Sub : Comprehensive Operation & Maintenance of CIDCO’s Municipal
Solid Waste processing and disposal facility at Village Chal near
Taloja, MIDC as per Municipal Solid Waste
(Management & Handling) Rules – 2000
C.A. No. : 12/CIDCO/SE(ENV)/EE(ENV-I)/2010-11
The Pre-bid meeting was held on 04-01-2011 at 11.00 Hrs. in the Office of SE (ENV), 3rd Floor, CIDCO Bhavan, CBD Belapur
Following were present,
1. Shri. P.M.Tambade SE(ENV)
2. Dr. Bavaskar CHO
3. Shri. S.S.Gosavi EE(ENV-I)
4. Shri. P.J.Ranjoalkar AEE(ENV-I)
From contractor :
1. Shri. Khillari .S.S For M/S. Khillari.S.S.
2. Shri.Mohan Kadam For M/S. Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure ltd
The points raised during the pre-bid meeting heeled on 04-01-2011 and clarifications given are as below.
Sr.No / Points raised by / Clarification1
2 / M/S. Khilari . S.S and M/S. Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd
a. There are number of documents which are to be attested and to be uploaded on the web site. Further time given for studying & submission of main tender is very short and hence it is requested to extend the submission of main tender.
b. As per the tender vide clause no xviii of particular specifications , the agency has to provide 2 Nos of sorting machineries along with conveyor etc. Agency requested that since the machineries will be new and hence there will not be necessity for two machines of which one will be as stand by considering the contract period of two years.
c. As per the tender, the receipt of MSW is not clarified as the period required for procurement of plant & machineries including erection will require minimum four to six months.
Points raised by M/S. Khilari.S.S
a. The contract period shall be minimum 5 years as there will be heavy investment in machineries for a short period of two years considered in the tender. This will reflect in the rates to be quoted.
b. The tender conditions regarding provision of vehicle to CIDCO staff may please be deleted & it will also reflect in quoting offer. / It is clarified that the revised date of submission of main tender is extended up to 17-01-2011 in lieu of 07-01-2011.The other details will be published on the web site.
It is clarified that the clause no xviii of particular specifications is to be read as “ The contractor has to provide screening machinery with conveyor streams able to handle MSW of 150MT per day with necessary skip containers, mini loader truck, articulated mini loader with windrow turner and clamp bucket, screens rotary or vibratory with conveyor with all necessary additional machineries required for composting if any.
It is clarified that the date of receipt of MSW will commence in the first week of issuance of work order. The agency has to make necessary arrangements to receive the MSW at site. The agency has to stack the matured MSW in a systemic manner and has to erect the machineries as early as possible . The matured MSW has to be processed for composting and the rejects of MSW has to be disposed in the landfill site.
It is clarified that there will not be any change in the contract period.
It is clarified that there will not be any change in the tender conditions.
3 / Points raised by M/S. Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd
a. Rain shade over composting platform and leachate pond are necessary during the monsoons and there is no mention of provision of the same in the tender.
b. In schedule ‘A’, item no 1a, 5th line , screening of bio-degradable waste in lieu of shreading of bio degradable waste.
c. In particular specification, under clause vi & vii of composting operation, the word shredded to be replaced by screening. / It is clarified that CIDCO may undertake the work of providing the rain shade over composting platform and leachate pond seperately.
It is clarified that the word screening to be read in lieu of shreading and also in the typical flow diagram of composting of MSW .
It is clarified that under clause vi & vii of composting operation shall be read as screening in lieu of shredded.
All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
These minutes of the meeting shall form part of the tender document and shall be uploaded along with the main tender as per the revised schedule.
Signature of the contractor Additional Chief Engineer (II)
Date Date :