2016 CYA PNW Fleet Calendar

as of 12/15/2015

January 9PNW Fleet Change of Watch, Tacoma Yacht Club

2016 PNW Vice Commodore Jennie Dahlby

2015 PNW Commodore Bob Wheeler

2016 PNW Commodore Peter E. Riess

January 16-18CYA Board of Director Meetings and Change of Watch Banquet

CYA Commodore Randy Olafson

Vancouver, BC.

TBDPNW Auction, location:CWB Northlake Warehouse & Shop

Chair, Ken Meyer

April TBDCYA Opening Day/Commodores Cruise

Commodore Peter E. Riess

May 7Opening Day of Boating, Portage Bay, Seattle

Past Commodore .Diane Lander SYC POC

Dockmaster: Past Como. Mike Oswald

May 7-8Olympia Wooden Boat Festival, Olympia

Ed & Suzie Docherty

May 14-16Tides Tavern Classic Fish 'N' Ships Festival, Gig Harbor

Randy Mueller

June 3-5Edmonds Waterfront Festival, Edmonds

Bob Birdseye

June 17-19Bell Street Pier Classic Rendezvous, Seattle

Chip and Kristin Kochel

July 4Fourth of July, Center for Wooden Boats, Lake Union, Seattle

Contact the Center for Wooden Boats, cwb.org

July 15-17Des Moines Classic Car & Wooden Boat Show, Des Moines

Todd Powell

July 15-24South Sound Cruise - Tentative

Past Commodore Ann Hay

August 6 La Conner Classic Yacht & Car Show, La Conner

Past Comodore.Ann Hay

August 25-28Vancouver Wooden Boat Festival, Granville Island, BC, Canada

Russ & Dee DeeChernoff, CAN Fleet

Past Commodore Larry Benson, PNW Fleet

August 29 -30 Secret Island

Kurt & Marsha Erickson, Hosts

September 2-4 Victoria Classic Boat Festival, Victoria, BC, Canada

John West, Past Commodore Mike & Peggy O'Brien Past Commodore David Huchthausen,

September 6-8Deer Harbor Classic Rendezvous, Orcas Island

September 9-11Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival, Port Townsend

Past CommodoreLarry Benson
Classic Seminar Chair: Rick Randall

September TBDBrownsville Appreciation Days (BAD)

Commodore PeterE. Riess & Richard Gardner

October 15-17Pumpkin Cruise, Lake Location TBD

Past CommodoreDave & Heather Ellis

TBD PNW Fleet Annual General Membership meeting

Location TBD

PNW Commodore Peter E. Riess

November 25Thanksgiving Cruise, Husky Dock, Seattle

Past CommodoresJim & Margie Paynton

December TBDChristmas Cruise, Husky Dock, Seattle

Janice & Roger Palmer
December 31New Year's Eve, South Lake Union Park, Seattle

Dorin Ellis