email will be the MAWB and the content of the transfer message that ECS has received from the customs broker or handling company or express company.

The detail of the message ‘Customs response’ can befoundin the document ‘MIG – Customs response’.

5.Example of a ‘TRANSFER’ message

The relevant example ‘sample_Transfer_01_valid.xml’ is included sample xml. It can be downloaded as a package from section “Pakket 2 – Functioneel technische specificaties goederenstromen – Berichtspecificaties”, Luchtvracht